Was Darla banned?

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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, so that makes it OK for her to make such comments about Tom's wife; just because she's Asian?

No, it makes Y-O-U a hypocrite for not calling out Tom the way you did to Darla.

But then, everyone knew what a giant hypocrite you were already.
You don't dismantle shit, you crazy ass insane bitch.
All you do is cause people to laugh at you, while you act like a spoiled 4 year old throwing a hissy fit.
If we were in public, people would point at you and laugh. :D

Oh lookie...the coward so scared of open debate he threadbans virtually every JPP Liberal, wants to talk about throwing a fit and acting like a child.
a spray of hair and brain tissue

what would be left of your empty head if you tried to touch me anywhere
Pretty predictable set of responses here.

You righties loved her & obsessed over her, just as much as you hated her.

Any way you slice it, she was a great poster. Best writer here, and that's not even disputable. I've gotten ticked off & split a few times too, so maybe she'll head on back one of these days.
Pretty predictable set of responses here.

You righties loved her & obsessed over her, just as much as you hated her.

Any way you slice it, she was a great poster. Best writer here, and that's not even disputable. I've gotten ticked off & split a few times too, so maybe she'll head on back one of these days.

Give that man a gold star for some serious arselicking and brown nosing! Fuck you and all that sail in you!
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