Wal-Mart and Costco both rationing rice to customers

LOFL. most countries could produce more rice.
As you learn in ECON 101, raise the price and production goes up.
People have had more profitable uses for land than rice farming. Period.

Econ 101 also teaches us about production capacity. Apparently you slept through that lesson.

Just having land is not enough.

1) The land has to be viable for the particular crop to grow

2) You have to have the infrastructure to deliver the crop to those that need it
Please tell me you don't think every possible acre available for rice is already used. That's what your implying. LOFL
Please tell me you don't think every possible acre available for rice is already used. That's what your implying. LOFL

You really do need to comprehend what you read toppy.....

What were my two points? focus especially hard on the second one toppy.
I'm laughing at you. Your saying the world is out of productive capacity for rice. LOFL

Yes toppy... but you do realize that being out of current productive capacity does not equate to the inability to increase production capacity. You understand this... don't you?

I am going to assume you don't. A safe assumption given your responses.

Here is an example toppy....

If you have a manufacturing plant that with three shifts at full production can produce 10000 gidgets. That is maximizing production capacity. No more exists.

However, that same company can build manufacturing plant #2.... which at three full shifts can produce another 10000 gidgets. But they have to BUILD the second plant first toppy. They don't just magically wave a wand and produce the second 10000 gidgets.

The same holds true for grain production. They cannot simply wave a wand toppy. They have to have both the land AND as I mentioned, the infrastructure to deliver the end product.

The second part is the one you continue to either ignore or simply fail to comprehend.

Just because more land exists does not mean that land is ready for production nor does it mean the roads and other infrastructure are in place to deliver the grain once it is ready for harvesting.
bingo mr economist finally admits that land can be converted to yeild rice. News flash!!!
But land is not CURRENTLY being converted to produce rice. There are no signs of intent to convert more land to produce rice. Rice paddies take lots of water, and the problems of transporting enough fresh water to new areas is still in the testing stage.....

(sound familiar?)
there's this little thing in the real world called a time lag, let the price stay up for more than a few growing seasons and you'll see productive land dramatically increase.
But land is not CURRENTLY being converted to produce rice. There are no signs of intent to convert more land to produce rice. Rice paddies take lots of water, and the problems of transporting enough fresh water to new areas is still in the testing stage.....

(sound familiar?)

Come on now.... you know toppy will just wave his magic wand and make the land suitable for rice production. Then he will ask the good fairy of the north to whip up the roads and infrastructure to transport the rice. Piece of cake. They were simply waiting for the price to go up to realize their population was eating more.
Right. Look at how the population is falling in all those countries (China, Japan, Phillipines, Vietnam, Thailand etc.) where people eat lots of white rice every day.


OTOH, if whacked-out leftist extremist persons such as yourself keep eating so-called "organic" foods that have never been treated with insecticides or fertilizers, and so are scrawny and bug-riddled, maybe they will all die off while Republicans who eat healthy, disease-free foods continue to have big families and support them well, and the country moves closer and closer to an all-Republican electorate!

:D :D :D

Darwin in action! Only the fittest (and most sensible) survive!


Actually Darla is a left center Democrat. You're the extremist you jack booted, brown shirted, swastika waving, storm trooping nazi!

You're lack of knowledge in politics is only exceeded by your ignorance of biology. What trailer park did you come from?
Actually Darla is a left center Democrat. You're the extremist you jack booted, brown shirted, swastika waving, storm trooping nazi!

You're lack of knowledge in politics is only exceeded by your ignorance of biology. What trailer park did you come from?
The one right next to your elitist training camp. It was the one they used for the point and laugh at the poor people class. Right before the "Make other people give those people you just laughed at money" class.
Acorn, the main reason it is rice and not other grains is because rice is consumed in large quantities by Asians. As the economies in Asia boomed, the people began to consume more rice per day. When you have half the worlds population increasing consumption of a particular good without a corresponding increase in production... you end up with the shortage.

Bingo! My wife is asian and like most asians....it's rice, with every meal, three times a day and with snacks. I love my wife to death and she's by far and away the best thing that's ever happened to me.....but our first husband/wife fight was about our having to eat rice at every meal.....I'm so burned out on rice but, since I'm of Irish heritage, my wife, who is also way smarter than me, just say's "Shut up potato head and eat your rice!"
The one right next to your elitist training camp. It was the one they used for the point and laugh at the poor people class. Right before the "Make other people give those people you just laughed at money" class.

Elitist training camp? Oh.....you must mean first grade....guilty as charged! I did attend first grade. Passed it too. Now I know that means I have a higher education than little penis....errr...acorn and I shouldn't rub that in....so I apologize. :)
Good Idea I can buy Brown rice and not feel guilty.

Can't we just eat potato's instead?? :) ya know with creamed leaks or broiled cauliflower or braised cabbage? Broccolli taste like green wood pulp. Now that I mention it, brown rice taste like plain wood pulp.
Bingo! My wife is asian and like most asians....it's rice, with every meal, three times a day and with snacks. I love my wife to death and she's by far and away the best thing that's ever happened to me.....but our first husband/wife fight was about our having to eat rice at every meal.....I'm so burned out on rice but, since I'm of Irish heritage, my wife, who is also way smarter than me, just say's "Shut up potato head and eat your rice!"
I grew up on Green Chile, with everything. My father would have added it to our cereal if he thought we'd eat it.

I miss it. We eat a ton of rice. All the time. I'd bet it would taste better with some Green Chile on it.
That makes more sense, frankly. The article did mention someone's opinion that the "shortage" was caused by Asian countries reducing the exports of rice, something one could expect from increasing demand in those countries as a result of prosperity... IF they didn't increase their acerage of rice farming. Japan is very land-poor. Are other countries?

Also by poor harvests.

Most asian countries don't export rice. They consume most, if not all, of what they grow domestically. Of the three largest rice exporters in the world two are small nations (Thailand and Vietnam) and the third, the United Staes only consumes about half of what it produces and exports the rest. US rice production will probably rise somewhat due to the increase in price internationally.