Warren Buffett agrees: Tax the rich

Cancel 2018. 3

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Warren Buffett agrees: Tax the rich

We reported Friday on a group of millionaires calling for their tax breaks to expire. Now, Warren Buffett -- the third richest man in the world -- is joining that chorus.


these people are annoying....gee...when you have hundreds of millions or 10's of billions of dollars....crying tax me rings hollow...

if you want to give uncle sam more of your money....go for it, you don't need a tax to make you give more
Warren Buffett agrees: Tax the rich

We reported Friday on a group of millionaires calling for their tax breaks to expire. Now, Warren Buffett -- the third richest man in the world -- is joining that chorus.


these people are annoying....gee...when you have hundreds of millions or 10's of billions of dollars....crying tax me rings hollow...

if you want to give uncle sam more of your money....go for it, you don't need a tax to make you give more

He might not need a tax to make him give more, but other people that he thinks should be taxed more might need such a tax. Thus, he favors one.
He might not need a tax to make him give more, but other people that he thinks should be taxed more might need such a tax. Thus, he favors one.

how easy for him to say others shoudl be taxed more...how fucking generous he is with other people's money

really nigel....really
how easy for him to say others shoudl be taxed more...how fucking generous he is with other people's money

really nigel....really

What's the problem? I'm not particularly fond of Buffet, but I don't see a problem with him having an opinion about current and future levels of taxation.
I beginning to see the light....I'm not a hard core right winger or Republican hack, ........if this is the way they want it, what the hell, its good enough for me....U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer wanted to compromise on the Bush tax cuts extension by calling for the rich above 1,000,000 dollars to not get the extension on the tax cuts....
Might just as well let Soros and Buffet have what they want....

No exemptions, no loopholes, no deductions.....75% tax on all income of those making ,........say, $10,000,000 and above no matter what the origin of the income......just for starters....
If that don't make them happy, we can raise the rate to 85% or drop the amount down to $5,000,000.....

Theres no reason to have disgruntled taxpayers out there....give 'em what they want, and more.....
What's the problem? I'm not particularly fond of Buffet, but I don't see a problem with him having an opinion about current and future levels of taxation.

yeah...i know how you like to spend other people's money

of course you don't have a problem with his opinion, it supports your world view, you would however have a problem with it if it did not support your world view
wow. Warren buffett must be a socialist!

Not a socialist but he has reached an age and a chapter in his life when he sees a need (personal probably) to return some of his wealth to the community from whom it came. His 'road to Damascus' perhaps.
Few if any of the mega rich have paid their tax dues. They have employed smart arse accountants to 'look after' things for them. One does not need to be mega rich to do that, incidentally. But when you have the responsibility of running several companies and the health and welfare of your shareholders to look after matters of taxation are 'farmed out'. He has just started to walk round his farm, perhaps.
Better late than never.
Warren Buffett agrees: Tax the rich

We reported Friday on a group of millionaires calling for their tax breaks to expire. Now, Warren Buffett -- the third richest man in the world -- is joining that chorus.


these people are annoying....gee...when you have hundreds of millions or 10's of billions of dollars....crying tax me rings hollow...

if you want to give uncle sam more of your money....go for it, you don't need a tax to make you give more

Yep. I have a new term I coined for these types

pat-myself-on-the-back liberals
Not a socialist but he has reached an age and a chapter in his life when he sees a need (personal probably) to return some of his wealth to the community from whom it came. His 'road to Damascus' perhaps.
Few if any of the mega rich have paid their tax dues. They have employed smart arse accountants to 'look after' things for them. One does not need to be mega rich to do that, incidentally. But when you have the responsibility of running several companies and the health and welfare of your shareholders to look after matters of taxation are 'farmed out'. He has just started to walk round his farm, perhaps.
Better late than never.

Few if any of the mega rich have paid their tax dues.

So says LoIQ

Yet the data says,

the top 1% pay 38% or ALL INCOME TAX...
the top 5% pay 59% or ALL INCOME TAX...
the top 10% pay 70% or ALL INCOME TAX...

Somebody don't know their ass from a hole in the ground....
Not a socialist but he has reached an age and a chapter in his life when he sees a need (personal probably) to return some of his wealth to the community from whom it came. His 'road to Damascus' perhaps.
Few if any of the mega rich have paid their tax dues. They have employed smart arse accountants to 'look after' things for them. One does not need to be mega rich to do that, incidentally. But when you have the responsibility of running several companies and the health and welfare of your shareholders to look after matters of taxation are 'farmed out'. He has just started to walk round his farm, perhaps.
Better late than never.

Good for him. But him feeling like giving away more means nothing! Give it away you, asshole. We don't need to hear your opinions. Fuck Buffet.
it's really easy to be high and mighty and get taxed 90% and still be a multi-hundred-millionaire. Tell that to those making 250k. People have to realize that once you get into the 1% range the gaps become exponential.
it's really easy to be high and mighty and get taxed 90% and still be a multi-hundred-millionaire. Tell that to those making 250k. People have to realize that once you get into the 1% range the gaps become exponential.


its usually the mom and pop who just happen to have more than 250K or maybe even the 1 million....it isn't about the uber wealthy like gates and buffet....

and it rings hollow when those guys want to tax other people's wealth...i mean really....why not tax themselves at 80%....no one is telling them not to

its usually the mom and pop who just happen to have more than 250K or maybe even the 1 million....it isn't about the uber wealthy like gates and buffet....

and it rings hollow when those guys want to tax other people's wealth...i mean really....why not tax themselves at 80%....no one is telling them not to

So then you wouldn't mind a tax policy that taxes people who make over 10 million dollars at 80%?

Let's see who your masters really are.
So then you wouldn't mind a tax policy that taxes people who make over 10 million dollars at 80%?

Let's see who your masters really are.

yes i would mind it...that, imo, is excessive, especially given the tax rate for those under 10 milliion are no where near 80%...

you're saying someone making 9 million gets taxed at 35% or pre-bush at 39%, but you magically make one million more and you get a whopping 80%....plain silly
yes i would mind it...that, imo, is excessive, especially given the tax rate for those under 10 milliion are no where near 80%...

you're saying someone making 9 million gets taxed at 35% or pre-bush at 39%, but you magically make one million more and you get a whopping 80%....plain silly

The way taxes is work is that only the amount OVER The limit is taxed at the next rate. Please educate your dumbass.
The way taxes is work is that only the amount OVER The limit is taxed at the next rate. Please educate your dumbass.

you didn't clarify....they don't have to work that way, and i had no idea if that is what you were saying....

so...80% over 10 million...tell me...how would that benefit this country?
yes i would mind it...that, imo, is excessive, especially given the tax rate for those under 10 milliion are no where near 80%...

you're saying someone making 9 million gets taxed at 35% or pre-bush at 39%, but you magically make one million more and you get a whopping 80%....plain silly
Well, why not....we are trying to please Soros and Buffet....

What the hell, make it 5 million...

Then we can wait to hear from John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Barbara Streisand, Jay Rockefeller, Al Gore, etc.
you didn't clarify....they don't have to work that way, and i had no idea if that is what you were saying....

so...80% over 10 million...tell me...how would that benefit this country?

But that's how they work, you oaf.

How do any taxes benefit the country? Why even have a government!

My point is you're concern about mom and pops. They're not making 10 million, so with a rate like that, they can still be entrepeneurial and not be punished.

Maybe you're just on the cock of uber-rich people in general and don't even understand the precariousness of your ass-invaded position.
UOTE=AssHatZombie;733283]But that's how they work, you oaf.

dear asshead: your entire 80% was not how taxes work....hence we are talking hypotheticals....so why are you stuck on "thats how they work"?

How do any taxes benefit the country? Why even have a government!

red herring....never said that and you can't explain, once again, how your ideas would work...

My point is you're concern about mom and pops. They're not making 10 million, so with a rate like that, they can still be entrepeneurial and not be punished.

that might be plausible....but again....why 80%? and how will that --> specifically <-- benefit the country?

Maybe you're just on the cock of uber-rich people in general and don't even understand the precariousness of your ass-invaded position.

my cock has only ever had hot women...