We have a challenger for my favorite Democrat in the primary…

We have a challenger for my favorite Democrat in the primary…

Until now Kamila Harris has been my clear favorite for the primary, her policies, experience, and personality made her the clear favorite for me. This weekend I spent some time watching Pete Buttigieg, And listening to him discuss policy and religion. I looked into his experience, and now I can’t decide which one I am hoping will win.

It is very exciting to watch the Democrats choose a candidate to run against Donald Rump.

You looked into his experience? Can you share with us those things that you reviewed that caused this sudden attraction?

Is it because he is gay and you democrats have already done the black thang with Obama and tried the woman thang with Crooked Hillary?

Tell us what experience you think Pete has to become leader of the free world. And let's see if you can do it without mentioning President Trump.

How so? Were your ancestors taken captive and shipped here against their will? Were they then sepperated completly from their family and culture? Were they enslaved? When realeasd from slavery were they let lose without connection to any culture, family or money? Were they systematically prevented from access to education and significant income or equal access to the laws for generations?
How so? Were your ancestors taken captive and shipped here against their will? Were they then sepperated completly from their family and culture? Were they enslaved? When realeasd from slavery were they let lose without connection to any culture, family or money? Were they systematically prevented from access to education and significant income or equal access to the laws for generations?

Yes. It happened to my ancestors. Not here. But my ancestors experienced it.

Do you think slavery is somehow unique to the American negro?

It has happened to every culture in the history of the world

Look if you think reparations is a winning issue for 2020 you go right ahead. I encourage it
I really love the way he put Mike Pence in his place...

I suspect that this is the sole reason for your newfound love for Mayor Pete. Someone forwarded you his pithy comment on Facebook and it gave you a political hard on

Are you going to tell us where you researched his experience? I would love to see it myself. Or is this like the scholarly readings you claimed to be doing on the Nazi's? Something you like to talk about but not really do.
I suspect that this is the sole reason for your newfound love for Mayor Pete. Someone forwarded you his pithy comment on Facebook and it gave you a political hard on

Are you going to tell us where you researched his experience? I would love to see it myself. Or is this like the scholarly readings you claimed to be doing on the Nazi's? Something you like to talk about but not really do.

Rhodes scholar, Navy intelligence officer in Afghanistan, Mayor of South Bend Indiana.
So, what exactly is your opposition to putting African-Americans on a level playing field with European Americans? European Americans were allowed to come to our country with their wealth, Africans were brought here with zero wealth and then paste centuries of severe depression. Why not Funally make them equal?
because all the slaves and slave holders are long dead? who gets reparations?
How so? Were your ancestors taken captive and shipped here against their will? Were they then sepperated completly from their family and culture? Were they enslaved? When realeasd from slavery were they let lose without connection to any culture, family or money? Were they systematically prevented from access to education and significant income or equal access to the laws for generations?

We have a challenger for my favorite Democrat in the primary…

Until now Kamila Harris has been my clear favorite for the primary, her policies, experience, and personality made her the clear favorite for me. This weekend I spent some time watching Pete Buttigieg, And listening to him discuss policy and religion. I looked into his experience, and now I can’t decide which one I am hoping will win.

It is very exciting to watch the Democrats choose a candidate to run against Donald Rump.

He sounds like another socialist, gun hating, climate hoax believing, illegal loving, faggot.
Rhodes scholar, Navy intelligence officer in Afghanistan, Mayor of South Bend Indiana.

Hates gun, loves faggot and sexually deviant freaks, believes the climate change hoax, wants government run healthcare, and thinks illegals brought as kids should get to stay despite being illegal.

Nothing there is good.
How so? Were your ancestors taken captive and shipped here against their will? Were they then sepperated completly from their family and culture? Were they enslaved? When realeasd from slavery were they let lose without connection to any culture, family or money? Were they systematically prevented from access to education and significant income or equal access to the laws for generations?

You should talk to the tribal chiefs that sold their own people into slavery. Perhaps the descendants of those African tribal chiefs would like the descendants of slaves back in the tribe.
You should talk to the tribal chiefs that sold their own people into slavery. Perhaps the descendants of those African tribal chiefs would like the descendants of slaves back in the tribe.

They are also to blame... but we do not have jurisdiction over them. Does that somehow absolve what Americans and America did?
Hates gun, loves faggot and sexually deviant freaks, believes the climate change hoax, wants government run healthcare, and thinks illegals brought as kids should get to stay despite being illegal.

Nothing there is good.

Yes, he challenges the status quo and stands up for what is right, not what is or has been.
"Honors and awards

Buttigieg was named a 2014 Aspen Institute Rodel Fellow.[57] He was named a recipient of the John F. Kennedy New Frontier Fenn Award in 2015.[58]
Rhodes scholar, Navy intelligence officer in Afghanistan, Mayor of South Bend Indiana.

You could have gotten all of that listening to Chuck Todd on Meet the Depressed.Where did you research him? What sites did you do to conduct your thorough research?
We have a challenger for my favorite Democrat in the primary…

Until now Kamila Harris has been my clear favorite for the primary,


you have been disqualified

TRUMP is going to win in 2020, get used to it.

you're ONLY hope is if he decides NOT to run, better put some eggs in that basket,

Kamala :rofl2:
We have a challenger for my favorite Democrat in the primary…

Until now Kamila Harris has been my clear favorite for the primary, her policies, experience, and personality made her the clear favorite for me. This weekend I spent some time watching Pete Buttigieg, And listening to him discuss policy and religion. I looked into his experience, and now I can’t decide which one I am hoping will win.

It is very exciting to watch the Democrats choose a candidate to run against Donald Rump.

Sharp as a 'box' of tacks. But too young. He needs to run for Congress or Senate first. Yes, I will set a limit. 37 is TOO young. A MAYOR of a city of 100,000? Nope, that's less than my county, BY HALF.

Go for it PETE! You gotta lot of fans out here.

(And I still can't pronounce his last name).
You could have gotten all of that listening to Chuck Todd on Meet the Depressed.Where did you research him? What sites did you do to conduct your thorough research?

Regardless of the source, those are not qualifications?
They are also to blame... but we do not have jurisdiction over them. Does that somehow absolve what Americans and America did?

Yes. If you want to punish anyone, punish those that bought slaves. I'd say all of them are dead. In addition, anyone that was a slave is also dead. Problem solved.
Sharp as a 'box' of tacks. But too young. He needs to run for Congress or Senate first. Yes, I will set a limit. 37 is TOO young. A MAYOR of a city of 100,000? Nope, that's less than my county, BY HALF.

Go for it PETE! You gotta lot of fans out here.

(And I still can't pronounce his last name).

Rump was never in the Senate, all he did was push around his daddy's money. This guy served in the Armed Forces, was a Rhodes Scholar.... and is very impressive in person. He can address Christianity and its relation to law, he can discuss the governments roll in the world, he can discuss world history.... Rump can only discuss pussy grabbing.