We have a challenger for my favorite Democrat in the primary…


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We have a challenger for my favorite Democrat in the primary…

Until now Kamila Harris has been my clear favorite for the primary, her policies, experience, and personality made her the clear favorite for me. This weekend I spent some time watching Pete Buttigieg, And listening to him discuss policy and religion. I looked into his experience, and now I can’t decide which one I am hoping will win.

It is very exciting to watch the Democrats choose a candidate to run against Donald Rump.
I can’t get his name past autocorrect.

But Pete is on record supporting reparations after having paid obeisance to the despicable racist, Al Sharpton. What are these people thinking lol?

Do you think Trump will Tweet about that if Pete starts gaining traction?
Not to worry, neither of these two twits will win the primary. It will be creepy Biden.
I can’t get his name past autocorrect.

But Pete is on record supporting reparations after having paid obeisance to the despicable racist, Al Sharpton. What are these people thinking lol?

Do you think Trump will Tweet about that if Pete starts gaining traction?

So, what exactly is your opposition to putting African-Americans on a level playing field with European Americans? European Americans were allowed to come to our country with their wealth, Africans were brought here with zero wealth and then paste centuries of severe depression. Why not Funally make them equal?
I’m not sure about that Earl.

Joe is pasty-white, he’s old and his Me2 troubles aren’t going to go away.
He does have baggage, according to the left (imagine, that being white is “baggage”) but he has name recognition and has a large lead in the polls. We shall see, DBO, but I’m fairly skilled at picking winners (a loser, in this case).
I'm still on board with Bernie Sanders. One of the others can be his VP. Bernie has a good chance of dying in Office, so his VP pick will be important.

We have a challenger for my favorite Democrat in the primary…

Until now Kamila Harris has been my clear favorite for the primary, her policies, experience, and personality made her the clear favorite for me. This weekend I spent some time watching Pete Buttigieg, And listening to him discuss policy and religion. I looked into his experience, and now I can’t decide which one I am hoping will win.

It is very exciting to watch the Democrats choose a candidate to run against Donald Rump.
So, what exactly is your opposition to putting African-Americans on a level playing field with European Americans? European Americans were allowed to come to our country with their wealth, Africans were brought here with zero wealth and then paste centuries of severe depression. Why not Funally make them equal?

I have no opposition to blacks or other minorities lol.

None, whatsoever. But the concept making reparations over slavery is fraught with inconsistencies and—dare I say it?

Injustices. How is it ‘just’ or fair to penalize people who had nothing to do with slavery—for slavery? It gets swept under the politically correct historical rug, but black Africans were instrumental in the slave trade. Who do you think the white Europeans sought out for black slaves when they landed in Africa?

Black Africans. So how is that going to work?

But politically, reparations is a big loser. If democrats like Pete were serious about getting the white working class back he, Harris, Beto and the gang just gave them the political equivalent of an extended middle digit.

Again, I’m dumbfounded by it. It’s almost like they’re trying to hand Trump another term on a silver platter.
I'm still on board with Bernie Sanders. One of the others can be his VP. Bernie has a good chance of dying in Office, so his VP pick will be important.

How much older is Bernie than Rump?
I'm still on board with Bernie Sanders. One of the others can be his VP. Bernie has a good chance of dying in Office, so his VP pick will be important.

He's a poor sap and a Socialist who has become wealthy under Capitalism. Send him to Venezuela...tell him to bring food.
So, what exactly is your opposition to putting African-Americans on a level playing field with European Americans? European Americans were allowed to come to our country with their wealth, Africans were brought here with zero wealth and then paste centuries of severe depression. Why not Funally make them equal?

My ancestors came to America to escape persecution in Europe with little or no money. You're painting "whitey" with a broad brush.
My ancestors came to America to escape persecution in Europe with little or no money. You're painting "whitey" with a broad brush.

Were they forced to do so in captivity under a Capitolist money-making scheme?
"Were they forced to do so in captivity under a Capitolist money-making scheme?"

We have a challenger for my favorite Democrat in the primary…

Until now Kamila Harris has been my clear favorite for the primary, her policies, experience, and personality made her the clear favorite for me. This weekend I spent some time watching Pete Buttigieg, And listening to him discuss policy and religion. I looked into his experience, and now I can’t decide which one I am hoping will win.

It is very exciting to watch the Democrats choose a candidate to run against Donald Rump.

I agree but it is still really early