We don't need no stinking gun controls.


Villified User
NEW YORK (CNN) -- A New York middle school superintendent wrestled to the ground a gun-wielding parent apparently irate over the school's latest swine flu memo, officials said.
Peter Cocker was arraigned on charges of burglary, kidnapping, coercion and criminal use of a weapon.

Police and school officials identified the suspect as Peter Cocker, 37, parent of a recently ill student at South Orangetown Middle School in Rockland County.

The man barged into the office of South Orangetown School District Superintendent Ken Mitchell brandishing a gun, said B.J. Greco, public information officer for the district.

The man locked the office door and confronted Mitchell about his latest H1N1 memo, released a day earlier, Greco said. Watch more on the suspect Video

That advisory noted that one case of H1N1 had been confirmed at the middle school, recommended hand-washing and advised ill students to stay home.

Both school officials and police said Wednesday that they had been unable to determine what about the memo might have provoked the incident.

"The superintendent and intruder wound up in a scuffle," Greco said.

By the time Orangetown police officers arrived on scene, the superintendent had wrestled the angry man to the ground, she said.

Officers were unable to force the locked door open with a crowbar, the police department said. Growing concerned about the sounds of an escalating struggle inside, they fired a shotgun at the doorknob to gain entry.

For the next several hours, Orangetown police -- with the assistance of neighboring departments and other regional agencies -- combed the building to ensure that no other intruders were inside.

About 2:15 p.m., two hours and 45 minutes after the call about the incident came in to police, the school's 800 sixth-, seventh- and eighth-graders were dismissed on schedule.

USC generally opposes gun control.

USC also talks out of both sides of his wrinkled old mouth.

I report.

You deride.
Sadly, even half educated people like you are satisfied that we can do no better than 18,000 MURDERS.

And what is it you think you know about my education? Is it that I disagree with you that means I must be "half educated"? If I had a "whole" education I would believe as you do?

Yes we can do much better than 18,000 murders. But removing firearms is not going to stop them.

Tell me how many of those murders committed with guns were committed by people who could not legally own a gun? The shooting at the Holocaust Museum is being hailed as a reason for more gun control laws. But the man who committed the crime could not legally own a gun. The gun laws didn't do much there did they?
2 things
1. Check England and France's numbers compared to ours and how many guns they have.
2. Bama is famous for shitty education, you guy's just got banned from TV for players not making the grade. Roll tide, around the whole and down the bowl.
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2 thinks
1. Check England and France's numbers compared to ours and how many guns they have.
2. Bama is famous for shitty education, you guy's just got banned from TV for players not making the grade. Roll tide, around the whole and down the bowl.

"2 thinks"? Did you mean "two things"?

Comparing dissimilar cultures is often misleading. Compare the drunk driving deaths for the US and then for England & France. Is banning the automobile the fix? England and France have far fewer per capita. Do you actually believe that the number of guns is the cause of the number of violent crimes? Do you believe that criminals would turn in their guns too?

Bama is famous for being one of the top universities. Check the graduation rates for our athletes. Check the number of Academic All Americans that the UA has had versus other schools and get back to me. We were put on probation because a booster paid a high school coach to steer a player our way.
don't sweat topspin. He's a college degreed wanna be bully who knows martial arts but knows he can't boss people around that are armed. he hates that.