Was Darla banned?

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Poor Tom.

You gave Darla tacit permission to be a racist by not squeaking up, in fact you are one also by portraying Asian women as prostitutes and whores. That is why I think you are a contemptible cunt who is lower than a snake's arsehole. I want everybody to know what a hypocrite you really are, now go and suck Trollop's dick.
check out my last signature link

now that is some pervy assed chum getting his ass whomped

You really think you scare people when you talk tough don't ya crack head? Were you smoking crack when you were pregnant with your kids? Did you become a crack after you had kids or before?

Why didn't Darcula cancel her alt account Brazenhussy? She has no plans on leaving here for good. She came back full of bravado then got hammered for exposing her real beliefs. Other than Rancid and KKKhristiefan, she has ZERO credibility around here anymore
In case Thingy missed some of Darla's greatest hits. Now bear in mind that Darla and her Pussy Posse Rana and Christiefan spend hours upon hours lecturing us on not demeaning women etc. etc.

Gawd, she's a nasty piece of work. Thing is calling her one of the best posters? Guess we can agree his taste is all in his mouth.

Why didn't Darcula cancel her alt account Brazenhussy? She has no plans on leaving here for good. She came back full of bravado then got hammered for exposing her real beliefs. Other than Rancid and KKKhristiefan, she has ZERO credibility around here anymore


The sad little troll with three separate troll personas and who threadbans anyone who might point out his sexist attacks whines about the credibility of others.

Let's TRY to keep this thread clear of the drooling righties who hate/love Darla throwing out their slip-on-a-banana-peel level "humor" on this thread, if possible (and I know, it will not be possible).

The board IQ is definitely down, and she was easily one of the best & most entertaining writers on here. What gives? Did something go down that I missed?

she left and canceled her accounts

Why didn't Darcula cancel her alt account Brazenhussy? She has no plans on leaving here for good. She came back full of bravado then got hammered for exposing her real beliefs. Other than Rancid and KKKhristiefan, she has ZERO credibility around here anymore

She has more then just that one, to come back under.
she left and canceled her accounts

Is this your way of saying that "Brazen Hussy" (and a few other alts) aren't hers and she can just log on as them; plus everyone already knows that she uses Rune's account.

Don't worry, you might still have a shot at her. :D
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