Was John McCain a collaborator during his stint as a POW?

Especially when you look at how republicans in general have shit on the last two vets that ran for office. Gore was "just a photographer" and John Kerry somehow faked his service. BOTH of those men were in country when 9 out of 10 American men sat home on some sort of deferment. McCain, Kerry and Gore were all children of privledge that DIDN'T have to go into the military but did anyway. All three went to vietnam which MOST men of their socio-economic status would never have DREAMED of doing. As far as WHAT McCain might have done while a prisoner of war amongst an enemy that is famous for it's maltreatment of US POW's, oh great spirit let me not judge a man until I have walked a mile in his moccasins.
McCain Stayed behing in the prison letting those go who had been their longer. Maybe he felt enough is enough and there has to be an end. It's not like the Vietnamese were helping.
He will and should lose, but not becuase of this.
Like I said maybe McCain has a good answer for why he fought them.

I think we are allowed to have someone ask him why he reacted to the families in such a way dont you?
Like I said maybe McCain has a good answer for why he fought them.

I think we are allowed to have someone ask him why he reacted to the families in such a way dont you?
Absolutely Desh, my reaction was more toward the collaborator talk than the other stuff.
The fight of the families was very weird. There were times he was the only one holding things up.

He would scream and yell at mothers of the MIAs and was very rude to the families when they tried to testify or confront him.

I can not even imagine what his answer is for the way he treated these people. If he does I would like to hear it. This is why the families believe he was a collaborater.
Even if credible evidence was found that he was a collaborator, I don't think it will hurt him in the polls anyway.

My guess would be that liberals overall reaction will be a collective yawn.

It may effect one or two independents but without the other side harping on it, it won't go very far.

Republicans will continue to deny the claims and support him no matter what.
I would like people to blast him on the Keating 5 scandal. He calls it the worst thing that ever happened to him. Many say it shamed him into the reformer act.
I would like people to blast him on the Keating 5 scandal. He calls it the worst thing that ever happened to him. Many say it shamed him into the reformer act.
He actually said that he was greatful that the Gulf War started so the news would talk about ANYTHING else. CNN has a special segment on him this weekend and you are right Top he said that Keating 5 was worse than being a POW.
That's where I'm coming from, do we want a guy as commander in Chief who's glad we have a war to cover up is good ole boy acts?
I think a 521 group supported by the families just may show some tape of him yelling at the mother of a MIA or the like bringing her to tears just might effect the American peoples voting habits?
Blackpanther Ross Perot is a joke.
And feel free to slander what most Americans including me and Obama consider a hero.
Your a nutjob just like perot and I'll feel free to laugh in your retarded face. Democrats like you could cost Barack the election. RETARD

How convieniently you skipped right past REPUBLICANS, VETERANS, POW'S AND THEIR FAMILIES.

I boldened and capitalized them so you wouldn't miss them .. but somehow you did anyway. Oh, how I'm shocked.

I'm sure Perot wasn't a joke and a nutjob while he was taking care of McCain's first wife.
Blackpanther attack him every way you can. It's was stupid of me to expect class from you or desh.
The fight of the families was very weird. There were times he was the only one holding things up.

He would scream and yell at mothers of the MIAs and was very rude to the families when they tried to testify or confront him.

I can not even imagine what his answer is for the way he treated these people. If he does I would like to hear it. This is why the families believe he was a collaborater.

Then compare how McCain has treated these families to how he has openly and without reservation embraced those who supposedly tortured him.

What is that about?

These people who have stood against McCain didn't just crop up when this election began. They've been against him and putting forth the same case even before he became a senator.
Blackpanther attack him every way you can. It's was stupid of me to expect class from you or desh.

You're right .. only you have class.


Only you.
Then compare how McCain has treated these families to how he has openly and without reservation embraced those who supposedly tortured him.

What is that about?

These people who have stood against McCain didn't just crop up when this election began. They've been against him and putting forth the same case even before he became a senator.

They are led by people like Dornan and Perot who can never be mistaken for liberals.

These people are on record for years with these very concerns. This can in no way be chatted away as swift boat tactics.
Heres the differance. The swiftboat thing was not based in any fact. It merely sugested he did something wrong. There was no proof and the media never investigated the story to show that . I would welcome the media investigating the facts of this story with open arms. McCain in fact angered these families by thwarting their efforts time and time again. ITS IN THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD FOLKS!

That is not a swiftboat attack.

Should his congressional record not be looked at during this race?

The other difference is that the opposition party was behind the swift boat attacks on Kerry .. but many of those asking these questions about McCain come from members of his own party.
They are led by people like Dornan and Perot who can never be mistaken for liberals.

These people are on record for years with these very concerns. This can in no way be chatted away as swift boat tactics.

I was just writing the same thing to you.

Obama doesn't have to touch it and he can condemn it .. but the internet crowd is going to eat it up and follow the trail of evidence.
The swiftboats could have been debunked for what they were very easily by the media if they had done any real investigative reporting on the matter. The "Liberal" media chose not to investigate them.
The swiftboats could have been debunked for what they were very easily by the media if they had done any real investigative reporting on the matter. The "Liberal" media chose not to investigate them.

Just as they won't investigate any of this .. until the internet crowd forces them to.