"We are unable to provide a full explaination of the Total collapse"



This was a line written in the report requested by Dr Jones in response to questions about the 911 collapse of the three towers on 911.

Jones was energized in November when he and others received a response from the national lab charged by Congress to determine why and how the towers collapsed. The letter contained the following phrase:
"We are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse."

"That," Jones said, "really was progress. It made me believe we could talk with them."

It is striking. After producing a 10,000-page report, the National Institute of Standards and Technology can't explain the collapse. And on its Web site, NIST clearly states that nowhere in its report did it say that steel in the Twin Towers melted due to fires. In fact, the fires reached only 1,000 degrees Celsius. Steel melts at 1,500 degrees Celsius.

Meanwhile, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has said that its best hypothesis for the fall of the third tower, WTC 7 — diesel fuel stored in the building caused fires that collapsed the building — has a "low probability" of being correct.

At the time of his separation with BYU, which he admitted was painful, Jones found himself burned by his association with a loose confederation of 9/11 truth-seekers, some of them clearly kooky conspiracy theorists, and by some of his own statements.

Now, he and a number of scientific colleagues are taking a more cautious, mainstream approach.

His new peer-reviewed paper in the Open Civil Engineering Journal doesn't rip NIST or FEMA or the government. It does just the opposite. It lays out 14 points of agreement Jones and his colleagues have with the official government reports.

"We're getting to a higher level of discussion with this paper," Jones said.

The open paper can be found for free on the Web at www.bentham.org.

So what does Jones think happened?

Jones wants NIST to look at new evidence he found in Ground Zero dust samples since leaving BYU. The dust is full of iron-rich spheres and red-gray chips with the chemical signatures of high-tech cutter-charge explosives that he said could explain the collapsed towers. The spheres come from molten metal that Jones said could be caused by cutter charges.

"It's like when you spray water into the air, you get droplets," Jones said. "These spheres are evidence of extremely high temperatures beyond what the fires could have reached."

He's offered samples to NIST and invited NIST to visit one of his group's labs. A NIST spokesman has said that would be a waste of taxpayer dollars, though Jones said the cost would be less than $5,000.

Jones is cautious with money himself. He and his wife are selling off their real-estate investments to make ends meet, but he said they are comfortable and about to move to Sanpete County.

"I haven't profited a penny off this," he said. "I don't want to, and I've been careful not to. I'm concerned about the country, and I'm worried the truth is being covered up here."

He's careful not to speculate about a cover-up, though he said the growing dissatisfaction with the war in Iraq has made many more people receptive to his research.

Would it really hurt the people at NIST to talk to him once?
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The so-called collapses can't even be recreated or simulated in a laboratory and there is a very good reason for that .. it defies the laws of physics, science, and engineering. It is a virtual impossibility that these buildings melted from small fires, especially WTC7 which was not engulfed in flames by any stretch of the imagination.

However, the collapses can be explained in just two words .. Reichstag fire
I think they may have gotten some promises from Clinton to not rock the boat if shes elected. They seem to be trying to help her over Obama. They either think they can beat her easier or they think she will tow the line if she wins, maybe they are hedging both. Obama is the wild card they cant control.

I truely fear for his life and fear that this country will explode if they bump him off.
I think they may have gotten some promises from Clinton to not rock the boat if shes elected. They seem to be trying to help her over Obama. They either think they can beat her easier or they think she will tow the line if she wins, maybe they are hedging both. Obama is the wild card they cant control.

I truely fear for his life and fear that this country will explode if they bump him off.

This country would explode.

The is a very good reason why Clinton is unapologetic about her support for needless war .. and it's the very same reason why she wants to "obliterate Iran" which can be summed up in one word ... Israel. Both Hillary and Bill are pawns for the Israeli/neocon horde.
I dont know how close they are tied in but they sure are tied in.

Obama is the great black hope at this point in our history.

I listen to him and his wife and just think PLEASE, PLEASE let this happen for our country.
I dont know how close they are tied in but they sure are tied in.

Obama is the great black hope at this point in our history.

I listen to him and his wife and just think PLEASE, PLEASE let this happen for our country.

You share the sentiments of a great many Americans my good sister .. and why wouldn't those sentiments be justified when

Bush, Cheney and all other key officials refused to testify under oath.

Bush and Cheney would not even speak to the 9/11 Commission unless they did so together.

Bush and Cheney asked democratic leaders NOT to investigate 9/11.

Indisputable evidence that the Bush Administration knew 9/11 was about to happen before it happened.

The government INTENTIONALLY removed critical evidence from the crime scenes illegally.

The 9/11 Commission admits that the U.S. military intentionally lied about what happened that day.

The conclusions reached by the Commission were based on political considerations and they avoided asking the tough questions.

NIST admits "We are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse", even though no modern steel-frame building has ever before or since totally collapsed due to fire, even with much hotter and longer-burning fires, including the Madrid Fire.

FEMA admits that its best hypothesis for why WTC 7 collapsed has only "a low probability of occurring"

Who wouldn't be skeptical .. especially after the revelations of all the other lies and deceptions of the Bush Administration and the neocon horde?
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I dont know how close they are tied in but they sure are tied in.

Obama is the great black hope at this point in our history.

I listen to him and his wife and just think PLEASE, PLEASE let this happen for our country.

Can you prove they are "tied in" or is this another of your hunches that is so obvious that everyone who doesn't get it is stupid?

This was a line written in the report requested by Dr Jones in response to questions about the 911 collapse of the three towers on 911.

Jones was energized in November when he and others received a response from the national lab charged by Congress to determine why and how the towers collapsed. The letter contained the following phrase:
"We are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse."

"That," Jones said, "really was progress. It made me believe we could talk with them."

It is striking. After producing a 10,000-page report, the National Institute of Standards and Technology can't explain the collapse. And on its Web site, NIST clearly states that nowhere in its report did it say that steel in the Twin Towers melted due to fires. In fact, the fires reached only 1,000 degrees Celsius. Steel melts at 1,500 degrees Celsius.

Meanwhile, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has said that its best hypothesis for the fall of the third tower, WTC 7 — diesel fuel stored in the building caused fires that collapsed the building — has a "low probability" of being correct.

At the time of his separation with BYU, which he admitted was painful, Jones found himself burned by his association with a loose confederation of 9/11 truth-seekers, some of them clearly kooky conspiracy theorists, and by some of his own statements.

Now, he and a number of scientific colleagues are taking a more cautious, mainstream approach.

His new peer-reviewed paper in the Open Civil Engineering Journal doesn't rip NIST or FEMA or the government. It does just the opposite. It lays out 14 points of agreement Jones and his colleagues have with the official government reports.

"We're getting to a higher level of discussion with this paper," Jones said.

The open paper can be found for free on the Web at www.bentham.org.

So what does Jones think happened?

Jones wants NIST to look at new evidence he found in Ground Zero dust samples since leaving BYU. The dust is full of iron-rich spheres and red-gray chips with the chemical signatures of high-tech cutter-charge explosives that he said could explain the collapsed towers. The spheres come from molten metal that Jones said could be caused by cutter charges.

"It's like when you spray water into the air, you get droplets," Jones said. "These spheres are evidence of extremely high temperatures beyond what the fires could have reached."

He's offered samples to NIST and invited NIST to visit one of his group's labs. A NIST spokesman has said that would be a waste of taxpayer dollars, though Jones said the cost would be less than $5,000.

Jones is cautious with money himself. He and his wife are selling off their real-estate investments to make ends meet, but he said they are comfortable and about to move to Sanpete County.

"I haven't profited a penny off this," he said. "I don't want to, and I've been careful not to. I'm concerned about the country, and I'm worried the truth is being covered up here."

He's careful not to speculate about a cover-up, though he said the growing dissatisfaction with the war in Iraq has made many more people receptive to his research.

Would it really hurt the people at NIST to talk to him once?

Okay, this is good. A solid, peer reviewed technical report by experts.

I still can't bring to think that BushCo planted explosives, or anything. I realize you're not saying that. But, I tell you what: I think there was a lot of high-fiving in the white house after the attacks. That this was exactly what the PNAC idiots wanted.
However it happened, bushco looked on it as good fortune and exploited the fear generated by 911 for their own objectives. Objectives not in the best interest of the USA.
I consider them exploiters of tragedy and traitors to the USA.
However it happened, bushco looked on it as good fortune and exploited the fear generated by 911 for their own objectives. Objectives not in the best interest of the USA.
I consider them exploiters of tragedy and traitors to the USA.

and no one lifted a finger to stop them. Checks and balances can't work when everyone is too politically afraid to use them. Bitching about the loose horses is sort of moot after you neglect to close the gate.
and no one lifted a finger to stop them. Checks and balances can't work when everyone is too politically afraid to use them. Bitching about the loose horses is sort of moot after you neglect to close the gate.

yeah I got called unamerican, traitor, etc for saying anything against the invasion. I was not too politically afraid, I just had no power to do anything but vote. And I voted against Bush 2X.
I also emailed my senators, reps and the WH.
yeah I got called unamerican, traitor, etc for saying anything against the invasion. I was not too politically afraid, I just had no power to do anything but vote. And I voted against Bush 2X.
I also emailed my senators, reps and the WH.

yeah I got called unamerican, traitor, etc for saying anything against the invasion. I was not too politically afraid, I just had no power to do anything but vote. And I voted against Bush 2X.
I also emailed my senators, reps and the WH.

Look at the bright side--you learned that you have no power and your e-mails mean nothing to anyone in the govt.
Yep, sadly I had to have my last dog put down a year or so ago, and took pity on some orphaned stray kittens. My mistake, but have to take care of em now. They would just kill each other if I withdrew my support.