Was FDR a fascist?


Loyal to the end
Mike Church put it simply the other day when he compared socialism to fascism. “A fascist is a socialist with a gun.” Although overly simplified, the comparison is valid.

Its fairly obvious that FDR was a socialist. He ushered in the era of Big Government. His wide reaching social programs, such as Social Security, the “alphabet agencies” such as the WPA and the CCC, the explosive growth of government, and government employment have caused millions to be dependent on the government. He raised taxes to the highest level ever seen in America, up to an individual marginal rate of 91%!

But did FDR cross the line into fascism? Did he use a “gun” to enforce his policies? If you refuse to pay your taxes, would you not be threatened with imprisonment? What about the relocation camps for Americans of Japanese, Italian, or German origin?

I think he crossed the line.

Mike Church put it simply the other day when he compared socialism to fascism. “A fascist is a socialist with a gun.” Although overly simplified, the comparison is valid.

Its fairly obvious that FDR was a socialist. He ushered in the era of Big Government. His wide reaching social programs, such as Social Security, the “alphabet agencies” such as the WPA and the CCC, the explosive growth of government, and government employment have caused millions to be dependent on the government. He raised taxes to the highest level ever seen in America, up to an individual marginal rate of 91%!

But did FDR cross the line into fascism? Did he use a “gun” to enforce his policies? If you refuse to pay your taxes, would you not be threatened with imprisonment? What about the relocation camps for Americans of Japanese, Italian, or German origin?

I think he crossed the line.

He was a WW president...the line had to be crossed...he also brought us out of the depression era...SS was a catch all retirement so no one would fall thru the cracks again! He was a true conservative democrat...one of the last before socialist took over the party!
Mike Church put it simply the other day when he compared socialism to fascism. “A fascist is a socialist with a gun.” Although overly simplified, the comparison is valid.

Its fairly obvious that FDR was a socialist. He ushered in the era of Big Government. His wide reaching social programs, such as Social Security, the “alphabet agencies” such as the WPA and the CCC, the explosive growth of government, and government employment have caused millions to be dependent on the government. He raised taxes to the highest level ever seen in America, up to an individual marginal rate of 91%!

But did FDR cross the line into fascism? Did he use a “gun” to enforce his policies? If you refuse to pay your taxes, would you not be threatened with imprisonment? What about the relocation camps for Americans of Japanese, Italian, or German origin?

I think he crossed the line.

SM, what society that has ever levied taxes has not punished people for not paying them?

Wouldn't that eliminate the purpose of taxation?
He was a WW president...the line had to be crossed...he also brought us out of the depression era...SS was a catch all retirement so no one would fall thru the cracks again! He was a true conservative democrat...one of the last before socialist took over the party!


Socialism refers to a broad array of ideologies and political movements with the goal of a socio-economic system in which property and the distribution of wealth are subject to control by the community.[1]. This control may be either direct—exercised through popular collectives such as workers' councils—or indirect—exercised on behalf of the people by the state. As an economic system, socialism is often characterized by state, worker, or community ownership of the means of production, goals which have been attributed to, and claimed by, a number of political parties and governments throughout history.


system of social organization in which property and the distribution of income are subject to social control rather than individual determination or market forces.

Socialism refers to both a set of doctrines and the political movements that aspire to put these doctrines into practice. Although doctrinal aspects loomed largest in the early history of socialism, …
He was a WW president...the line had to be crossed...he also brought us out of the depression era...SS was a catch all retirement so no one would fall thru the cracks again! He was a true conservative democrat...one of the last before socialist took over the party!
The word "conservative" hardly decribes FDR.
Roosevelt's administration redefined liberalism for subsequent generations and realigned the Democratic Party based on his New Deal coalition...


Socialism refers to a broad array of ideologies and political movements with the goal of a socio-economic system in which property and the distribution of wealth are subject to control by the community.[1]. This control may be either direct—exercised through popular collectives such as workers' councils—or indirect—exercised on behalf of the people by the state. As an economic system, socialism is often characterized by state, worker, or community ownership of the means of production, goals which have been attributed to, and claimed by, a number of political parties and governments throughout history.


system of social organization in which property and the distribution of income are subject to social control rather than individual determination or market forces.

Socialism refers to both a set of doctrines and the political movements that aspire to put these doctrines into practice. Although doctrinal aspects loomed largest in the early history of socialism, …

el puta!:D
It is, just not on the personal level that the income tax is.

How is that not goddamn personal?

They get it any way they choose to. Sure, can technically not pay the tax by spending no money, but that's like saying a prisoner is not coerced to stay in prison because he could technically break out and kill all of the police.
How is that not goddamn personal?

They get it any way they choose to. Sure, can technically not pay the tax by spending no money, but that's like saying a prisoner is not coerced to stay in prison because he could technically break out and kill all of the police.
A consumption tax does not require a mountain of forms be processed on individuals, only producers. As it is now the government knows more about you than your Mum.
FDR was a social conservative and a moderate on fiscal issues...thus defined as a conservative democrat!

What the fuck are you smoking?

FDR was not "moderate on fiscal issues" even if you compare him to Stalin.

He created the welfare state, prolonged the Depression with his interventionist measures and paid people to dig ditches and fill them back up.

Keynesian bullshit.
This has got to be about the most ignorant forum I've seen in a fucking long time. What clueless idiots. Fucking Republicans stood by during the great depresion and did FUCKING NOTHING, while a million americans starved to death in the dust bowl stats and millions of more farmers lost their land and homes for no other reason then they couldn't pay their taxes cause their was NO FUCKING MONEY IN CIRCULATION.

FDR at least freaken tried. HE tried one thing and it failed and he tried another and it failed. It wasn't until he adopted the Keynsian economic role and started spending our way out of the great depression that economic recovery began to occur though it took WWII to really end the great depresion.

To call one of the men most responsible for bringing an end to fascism a fascist and a socialist is wrong, ignorant, shows a complete disregard for all the facts and is just plain stupid.

I cannot believe in this day and age I can actually here such stupidity.

The fact is, ya'll are the fascist. Promoting your brand of soft fascism wrapped in the flag and toting a bible. So when do ya'll fire up the ovens?
post a link to that claim...91% ya have to be kidding or love to exaggerate!
I already did, post 6. Unbelievable, isn't it?

That rate stuck until JFK lowered it to 75%, and that rate stuck until Reagan lowered it to 50, then 33%. Both times it was lowered the economy boomed (although under JFK it was arguably a mini-boom).