WaterBoarding is not torture!


I dare you to stop us GL
I don't care what you liberals say. It's not so bad. You aren't in any serious pain and it's not like you are drowning. And terrorists aren't covered in the geneva conventions so don't even bring that up. If we need vital info that would save people's lives then I say do whatever it takes.
I don't care what you liberals say. It's not so bad. You aren't in any serious pain and it's not like you are drowning. And terrorists aren't covered in the geneva conventions so don't even bring that up. If we need vital info that would save people's lives then I say do whatever it takes.

If they waterboarded your kid, that would be allright with you? How about your mom, dad, sister, wife? Its okay then? Just standard procedure?
Isn't it kind of funny how conservatives defend everything they do by saying "Oh, terrorists do worse?" Why are they constantly trying to set the terrorists as the example? Why can't they strive to be more civilized, instead of more like terrorists?

Kind of shows you how simialar the terrorists and conservatives are on a basic level, no?
How dare you compare conservatives to terrorists! We must do everything we can to prevent another 9-11. It's liberals who want to give terrorists rights and lose the war in Iraq. Democrats are unpatriotic and are more similar to terrorists than anyone else!
How dare you compare conservatives to terrorists! We must do everything we can to prevent another 9-11. It's liberals who want to give terrorists rights and lose the war in Iraq. Democrats are unpatriotic and are more similar to terrorists than anyone else!

This can't be a serious post.
Hannity, Rush and Bush are what conservatives stand for.

No, they're not. They're what the left wishes conservatives stood for, because then it would be far easier to paint coservatives as total retarded idiots, which is exactly what Rush and Bush are.

Republicans /= Conservitives. Learn that.
Hannity, Rush and Bush are what conservatives stand for.

It's like a parody of what this place was about four years ago before even the hardest hard-liners realized they were in the wrong and killed themselves (WRL) or went berserk and killed others (edandmary) or left in utter humiliation (Dixie).
It's like a parody of what this place was about four years ago before even the hardest hard-liners realized they were in the wrong and killed themselves (WRL) or went berserk and killed others (edandmary) or left in utter humiliation (Dixie).

Larry killed himself?