Watermark agrees: Liberals are bad at governing

You mean the voodoo economics that Bush I spoke of?

Or Cheney speaking of Reagan proving that the defecit did not matter?

Of course neither one of those had to deal with a multi trillion dollar finiancial meltdown did they?
Is there an answer in there somewhere?
Umm could it be because virtually everyone calling themselves a conservative voted for Bush? And most of the twice.

........and let's not forget the Conservative Supreme court that ignored state's rights and selected bush as their Preesident. What about the policies promulgated by the Cheneys and Rumsfelds et al that supported bush all the way through his failure. Hannity, Limbaugh, Coulter, etc never jumped ship as far as I can remember, not Conservative? Fox, NY Post, Standard etc. stayed on the bandwagon until the very end, not Conservative?
bush came in armed with all the policies Conservatives love, but the fact that those policies failed, 8 years and one day later he was no longer one of them. Conservative Supply Side fiscal policies better known as Trickle Down, failed and a poorly run Conservative promoted war commenced which asked of the people not one minute or one cent. These are what they handed Obama on day one. They steamrolled Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part 'D' into being, then they complain about waste when it was their intent to kill it in the first place. (Can you say Newt Gingrich?)
Liberals should have the understanding to realize that it must be very difficult to know one's own beliefs and still take responsibility for the resulting failure, regardless of the embarrassment.
........and let's not forget the Conservative Supreme court that ignored state's rights and selected bush as their Preesident. What about the policies promulgated by the Cheneys and Rumsfelds et al that supported bush all the way through his failure. Hannity, Limbaugh, Coulter, etc never jumped ship as far as I can remember, not Conservative? Fox, NY Post, Standard etc. stayed on the bandwagon until the very end, not Conservative?
bush came in armed with all the policies Conservatives love, but the fact that those policies failed, 8 years and one day later he was no longer one of them. Conservative Supply Side fiscal policies better known as Trickle Down, failed and a poorly run Conservative promoted war commenced which asked of the people not one minute or one cent. These are what they handed Obama on day one. They steamrolled Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part 'D' into being, then they complain about waste when it was their intent to kill it in the first place. (Can you say Newt Gingrich?)
Liberals should have the understanding to realize that it must be very difficult to know one's own beliefs and still take responsibility for the resulting failure, regardless of the embarrassment.

The state of Florida broke its own rule of law. When Gore appealed to Florida's SC to steal the election after Bush was declared the winner and the Florida SC was willing to break its own election laws, GORE opened the door for the US SC to get involved and declare it illegal for Florida to break its own election laws.
Yep. You heard it guys. The new Republican tactic; when a conservative gets up their, implements their policy, and fails, he's not a conservative.
Childish. I've spent 8 years explaining to people that this wasn't a conservative and telling Rs that if they kept following the man into debt they'd lose their jobs.

Both were right.
Childish. I've spent 8 years explaining to people that this wasn't a conservative and telling Rs that if they kept following the man into debt they'd lose their jobs.

Both were right.

Maybe 5 years as I recall Damo.

but you did spend 8 years defending those who defended bush. :D
Jost do not forget the the 800 bill or so Bush pushed for the bank bailouts before he left office is not Obama's.
Spending on pill bills, GM bailout, "stimulus" to patch the same bubble that caused our problem to begin with, etc... Shoot even in Iraq he's doing what Bush was doing... It's all going swimmingly.

What caused the bubble? Conservatism. We should fix what conservatism failed us. There is nothing that has ever been disproven more than the myth that conservatism brings prosperity. Conservatism brings nothing but ruin.
What caused the bubble? Conservatism. We should fix what conservatism failed us. There is nothing that has ever been disproven more than the myth that conservatism brings prosperity. Conservatism brings nothing but ruin.
Your premise is flawed. Losing fiscal responsibility and building an economy on credit bubbles caused the economic failure. Had Bush actually been conservative I may agree with you, but instead he increased government programs, increased spending, increased debt, followed none of the principles of fiscal responsibility, and the rest of the Rs followed him into territory they should never have gone to. Clinton was more of a conservative than Bush ever thought to be.