Virgin Mary statue stirs up debate in secular Uruguay


MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (AP) -- The South American country of Uruguay has a long tradition of secularism, to the point that a popular president in the early 1900s insisted on writing the word "God" with a lowercase "g'' whenever he wrote about his policies in local newspapers.

So when the Catholic Church recently proposed erecting a statue of the Virgin Mary in a park next to a popular promenade, a debate erupted over whether religious symbols in public places violate the separation between church and state.

But we all know that it's reallly about separation of state FROM church, if not state DESTROYING church. ;)
See, unlike other JPPers on this forum, I'm allowing ALL members to be heard on this thread, however degenerate they might be.

Good work, perverts! ;)
How does one keep an intact hymen during vaginal birth?
Mary could not be a virgin, twice.

Mad skills is how! Anyway, intact hymen is a bad measuring stick. Many modern American teens lose their hymens through rigorous physical activity (not sexual, I mean). Does that make them not virgins?
Mad skills is how! Anyway, intact hymen is a bad measuring stick. Many modern American teens lose their hymens through rigorous physical activity (not sexual, I mean). Does that make them not virgins?

Mary was a slut. A teenaged slut.

Face it.