We have a challenger for my favorite Democrat in the primary…

I gave you some of the fruits of my research, they are facts so where those facts came from is not relevant. I require more qualifications than the minimum set forth in the Constitution before I give my vote to any candidate.

As I suspected, you watched Meet the Press and he gave you a woody. It is ok. No need to be ashamed about it.

You are free to deem whomever you wish to be "qualified" and set that standard for yourself. As long as an individual meets the standard set forth in the US Constitution that is all that is legally required. After that, it is all personal preference. And unlike leftists, I would never presume to set forth how others should think.

But, I do hope that he makes reparations a huge part of his campaign. It will be fun
I gave you some of the fruits of my research, they are facts so where those facts came from is not relevant. I require more qualifications than the minimum set forth in the Constitution before I give my vote to any candidate.

Why are you so afraid to share where you got your information from?
DO share...

The victorious Cromwellian Commonwealth practised vicious social hygiene, not just in Ireland, but throughout the three kingdoms. Vagrants, petty criminals, homeless orphans, and other victims of war were rounded up and shipped out against their wills to supply forced labour in the West Indies, Barbados in particular. The earliest historian of Barbados, Jill Sheppard, wrote: “by 1655 a total of 12,000 prisoners of war was alleged by the planters of Barbados to be employed by them, which would have represented nearly half the total white population”.

Forced labor. My ancestry.

Where's my reparations?
We have a challenger for my favorite Democrat in the primary…

Until now Kamila Harris has been my clear favorite for the primary, her policies, experience, and personality made her the clear favorite for me. This weekend I spent some time watching Pete Buttigieg, And listening to him discuss policy and religion. I looked into his experience, and now I can’t decide which one I am hoping will win.

It is very exciting to watch the Democrats choose a candidate to run against Donald Rump.

I'm loving the Party of the Jackass shit show! Can't wait to see how left the party will run in order to keep Good Ol'e Joe O'Biden out. :laugh:
So, what exactly is your opposition to putting African-Americans on a level playing field with European Americans? European Americans were allowed to come to our country with their wealth, Africans were brought here with zero wealth and then paste centuries of severe depression. Why not Funally make them equal?

European immigrants were given reparations? Are the Democrats really going to run on this issue? God, I hope so!!! :laugh:

It really is getting hard to comprehend the level of depravity and depth of stupidity the Party of the Jackass is willing to stoop to.


From your link.... "Does this make what happened to them the moral equivalent of the African slave trade? Absolutely not. African slaves taken across the Atlantic were pure chattels, unconditionally the property of their masters, with their children and children’s children also condemned secula seculorum. The noxious racism developed to justify the system puts the Puritans’ expedient sweeping of beaten opponents off the streets in the halfpenny place."
He does have baggage, according to the left (imagine, that being white is “baggage”) but he has name recognition and has a large lead in the polls. We shall see, DBO, but I’m fairly skilled at picking winners (a loser, in this case).


You are fairly skilled at picking your nose.
How so? Were your ancestors taken captive and shipped here against their will? Were they then sepperated completly from their family and culture? Were they enslaved? When realeasd from slavery were they let lose without connection to any culture, family or money? Were they systematically prevented from access to education and significant income or equal access to the laws for generations?

None of the blacks in America today had that happen to them.

From your link.... "Does this make what happened to them the moral equivalent of the African slave trade? Absolutely not. African slaves taken across the Atlantic were pure chattels, unconditionally the property of their masters, with their children and children’s children also condemned secula seculorum. The noxious racism developed to justify the system puts the Puritans’ expedient sweeping of beaten opponents off the streets in the halfpenny place."

You keep trying to move the goalposts, but this is what you stated earlier:

Were they forced to do so in captivity under a Capitolist [sic] money-making scheme?

What do you think that they were doing in Barbados, building hospitals and schools?

So again, where are my reparations?
You keep trying to move the goalposts, but this is what you stated earlier:

What do you think that they were doing in Barbados, building hospitals and schools?

So again, where are my reparations?

I have no objection to you asking the government of Barbados to give you reparations, but as a culture it is not even close to the same thing that happened to the African American in the United States.
Rump was never in the Senate, all he did was push around his daddy's money. This guy served in the Armed Forces, was a Rhodes Scholar.... and is very impressive in person. He can address Christianity and its relation to law, he can discuss the governments roll in the world, he can discuss world history.... Rump can only discuss pussy grabbing.

Liberals can only discuss pussy grabbing. Trump is actually trying to do the nations business. Sad that the Democrats would rather engage in third world Fascism and Kangaroo courts.
NOt for me. Its about fixing the inequality situation resulting from historical factors that harmed a segment of our population disproportional and resulted in ongoing inequality.

That happened in 1865 and 1965 snowflake. The only thing that continues to hold blacks back are blacks themselves. But hey, the Democratic Party of the Jackass has them right where they want them; floundering in Democratic controlled urban shit holes.
How does Mayor Pete's military experience compare with Rump?

Pete served as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy Reserve in Afghanistan. For his counterterrorism work, he earned the Joint Service Commendation Medal.