Was John McCain a collaborator during his stint as a POW?


The Force is With Me
Is McCain the Manchurian Candidate, a couterfeit hero?

It appears there are many questions surrounding the myth of John McCain war hero .. and many of those who are challenging that myth are veterans, former POW's (some of whom were held in the same camp as McCain, the families of POW's still missing, fellow republicans, and Ross Perot who took care of his first wife while McCain was being held .. only to have McCain come home and dump his first wife for one of his mistresses, Cindy McCain.

McCain fought tooth and nail against legislation to determine if there were more POW's left alive and fought to seal all records relating to his captivity.

The War Secrets Sen. John McCain Hides

Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain .. must see videos.

John McCain: The Manchurian Candidate

McCain was one of the first politicians in America to fight for the normalization of relations with Vietnam after the war and has some interesting friendships.


Col. Bui Tin, a former Senior Colonel in the North Vietnamese Army (he had actually interrogated McCain and other U.S. prisoners) testified before the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs in 1992.
At least 55 American POWs were murdered by their interrogators and guards while in North Vietnamese prisoner of war camps.
Pictured right: During a break in the hearing, Sen. McCain moved to where Col. Bui Tin was seated and warmly embraced him as if he were a long lost brother.


Sen. John McCain warmly greeted Vietnam Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet during a 1992 visit to Hanoi. Kiet was a ranking communist party member of the secret Central Committee of the former National Liberation Front (Viet Cong), and was part of the elite clique responsible for setting policies and directing the communist war waged against the pro-democracy Vietnamese as well as U.S. forces in South Vietnam.

As a senior Central Committee member, Kiet ordered American POWs to be punished by execution and helped formulate the Vietnamese communist policy which resulted in the murder of thousands of pro-U.S. South Vietnamese in Hue during the Tet Offensive of 1968. Communist Party henchmen executed over 5,000 men, women, and children, burying many of them alive in mass graves during the brief time North Vietnamese troops held that historic ancient Vietnamese city.


Pictured right: Senator McCain is pictured embracing Mai Van On in Hanoi, November 13, 1996. On identified himself as one of the Vietnamese who pulled McCain from Hanoi's Truc Bach Lake, where McCain parachuted in 1967 after his bomber was shot down. McCain has said, many times, that, after pulling him from the lake, the Vietnamese brutally beat him and stabbed him with a bayonet.

Holy shit ... I didn't know any of this .. but I'm sure it's going to get aired .. not by Obama, but it will see the light of day in this campaign.
your a shitbag,
McSame is losing without you going 24/7 into gutter slime.
You dishoner your daughter by doing this garbage.
your a shitbag,
McSame is losing without you going 24/7 into gutter slime.
You dishoner your daughter by doing this garbage.

Go talk to your mother about shitbags asswipe.

Don't tell me about "dishonoring my daughter" because I've asked the very same questions that many POW's and vets who served with McCain have asked.

Do they dishonor their own service by having an opinion they know more about than you .. who probably never served?

Is McCain supposed "heroism" so sacrosanct that it can only be mentioned in glorious terms?

Fuck you ..
Black, I think this is all pretty unfounded, and just pieced together conveniently leaving out important facts. This seems swiftboatingish to me.

Now please try to keep civil, K? :)
Black, I think this is all pretty unfounded, and just pieced together conveniently leaving out important facts. This seems swiftboatingish to me.

Now please try to keep civil, K? :)

I respect your opinion, but this hasn't been "just pieced together" and has been an issue for many years apparently. There are some puzzling questions about McCain's quick defense of the Vietnamese government and others.

Are you of the opinion that if the right had anything like this on Obama they wouldn't use it?

They used far less credible information to "swiftboat" Kerry .. but democarts should be resigned to Marques of Queensbury rules?

Have you investigated this enough to know there is nothing to it?

In regards to keeping it civil .. best tell that to Topper .. I didn't appreciate his attack nor will I stand for it.
Blackpanther you have a lot of class but it's all low.
you won't see Obama doing it.
Barack will kick his ass on the issue's and it won't be close.
Have a little dignity and get your shit out the gutter, maybe that would be new for you.
I respect your opinion, but this hasn't been "just pieced together" and has been an issue for many years apparently. There are some puzzling questions about McCain's quick defense of the Vietnamese government and others.

I just really don't think it's a big deal.

Are you of the opinion that if the right had anything like this on Obama they wouldn't use it?

They would.
They used far less credible information to "swiftboat" Kerry .. but democarts should be resigned to Marques of Queensbury rules?

Well I've always believed that you should do unto others as you would have them do unto you, but I know you aren't going to be happy with that.

Have you investigated this enough to know there is nothing to it?

I just really don't think it's a big deal.

It may not be, but does that mean it shouldn't be analyzed or investigated?

There are questions of McCain's character that extend beyond just this and are we not voting for who will be the POTUS?

They would.

Absolutely they would, as will they dig into everything about Obama's relationship with everybody from Rezko to Malcom X.

Well I've always believed that you should do unto others as you would have them do unto you, but I know you aren't going to be happy with that.

I'll be honest with you brother, it's a big part of the reason that I'm not a democrat. Nothing personal meant to you or any democrat here, but as a group, they are simply weak as shit. In truth, most of the wavo of enthusiasm and the source of much of the money and votes for him comes from non-traditional democratic voters.

Democrats are weak and easily scared .. but that's another thread.

Then surely my brother you see no harm or disservice by asking these questions or analyzing information.
Blackpanther you have a lot of class but it's all low.
you won't see Obama doing it.
Barack will kick his ass on the issue's and it won't be close.
Have a little dignity and get your shit out the gutter, maybe that would be new for you.

You are free to call me whatever you want and have any opinion of me you choose .. but in your admonition about class, she if you can find some and refrain from telling me about "dishonoring my daughter."

This is obviously an issue you don't know shit about, don't have a fucking clue .. but because I post what VETERANS, POW'S AND THEIR FAMILIES, REPUBLICANS, AND ROSS "took care of McCain's first wife" PEROT have said and documented .. you equate that with "low class" in a vulgar post.

Blackpanther Ross Perot is a joke.
And feel free to slander what most Americans including me and Obama consider a hero.
Your a nutjob just like perot and I'll feel free to laugh in your retarded face. Democrats like you could cost Barack the election. RETARD
The families of POWs are not fond of McCain. They state that they have been twarted in their attempts to find out information about their loved ones by McCain. Why the hell would he do that?
My whole deal is that I'm looking at the biggest landslide of Obama vs McSame since Reagan crushed Mondale. Most americans by far consider him a hero, or at least very patriotic. Dems going immedialtly to the gutter could jeopordize it. Didn't you hear him say "not this party"?
These are facts Topspin. Going to the gutter means to lie.

It is pure fact that the families of POWs have had McCain standing in the way every time they seek detailed information about their loved ones.

I TRUELY dont know why he stands in the way. I do think it would be completetly fair for some news person to ask McCain straight out WHY??????
it's a fact that people think Obama is a Muslem. You don't see me parroting these idiots though do you.
I guess some simpletons just gravitate to the gutter as they are low class. Have fun with blackpanther.
Toppy there is no evidence that Obama is a muslim.

It is hard provable fact with tape and transcript that McCain voted against and hampered these peoples efforts to get information on their loved ones.

Watch the tapes provided and realise that Perot and Dornan are not liberals by any stretch of imagination.
While I do not approve of this particular message, it is the Republican's chickens coming home to roost. Live by the Swiftboat attack, die by it. It is the real problem with dirty campaigning, which you all know I generally approve of. Once your side uses the swiftboat attack you set yourself up for it when if is your turn to run a vet from the vietnam war. There are lots of vets that feel like some of the higher profile vets got undeserved attention, or that the treatment that the high profile vet was better than they got, or or or. This is the nature of the beast and if you are going to run with it you better make sure that the next guy you run is squeeky clean and has no enemies. Sort of the antithesis of a politician.
I don't care if Mcain goes down in flames or how it happens. I would rather punch him in the face than kick him in the balls. But your right, his party lives on this shit and panther and desh have their due right to kick him in the balls.
While I do not approve of this particular message, it is the Republican's chickens coming home to roost. Live by the Swiftboat attack, die by it. It is the real problem with dirty campaigning, which you all know I generally approve of. Once your side uses the swiftboat attack you set yourself up for it when if is your turn to run a vet from the vietnam war. There are lots of vets that feel like some of the higher profile vets got undeserved attention, or that the treatment that the high profile vet was better than they got, or or or. This is the nature of the beast and if you are going to run with it you better make sure that the next guy you run is squeeky clean and has no enemies. Sort of the antithesis of a politician.

Heres the differance. The swiftboat thing was not based in any fact. It merely sugested he did something wrong. There was no proof and the media never investigated the story to show that . I would welcome the media investigating the facts of this story with open arms. McCain in fact angered these families by thwarting their efforts time and time again. ITS IN THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD FOLKS!

That is not a swiftboat attack.

Should his congressional record not be looked at during this race?