We have a challenger for my favorite Democrat in the primary…

This nation has catastrophic problems.
There are NO moderate solutions for catastrophic problems.
We need BIG changes to stop being a socially regressive nation and catch up to the civilized world.
American Exceptionalism cannot continue to mean exceptionally regressive. That's what it means now.

For that reason, I don't want to hear about moderate Democrats. They're Republican-Lites. DINOs.
If we're to even begin repairing the damage down by the diseased orangutan and his Trumpanzees,
we have to elect a SOCIAL Democrat like Liz or Bernie.

Liz has a Republican governor, Charlie Baker, who'll appoint a Republican to replace her in the Senate.
Thus it has to be Bernie from my point of view. AND a hard-left congress to go with him. Hard left state houses, too.
I can't even imagine how long it will take to repair the damage done by the orangutan's judicial appointments,
but we have to start somewhere.

The Trumpanzees who live in the anus of the nation known as Red State America haven't seen much of the civilized world
and don't even realize how socially regressive we are compared to them. You can't go to Europe in
a fucking camper, after all. I absolutely shudder to imagine what their shitkicker lives are like.

This is serious, people. We either move to modernity now or our descent to third world status will be irreversible.
" catastrophic problems " .... Serious Niftydicklick .... This Country hasn't been better off than is now in years !

STFU ... Go sit in the corner and let the adults handle it ....
It should be a Warren/Buttigieg ticket. A couple of really smart people would be such a welcome change from the last 2 years of fumbling and bumbling. When Trump talks fact checkers have to get in gear and then someone has to explain to Trump why his stupid ideas are against the law.
It should be a Warren/Buttigieg ticket. A couple of really smart people would be such a welcome change from the last 2 years of fumbling and bumbling.

What ? Warren is " really smart " ???? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL !!!

If you think " smart " the way YOU see it will fix this Country .... We are doomed !

Say hello to 9-11 times ten !!
You are allowing the enemy to take over the Country ..... Just wait for the next 9/11 .

Might be your family .

It WILL be under a liberal watch ....

9/11 didn't teach YOU anything ....

The word you were going for was "traitor," not "trader."
Your welcome, Tio Tomás.
This nation has catastrophic problems.
There are NO moderate solutions for catastrophic problems.
We need BIG changes to stop being a socially regressive nation and catch up to the civilized world.
American Exceptionalism cannot continue to mean exceptionally regressive. That's what it means now.

For that reason, I don't want to hear about moderate Democrats. They're Republican-Lites. DINOs.
If we're to even begin repairing the damage down by the diseased orangutan and his Trumpanzees,
we have to elect a SOCIAL Democrat like Liz or Bernie.

Liz has a Republican governor, Charlie Baker, who'll appoint a Republican to replace her in the Senate.
Thus it has to be Bernie from my point of view. AND a hard-left congress to go with him. Hard left state houses, too.
I can't even imagine how long it will take to repair the damage done by the orangutan's judicial appointments,
but we have to start somewhere.

The Trumpanzees who live in the anus of the nation known as Red State America haven't seen much of the civilized world
and don't even realize how socially regressive we are compared to them. You can't go to Europe in
a fucking camper, after all. I absolutely shudder to imagine what their shitkicker lives are like.

This is serious, people. We either move to modernity now or our descent to third world status will be irreversible.

Yes, please run Bernie.
How does Mayor Pete's military experience compare with Rump?

Pete served as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy Reserve in Afghanistan. For his counterterrorism work, he earned the Joint Service Commendation Medal.

Why does his military service matter to you now when it didn’t matter to you in 1992, 1996, 2008 and 2012?
Pete served as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy Reserve deployed to Afghanistan. For his counterterrorism work, he earned the Joint Service Commendation Medal.

I know ReTrumplicans do not respect military service, but it impresses me.

Not enough to vote for the guys who had it in 1992, 1996 and 2008

Do you ever think this stuff through before you post?
Hello Jarod,

We have a challenger for my favorite Democrat in the primary…

Until now Kamila Harris has been my clear favorite for the primary, her policies, experience, and personality made her the clear favorite for me. This weekend I spent some time watching Pete Buttigieg, And listening to him discuss policy and religion. I looked into his experience, and now I can’t decide which one I am hoping will win.

It is very exciting to watch the Democrats choose a candidate to run against Donald Rump.

Thanks for posting. I'll check him out. I've sort of been waiting for the dust to settle, myself. I was a Bernie supporter last time, and could easily go there again, but I'd like to see a more electrifying candidate, somebody with solid charisma and a good video presence. I really like everything Bernie has to say, but I recognize he is still a tough sell, and is too radical for a lot of mushy middle voters. And then there is the age issue. And he has a problem with black voters despite having a history of activism during the civil rights disputes of the 60's, for some reason, black voters are hesitant to give him a chance.

I like Kamala Harris, too.

And I would like to learn more about the other candidates, including this guy:

Wayne Messam, Candidate for President