Videos of Biden looking lost are a viral political tactic: ‘low-level manipulation’

Emotion? My only emotion regarding Trump is disgust.

Trump was never very smart or articulate, but all you have to do is watch them speak to see that Biden is struggling considerably more than Trump.
ok then stand by your view.

Transcripts of speeches are super easy to find with a google speech.

You post a link to the last Biden speech that you think reads in a way that shows his mental decline, and i will pick one from Trump and we can compare.

Are you ok with that challenge?
Joe Biden wandered off.

Standing among the west’s major leaders in Italy last week, the US president turned away, seemingly in confusion, and had to be alerted back to the group to take a photo – at least, that’s what rightwing media showed.

“WHAT IS BIDEN DOING?” the Republican National Committee’s research Twitter account wrote.

In actuality, it was nothing strange at all. Biden had turned toward skydivers and given them a thumbs up, a broader view of the video showed.

It happened again at a fundraiser with former president Barack Obama. Biden “appears to freeze up” on stage, the New York Post wrote, saying Obama had to lead Biden off the stage in the latest example of the president being “dazed or confused”.

A zoomed-out video of the incident showed Biden waving and taking in the applause from the crowd after a lengthy discussion
Guano, not only are you a dupe, you are desperate.