Voter ignorance is Trump’s superpower. It can also be his weakness.

Voter ignorance is Trump’s superpower. It can also be his weakness.​

Trump is relying on disinformation, ignorance, and voter amnesia to propel himself back to the Oval Office. That leaves a big opportunity for Joe Biden.

A recent CBS/YouGov poll on how well Republican voters understand the stakes of Donald Trump’s campaign for the White House included an interesting, albeit alarming, statistic. Only 35% of Republicans polled, as noted by The Washington Post’s Aaron Blake, say they know that Trump has been indicted for conspiring to overturn the 2020 election. Almost the same number — 34% — don’t think he’s been indicted for his attempts to stop the peaceful transfer of power.

Voting for Biden is a sign of mental illness and stupidity. Ironic when morons stupid enough to vote for a serial lying dipshit like Biden call others ignorant.
Trump, being the compulsive liar, is not the problem. It is those, like yourself, who are the compulsive believers.

What lies? The imagined ones leftist media and loe IQ leftists project onto Trump?

Meanwhile, the definition of stupid is voting and supporting a corrupt, serial lying dunce like Biden.

It is the pinnacle of hypocrisy when dumbasses who voted for Biden whine about lying.

Unable and unwilling to sort fact from fiction.

Pretty much defines the left and Democrats.
Fantasy or yet another lie....the answer is not a great degree however it does not matter.

These are not people who deal in reality.

These are not people who will help.

Pally boy, I shit things smarter than you. The point that I made is the fucking truth that you can’t refute.

Trump is a compulsive, pathological liar. He lies like most people breathe air. He really isn’t the problem for people who can sift through that bullshit and recognize him for what he is. A conman.

I know, because you and MSNBC say so. Meanwhile, the corrupt, grifting serial liar you support can't move his lips without lying.

I wish you had a brain. Really I do. :palm:

The problem in this country are those who are unwilling or unable to do so.

Yes, we call them Democrats. But alas, stupid people like you don't know they are stupid.

Trump tapped into the significant reservoir of stupid and hate filled people in the country that we knew existed but were generally silent.

His opening assessment of them was all anyone needed to know when he said "...i could shoot someone and get away with it...".

That was Trump saying 'these are people who are low IQ who can be manipulated and grifted'.

And his endless string of grifts bringing in hundreds of millions of dollars from them, many literally going broke in giving to him, while he can also say 'I am very rich and do not need your money', was just another data point at how gullible and stupid they are.


Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.
The left needs no memes. They can express themselves without them. Memes are the bastion of the mindless fucks who need someone else for their thoughts.

Fantasy or yet another lie....the answer is not a great degree however it does not matter.

These are not people who deal in reality.

These are not people who will help.


True, we call them Democrats and leftists. You're the poster boy.

Voter ignorance is Trump’s superpower. It can also be his weakness.​

Trump is relying on disinformation, ignorance, and voter amnesia to propel himself back to the Oval Office. That leaves a big opportunity for Joe Biden.

A recent CBS/YouGov poll on how well Republican voters understand the stakes of Donald Trump’s campaign for the White House included an interesting, albeit alarming, statistic. Only 35% of Republicans polled, as noted by The Washington Post’s Aaron Blake, say they know that Trump has been indicted for conspiring to overturn the 2020 election. Almost the same number — 34% — don’t think he’s been indicted for his attempts to stop the peaceful transfer of power.
I have noticed in the alt right's fantasy world, them wearing swastikas proves how unhinged the rest of us are. They rant about overthrowing the government, and committing genocide, and when anyone points out that is rather insane, they claim they are the calm ones.