Was Darla banned?

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Let's TRY to keep this thread clear of the drooling righties who hate/love Darla throwing out their slip-on-a-banana-peel level "humor" on this thread, if possible (and I know, it will not be possible).

The board IQ is definitely down, and she was easily one of the best & most entertaining writers on here. What gives? Did something go down that I missed?
Let's TRY to keep this thread clear of the drooling righties who hate/love Darla throwing out their slip-on-a-banana-peel level "humor" on this thread, if possible (and I know, it will not be possible).

The board IQ is definitely down, and she was easily one of the best & most entertaining writers on here. What gives? Did something go down that I missed?

So you found it entertaining when she was insulting Tom's wife, while exposing her own racism and bigotry, by referring to her as a "suckee-fuckee"?

And no, she wasn't banned; she had her account canceled, after she stripped away her own hypocritical façade and exposed her true nature.
She had been pretty critical of Grind...
She'd always been used to wrapping Grind around her finger, so she just couldn't handle it when he told her that she was a raging hypocrite. Rana refuses to speak to me now for causing her BFF to bugger off, yet again. Thing is a bit slow to get the news, must be heartbreaking for him especially since he was just getting back in her good books by kissing her arse. I am just glad that her rank hypocrisy has been exposed for all to see, good riddance to bad rubbish.

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So you found it entertaining when she was insulting Tom's wife, while exposing her own racism and bigotry, by referring to her as a "suckee-fuckee"?

And no, she wasn't banned; she had her account canceled, after she stripped away her own hypocritical façade and exposed her true nature.
Thing is a bit slow on the uptake, poor chap.

Sent from my Lenovo K50-t5 using Tapatalk
Let's TRY to keep this thread clear of the drooling righties who hate/love Darla throwing out their slip-on-a-banana-peel level "humor" on this thread, if possible (and I know, it will not be possible).

The board IQ is definitely down, and she was easily one of the best & most entertaining writers on here. What gives? Did something go down that I missed?

You just realized she is gone? Here is the deal. Despite her many protestations, Cunt Darcula is just a timid, weak, frail little girl who can't really handle the rough and tumble. Beneath all of her bravado lies a little girl who still craves daddy's affection.

She is a resentful twat who reaps what she sows.

She should have learned when she crossed Christiefan leading Christie to spew Darlas personal information all over the board.

Cunt Darcula will not be missed
Am I really?

And how many times did you call her the c-word again?

Once or twice, in fact she is the only woman I ever called a cunt and that was only after she called my wife a suckee fuckee. If you think that I give a shit about the bitch then you are sadly mistaken. Apparently you are ok with self proclaimed feminists using sexist, misogynistic and racist language like that, which surprises me to be honest.
You just realized she is gone? Here is the deal. Despite her many protestations, Cunt Darcula is just a timid, weak, frail little girl who can't really handle the rough and tumble. Beneath all of her bravado lies a little girl who still craves daddy's affection.

She is a resentful twat who reaps what she sows.

She should have learned when she crossed Christiefan leading Christie to spew Darlas personal information all over the board.

Cunt Darcula will not be missed

like this little turd magnet
You just realized she is gone? Here is the deal. Despite her many protestations, Cunt Darcula is just a timid, weak, frail little girl who can't really handle the rough and tumble. Beneath all of her bravado lies a little girl who still craves daddy's affection.

She is a resentful twat who reaps what she sows.

She should have learned when she crossed Christiefan leading Christie to spew Darlas personal information all over the board.

Cunt Darcula will not be missed

Cuntifan is another cunt that we could do without.
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