Was FDR a fascist?

This has got to be about the most ignorant forum I've seen in a fucking long time. What clueless idiots. Fucking Republicans stood by during the great depresion and did FUCKING NOTHING, while a million americans starved to death in the dust bowl stats and millions of more farmers lost their land and homes for no other reason then they couldn't pay their taxes cause their was NO FUCKING MONEY IN CIRCULATION.


Read about Hoover's repeated, idiotic attempts intervene in the markets with rent controls, price fixings, and anti-business measures before you start running your mouth about the ignorance of the other side.

This is clearly not your field.

The Great Engineer, as Hoover was sometimes called, had never accepted what the likes of Hartcher call the “economic orthodoxy of the day” or what others correctly call laissez-faire policies. It is indeed a curious irony that the man who laid the foundations for Roosevelt’s New Deal is still labelled by academics and journalists as an advocate of failed free-market policies. It is also a bitter commentary on those who are paid to know better, including certain economists who pretend to be knowledgeable about the US economy of the 1920s and 1930s.
He most certainly was...........

What the fuck are you smoking?

FDR was not "moderate on fiscal issues" even if you compare him to Stalin.

He created the welfare state, prolonged the Depression with his interventionist measures and paid people to dig ditches and fill them back up.

Keynesian bullshit.

taking into consideration how our government operated during his cycle...Eisenhower was also a conservative democrat...JFK bordered on socialism...then crossed over...how old are you anyhoo?...do you believe everything you learn in a class setting or listen to those who have first hand knowledge...never mind go with your rant...it becomes y'all....:rolleyes:
taking into consideration how our government operated during his cycle...Eisenhower was also a conservative democrat...JFK bordered on socialism...then crossedover...hiow old are you anyhoo...do you believe everything you learn in a class setting or listen tothose whohave first hand knowledge...never mind go with your rant...it becomes y'all....:rolleyes:


Hey old man.

Read this if you can make it out.

Read about Hoover's repeated, idiotic attempts intervene in the markets with rent controls, price fixings, and anti-business measures before you start running your mouth about the ignorance of the other side.

This is clearly not your field.

The Great Engineer, as Hoover was sometimes called, had never accepted what the likes of Hartcher call the “economic orthodoxy of the day” or what others correctly call laissez-faire policies. It is indeed a curious irony that the man who laid the foundations for Roosevelt’s New Deal is still labelled by academics and journalists as an advocate of failed free-market policies. It is also a bitter commentary on those who are paid to know better, including certain economists who pretend to be knowledgeable about the US economy of the 1920s and 1930s.
LOL> Don't point out his ignorance! I mean it was in a post talking about the ignorance of others! How unfair!

Of course the Republicans didn't sit around and do nothing. That is just total garbage based on his hopeful stereotyping and expectation that nobody might know the reality.
we were discussing FDR not Hoover...get a grip already!

You are incapable of debate, so you now get to join feebleminded USC on my IA list.

The pleasure has been all yours, I'm sure.

I look forward to never seeing my screen filled by your ignorant scribblings again.

If someone with an IQ > 50 would like to continue to debate the issue with me, you'd be most welcome.

Edit: Hmm maybe I should feel some sympathy for how far down your mind has degraded since your own youth. I hope I am long gone from this earth before I age enough to sound half as retarded as you do.

Out of respect for intelligence that you dubiously may have possessed before your senility, I will not IA you.
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You are incapable of debate, so you now get to join feebleminded USC on my IA list.

The pleasure has been all yours, I'm sure.

I look forward to never seeing my screen filled by your ignorant scribblings again.
That means that you beat him senseless, BattleBourne. Congratulations on your victory.
Excuse me.........

You are incapable of debate, so you now get to join feebleminded USC on my IA list.

The pleasure has been all yours, I'm sure.

I look forward to never seeing my screen filled by your ignorant scribblings again.

If someone with an IQ > 50 would like to continue to debate the issue with me, you'd be most welcome.

My IQ was rated at 137 and I challenge both parties regularly...I am not a party hack...being a American Independent...but be my guest run like darla does when confronted with hypocracy and hit the IA button...ya are a real loser!
FDR was clearly the most socialist-ic out of all our presidents, but he really pales in comparison to most of the leaders around Europe around that time (see Atlee).
I'm sorry BB, but I don't know what you've said, because I have adjusted my settings to filter out stupid posts.

Try again later.
we were discussing FDR not Hoover...get a grip already!
Mottleydude's argument was "At least FDR tried! While the Rs stood by and did nothing, they didn't even try!"

We were pointing out that the Rs did indeed try. It was WWII that brought us out of the Depression.
The general point, for any other morons who may be reading this thread, is that modern attempts to portray President Hoover as an advocate of laissez-fairre economic policies are beyond dishonest.

Revisionist history attempts to indoctrinate us with the mantra that "Republican do-nothingism" led to and exacerbated the Great Depression, when in fact it was just the opposite.

Hoover's interventionist tactics, and subsequently FDR's on a much greater scale, escalated and prolonged what would have otherwise been a cyclic downturn from which the market would recover. Keynesians, socialists, and their ilk are responsible for this intentional misrepresentation of historical facts.
That is exactly what...........

Mottleydude's argument was "At least FDR tried! While the Rs stood by and did nothing, they didn't even try!"

We were pointing out that the Rs did indeed try. It was WWII that brought us out of the Depression.

I said FDR was a WWII president...and the war and his policy during the cycle brought us out of the depression...Tell eucolyp he can quit with the darla BS...IA my ass! I argue for myself thank you very much...Mottley is not me...get a grip also damo...quit pushing RP politics it is quite transparent!

This was a history lesson...both of you failed!
You are so full of it!

The general point, for any other morons who may be reading this thread, is that modern attempts to portray President Hoover as an advocate of laissez-fairre economic policies are beyond dishonest.

Revisionist history attempts to indoctrinate us with the mantra that "Republican do-nothingism" led to and exacerbated the Great Depression, when in fact it was just the opposite.

Hoover's interventionist tactics, and subsequently FDR's on a much greater scale, escalated and prolonged what would have otherwise been a cyclic downturn from which the market would recover. Keynesians, socialists, and their ilk are responsible for this intentional misrepresentation of historical facts.

that you are in denial of the depression cycle we are now in!

I do beleive that taxes were only ever raised to such a high level to pay for the war.

But they weren't reversed until Kennedy.

for the sake of a true debate...post the link that qualifies there has ever been a tax rate of 91%...you guys are unbelieveable! Well unless you want to take this debate to the Roman era...then I would agree with the tax rate of 91%...:rolleyes: