Voltaire and God

Correct. But the term "atheist" has no value because it means so many things to different people.

Atheism actually has a set of defined meanings. By your metric the word "Christian" has no meaning because there are so many variants of being a Christian. "Religion" has no meaning since there are so many different forms of religion. Hopefully you see what I'm getting at.

My position is:
I do not know if any GOD (or gods) exist or not;

Just as you do not know whether the invisible demon in your freezer exists.

Fit your question into that...and I will respond.

I believe I have.

Atheism actually has a set of defined meanings. By your metric the word "Christian" has no meaning because there are so many variants of being a Christian. "Religion" has no meaning since there are so many different forms of religion. Hopefully you see what I'm getting at.

Just as you do not know whether the invisible demon in your freezer exists.

I believe I have.
You haven't...at all.

I do not know if any gods exist or not. What I am saying there is that I do not know the true nature of the REALITY of existence.

If that confuses you, we just will not be able to have a meaningful discussion.

I'm okay with that.
Yes, understood. None of us know if there's anything behind the reality we experience directly. That is a given.

Okay...there we agree.

It does not confuse me at all.

Sorry, O, but your earlier responses tend to indicate a type of confusion.

You seem to be going out of your way to negate the possibility of a rational discussion of (at least a part of) the issue at hand.
If you had the Holy Spirit living in you ,the gift to true believers ,you wouldn't have to guess educated or not.

That is, of course, if you blind guess that a "Holy Spirit" actually exists...rather than that it simply is a fantasy of yours to which you are wedded.
You seem to be going out of your way to negate the possibility of a rational discussion of (at least a part of) the issue at hand.

Yes, of course. If you don't understand my position it must be that I am going out of my way to negate a rational discussion. There can be no other explanation.
Given that you repeatedly tell me that my position (atheism) has no meaning, I'd say you clearly do NOT understand my position.
I have NEVER held the position that the position that you describe as "atheism" has no meaning. I am talking about the word "atheist"...not your position.

So I ask again: Do you understand your position?
I have NEVER held the position that the position that you describe as "atheism" has no meaning. I am talking about the word "atheist"...not your position.

When you say atheism has no "meaning" and attempt to dismiss my claims to being an atheist it really feels very much like a denigration of my position.
Correct. But the term "atheist" has no value because it means so many things to different people.
(Emphasis added)

So I ask again: Do you understand your position?

That is very insulting. I'm growing tired of this sort of thing. This forum is nothing but people slagging each other.

Of course I understand it. Don't be a fucking asshole.
If you had the Holy Spirit living in you ,the gift to true believers ,you wouldn't have to guess educated or not.

This is dodgy theology. It basically says you have to believe before you can believe.

If God exists I should hope He would be more rational than that.
When you say atheism has no "meaning" and attempt to dismiss my claims to being an atheist it really feels very much like a denigration of my position.

(Emphasis added)

You really have to learn to read with comprehension, O.

I have not done what you seem to be suggesting I have.

The word "atheist" has so many different meanings to so many different people...that when one says "I am an atheist" it is impossible to be sure what that person means. If you consider that to be a denigration of your position...nothing I can do about it except to ask that you learn to read with comprehension.

That is very insulting. I'm growing tired of this sort of thing.

When I grow tired of a discussion...I withdraw from that discussion.

This forum is nothing but people slagging each other.

It is much more than that. You seem to be very defensive today. If you are, by nature, a defensive person...this may not be the right forum for you.

Of course I understand it. Don't be a fucking asshole.

You do not understand it. You just think you do.

I am not being a fucking asshole.

I am being annoying, I'll give you that. But you are asking for it.