Vodka ad "gives away" CA, AZ, NM etc. to Mexico


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In case the anyone thought the corrupt whiners and demagogues who helped ruin the country of Mexico had given up their desire to move on to new territory.....


Company 'gives away' Southwest to Mexico

Vodka ad shows 'Absolut world' in which California, Arizona, others secede

Posted: April 03, 2008
5:16 pm Eastern

A new ad for Absolut vodka reconfigures North America according to the aspirations of many Mexicans, who believe the U.S. Southwest was stolen and should be returned.

Over a redrawn map of the U.S., the ad by the Swedish Absolut Spirits Co. declares, "In an Absolut World," noted columnist and blogger Michelle Malkin.


Major Hispanic civil rights groups in the U.S., such as the National Council of La Raza, are tied to movements advocating a "reconquista," or reconquest, of territory lost when Mexico signed the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo at the end of the Mexican-American War.

Malkin points out the Mexico City-based firm that created the ad, Teran, says its philosophy is advocating "disruption" as a "tool for change" and "agent of growth." The firm encourages "overturning assumptions and prejudices that get in the way of imagining new possibilities and visionary ideas that help create a larger share of the future."

As WND reported in 2006, Rep. Charles Norwood, R-Ga., called on La Raza to renounce its support of the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan – which sees "The Race" as part of an ethnic group that one day will reclaim Aztlan, the mythical birthplace of the Aztecs. In Chicano folklore, Aztlan includes California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and parts of Colorado and Texas.

In 2002, a prominent Chicano activist and University of California at Riverside professor, Armando Navarro, told WND he believed secession is inevitable if demographic and social trends continue.

"If in 50 years most of our people are subordinated, powerless, exploited and impoverished, then I will say to you that there are all kinds of possibilities for movements to develop like the ones that we've witnessed in the last few years all over the world, from Yugoslavia to Chechnya," Navarro said.

"A secessionist movement is not something that you can put away and say it is never going to happen in the United States," he contended. "Time and history change."

Navarro said one could argue "that while Mexico lost the war in 1848, it will probably win it in the 21st century, in terms of the numbers."
Yeah, who cares? If they want to secede then more power to them. Can't see why they want to go back to Mexico, but...
This is hilarious. Take about faux outrage.

In any event, my favorite part of this story is the Absolut ad executive's (Jeffrey Moran) response to Malkin's email:

Your message

To: Moran, Jeffrey
Subject: Offensive ad
Sent: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 15:18:30 -0400

was deleted without being read on Thu, 3 Apr 2008 16:28:51 -0400

Yeah, who cares? If they want to secede then more power to them. Can't see why they want to go back to Mexico, but...
The idea that Mexico ever had any strong control over that area is rewriting history. It is a Myth that the area was supposedly controlled by the Aztecs that drive La Raza who thinks it is their God-given quest to retake that area...
This is hilarious. Take about faux outrage.

In any event, my favorite part of this story is the Absolut ad executive's (Jeffrey Moran) response to Malkin's email:

Your message

To: Moran, Jeffrey
Subject: Offensive ad
Sent: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 15:18:30 -0400

was deleted without being read on Thu, 3 Apr 2008 16:28:51 -0400


LOL, That is fvcking hilarious!

So, what am I supposed to be pissed about again?
This is true...........

The idea that Mexico ever had any strong control over that area is rewriting history. It is a Myth that the area was supposedly controlled by the Aztecs that drive La Raza who thinks it is their God-given quest to retake that area...

The Aztecs were driven North by the Spanish conquest of Mexico...they were also followed north by the Spaniards...thus California became a Special conquest by Spain...It was controlled by Spain...until Captain Freemont entered the picture in 1848!
The Mexican land was stolen, but the people who live there now came from America and have no desire to return. There's no way Mexico could take it back, even if it had all the military might in the world.
The US stealing of half of Mexico was probably the worst example of our stealing, besides the Indians. At least we paid the Spaniards.
We didn't steal half of mexico, they lost the war and then signed the treaty. Not only that but they WANTED to sell most of Sonora and Baja California. We should have taken it.
But did the spaniards steal it from someone ?
Buying stolen property is still dealing in stolen property.
But did the spaniards steal it from someone ?
Buying stolen property is still dealing in stolen property.
Conquest of large portions of land by one soveriegn from another is not theft unless the conquering army is repulsed or defeated later. History is always told from the POV of the victor.