Was Porkulus a boondoggle?

Was Porkulus a boondoggle?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Too soon to tell

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Only because Obama didn't spend enough

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Big Money

New member

The costly spending bill that Obama signed into law soon after taking office boosted the economy and helped avoid another Great Depression, the White House said in a status report on Monday’s fifth anniversary of the law’s enactment.

“What makes this recovery plan so important is not just that it will create or save three and a half million jobs over the next two years,” Obama said when he signed the bill.

Obama could put the nation’s finances on a more solid footing and create jobs by taking steps to roll back regulations and finally approve the Keystone XL pipeline.

Now explain how when bush became president the country was healthy and 8 yrs later we crashed BEFORE OBAMA was president and was Bailing out wallstreet BEFORE OBAMA was president.

You obama haters and far righters conveniently never mention that. BTW I voted yes to bushs porkulous being a boondoggle. Just like reagaons Savings and Loan fiasco that the rich via republicans created to get rid of low cost banking and create what we have today Big Banks that rob and steal hundreds of billions then pay a few billions in fines and laugh at all of us
Now explain how when bush became president the country was healthy and 8 yrs later we crashed BEFORE OBAMA was president and was Bailing out wallstreet BEFORE OBAMA was president. You obama haters and far righters conveniently never mention that. BTW I voted yes to bushs porkulous being a boondoggle. Just like reagaons Savings and Loan fiasco that the rich via republicans created to get rid of low cost banking and create what we have today Big Banks that rob and steal hundreds of billions then pay a few billions in fines and laugh at all of us

Now explain how when bush became president the country was healthy and 8 yrs later we crashed BEFORE OBAMA was president and was Bailing out wallstreet BEFORE OBAMA was president.

You obama haters and far righters conveniently never mention that. BTW I voted yes to bushs porkulous being a boondoggle. Just like reagaons Savings and Loan fiasco that the rich via republicans created to get rid of low cost banking and create what we have today Big Banks that rob and steal hundreds of billions then pay a few billions in fines and laugh at all of us

LMAO; five years into the dunces inept Presidency and it still has nothing to do with him. Another example of how the most inept, inexperienced, lying and arrogant person to ever inhabit the White House got elected thanks to low information fools like you.
The porkulus bill worked exactly as planned; keep the inept fool in the White House by duping gullible liberal fools.
Boondoggle ? No. Massive corruption scheme. Lefties seem to forget that as little as 2 weeks before banking collapsed Frank and Dodd who held responsibility fir oversight were telling congress everything was fine. They knew freddue and fanny were buying bad paper because they all had breen gaving lenders write bad loans. Obama back to his state senate days was involved with this effort. All BO ? No but all dem.
No one wants to talk about the 3.3 million jobs it created?

I assume those aren't in the GOP talking points...

No one wants to mention that all but three repubs voted against it, then 116 of the naysayers wrote letters to get the money for their districts. Hypocrisy much?
The fact is that the original BIG Bank bailout was instituted by Bush/Paulson. Fact is the vast majority of Congress, (Democrats & Republicans alike) voted for the BIG Bank Wall-Street bailout. Fact is, when Barrack Obama took office he doubled down on the Bush/Paulson BIG Bank Wall-Street bailout making it the Obama/Geithner BIG Bank Wall-Street bailout.

Fucking idiots on the left and right love to argue about which Duopoly Party has the most idiots and crooks. Both are too fucking stupid to realize they’ve finally created EQUALITY in that regard!!!!!
The fact is that the original BIG Bank bailout was instituted by Bush/Paulson. Fact is the vast majority of Congress, (Democrats & Republicans alike) voted for the BIG Bank Wall-Street bailout. Fact is, when Barrack Obama took office he doubled down on the Bush/Paulson BIG Bank Wall-Street bailout making it the Obama/Geithner BIG Bank Wall-Street bailout.

Fucking idiots on the left and right love to argue about which Duopoly Party has the most idiots and crooks. Both are too fucking stupid to realize they’ve finally created EQUALITY in that regard!!!!!

Fact is that conservative Republicans were against the bailouts, and still are.
Fact is that conservative Republicans were against the bailouts, and still are.

What is a conservative Republican and which ones were against it? Some rational articulation is required here. What about McCain, Graham and that other RINO bastard from NY King? Are they conservative Republicans and were they against it?