We need to stop labeling people

I don't think so. Gridlock is the most likely result and that's not a bad thing, the only passed bills would be laws that everyone thinks are good ideas and the partisan crap gets gridlocked out of existence.

That was the ingenious government design the founders had in mind. This is why I laugh at and mock those who whine about Government not working. It's not supposed to fucking work. ;)
I am never going to stop using the terms teabagger, wingnut, deplorable mouth breather, and rightwing nut job.....

If that makes me a bad person, I will just have to accept that I am on the highway to hell!

It doesn't make you bad; it makes you a moron. Embrace your ignorance and stupidity and share it with the world! :laugh:
If you think you and your fellow assholes on the right are the "normal.thinking people" who represent the "good" side, while you advocate denying people health care, denying entry and kicking people out of the country based on ethnicity, cutting govt assistance to give multi-millionaires tax cuts, etc, etc, etc... then you are certifiably retarded.

You fucks represent the evil side in our current culture war.

You are the side of greed and self interest.

If you weren't an evil retard, you would see that.

I never want to be called anything other than what I am A Black American.

Black American is a label I wear proudly.

I am not the same as everyone else. I am unique just as everyone else.

We are not all the same it's what makes this country what it is.

It would be better if the people who labeled, weren't in charge of the country.

This country is ruled by the class who wants us all to conform to their norms and culture.....as corrupt as it may be.

they dont want the nation to function as designed

they hate democracy

they hate this nation

they fawn all over dictators like Putin

they are the enemy

they want the nation torn assunder

psst...c'mere...I wanna let you in on a little secret. ready?
that IS how the country is supposed to work

Evince's America: when everyone does whatever I want them to then we're being bi-partisan. When people disagree with me they are obviously Russian troll-bots.

Evince, you are a living, breathing meme. Are you dread lock girl?
It is a simple fact that that people are divided into those who love truth and those who hate the truth. They all know who they are. The battle lines have been drawn. Let's rumble.
'What is truth?' asked jesting Pilate, and would not stay for an answer. Where do you get your truth, child - The Book of Genesis? One or other of Trump's contradictory statements? The denial of all scientific discoveries for the last three hundred years ? You all are, we know, deeply dishonest about everything. How dare you talk about 'truth', you hypocritical scoundrel!
Depends what you mean by 'politics' - you are going to need powerful political action to put this mess right, I think. Most things, fair play, are more important than the current circus.

Powerful political action outside the confines the system allows.