"Weed Wars" clinic (Harborside) under RICO filing by CA. USDA

Vote for Obama .. I'll still love you. :0)

War is the decider for me. To the families and children that Obama slaughters, he is a monster. He slaughters innocent people for profit.

I understand the concept of lesser evil, I just don't buy into it. It's why the Democratic Party has lost the moral high ground and become almost indistinuishable from the Republican Party.

Lesser evil still gets you evil.

The last line is why I almost always wind up voting Libertarian. I've always like BAC because he stands for something he believes in, although we're pretty much opposite on the scale that matters little. I admire that kind of stance in anybody.
With all due respect, that is a huge leap of logic. On most posts, I have unwavering support for what Darla says. Does that mean I want to be a woman, or white? OR, does that mean that in most instances I have the same positions that she does. Did Poet also agree with their opinions? Did that mean that he wanted to be white? Doesn't it work both ways?

Guess what, I agree with that .. although I wouldn't necessarily say "understand", rather FEEL the racism that we endure .. have endured for over 400 years in this country. Case in point, you don't feel it. In most cases it oblivious to you .. may even think it doesn't exist.

I would slap Poet .. and feel real good about it .. and, that's my problem with Poet. How do you presume to speak for black people while at the same time feeding into a stereotype that denigrates us .. particularly black men. Slapping women is not who we are.

I have no problem with that. I don't feel the necessity to use those terms, but the shoe often fits.

I'm assuming that your characterization of what Poet has said and the agreement of others is correct .. I'm sure someone will correct you if it isn't .. but again, I think labelling whites anything because they don't support Obama, isn't a democrat, or doesn't have black friends is wrong, wrong .. and wrong.

Additionally, as African-Americans, we should be more careful in how we sling around terms like "homosexual." We are a severly homophobic people. We think its culture. Although I do recognize where that comes from .. time to grow the fuck up.

Enough about Poet. He isn't here to defend himself.

That being said, may I offer something strange. Spirituality is real my brother. I'm not talking about religion. Spitituality has a presence that transcends physical contact. If one is connected to it, they can sense it .. they can feel it. There is no Bible, no doctrine, no temple. One is connected by their sense of humanity. Point being, some of us are spiritually-connected .. through the magic of cyber.

Sounds strange I know.

But its real.

Bac I can't speak for the others he accused, but I got into many an argument with poet as its sure others here remember. But I also continued to call racist and homophobic attacks on him, well, racist and gay bashing. And when I did agree with him I said so.
The last line is why I almost always wind up voting Libertarian. I've always like BAC because he stands for something he believes in, although we're pretty much opposite on the scale that matters little. I admire that kind of stance in anybody.

Same here good brother. We've had the pleasure of debating for years now. I've always admired you .. sometimes baited you because you only speak when you have something to say .. and I wanted to hear what you had to say. :0)
Bac I can't speak for the others he accused, but I got into many an argument with poet as its sure others here remember. But I also continued to call racist and homophobic attacks on him, well, racist and gay bashing. And when I did agree with him I said so.

Sounds like the Darla I know. :0)
You live in NY... there is no chance in hell of Obama not taking NY. So why not take a look at Johnson? Cast a vote in protest of the two parties and for a candidate that will actually benefit this country.

To be serious,I have looked at him. Many of his positions are insane IMO. If I were going to vote third party I would go green. I was considering it for a while. But for many reasons I decided to vote for Obama.
To be serious,I have looked at him. Many of his positions are insane IMO. If I were going to vote third party I would go green. I was considering it for a while. But for many reasons I decided to vote for Obama.

I'm Green and I may not vote for the Green candidate. Unless she comes clean on her connections to AIPAC, I won't be voting for Stein .. and I told her so.

Greens need to build the party from the ground up. That's my emphasis.

That being said, may I offer something strange. Spirituality is real my brother. I'm not talking about religion. Spitituality has a presence that transcends physical contact. If one is connected to it, they can sense it .. they can feel it. There is no Bible, no doctrine, no temple. One is connected by their sense of humanity. Point being, some of us are spiritually-connected .. through the magic of cyber.

Sounds strange I know.

But its real.
not strange at all, humans are unique animals, not just sentient (self aware), but aware of the functioning of the planet and the universe. Able to make desions based on humanistic morality ( here's where i do my BIG SPIEL about Buddhist thought -but i'll spare everyone today :rolleyes: ).

Some prefer to say they are following a god's teachings, and if that's your belief system, and helps you live a moral/ principled life. good for you.

I prefer to think that humans are spiritual, not necesarily defined by a god ( although if you want a god to use, ok fine), but by our conscious.
You know that thing your parents told you about? A moral person lives by a moral code, i do so because it's just and correct, and the Nobel Path is a way out of this rebirth.

Others do it to obtain a salvation. Stilll other live a spiritual life, because their conscious guides them, and they listen to their own thoughts/mind.

This is one of those"it doesn't matter by what means you get there, just complete the journey, and do so." My 2 cents worth of philosophy for today. :)
not strange at all, humans are unique animals, not just sentient (self aware), but aware of the functioning of the planet and the universe. Able to make desions based on humanistic morality ( here's where i do my BIG SPIEL about Buddhist thought -but i'll spare everyone today :rolleyes: ).

Some prefer to say they are following a god's teachings, and if that's your belief system, and helps you live a moral/ principled life. good for you.

I prefer to think that humans are spiritual, not necesarily defined by a god ( although if you want a god to use, ok fine), but by our conscious.
You know that thing your parents told you about? A moral person lives by a moral code, i do so because it's just and correct, and the Nobel Path is a way out of this rebirth.

Others do it to obtain a salvation. Stilll other live a spiritual life, because their conscious guides them, and they listen to their own thoughts/mind.

This is one of those"it doesn't matter by what means you get there, just complete the journey, and do so." My 2 cents worth of philosophy for today. :)

:0) And a welcome "two-cents" as always my friend.
:0) And a welcome "two-cents" as always my friend.
sometimes you need a friend to pull you through. Languor can effect even the best of minds, as we are dulled by continual atrocities.
Back full circle from my amorphous centricism; i might have found my Path again, I might not have.
But I had a friend who reawakened me to whom i always was - that was you. How many thanks can i give?
sometimes you need a friend to pull you through. Languor can effect even the best of minds, as we are dulled by continual atrocities.
Back full circle from my amorphous centricism; i might have found my Path again, I might not have.
But I had a friend who reawakened me to whom i always was - that was you. How many thanks can i give?

Two words: Road trip :0)
With all due respect, that is a huge leap of logic. On most posts, I have unwavering support for what Darla says. Does that mean I want to be a woman, or white? OR, does that mean that in most instances I have the same positions that she does. Did Poet also agree with their opinions? Did that mean that he wanted to be white? Doesn't it work both ways?

Guess what, I agree with that .. although I wouldn't necessarily say "understand", rather FEEL the racism that we endure .. have endured for over 400 years in this country. Case in point, you don't feel it. In most cases it oblivious to you .. may even think it doesn't exist.

I would slap Poet .. and feel real good about it .. and, that's my problem with Poet. How do you presume to speak for black people while at the same time feeding into a stereotype that denigrates us .. particularly black men. Slapping women is not who we are.

I have no problem with that. I don't feel the necessity to use those terms, but the shoe often fits.

I'm assuming that your characterization of what Poet has said and the agreement of others is correct .. I'm sure someone will correct you if it isn't .. but again, I think labelling whites anything because they don't support Obama, isn't a democrat, or doesn't have black friends is wrong, wrong .. and wrong.

Additionally, as African-Americans, we should be more careful in how we sling around terms like "homosexual." We are a severly homophobic people. We think its culture. Although I do recognize where that comes from .. time to grow the fuck up.

Enough about Poet. He isn't here to defend himself.

That being said, may I offer something strange. Spirituality is real my brother. I'm not talking about religion. Spitituality has a presence that transcends physical contact. If one is connected to it, they can sense it .. they can feel it. There is no Bible, no doctrine, no temple. One is connected by their sense of humanity. Point being, some of us are spiritually-connected .. through the magic of cyber.

Sounds strange I know.

But its real.

I totally believe in "spirituality".
I stopped "attending" Church a long time ago, for my own reasons; but I still feel a strong connection to God. (Let the anti-christian mud-slinging begin)
I don't try to "force" others to believe as I do; nor do I use it as an excuse to condemn those who believe different then I do.
I believe that spirituality is a personal understanding. It doesn't need to be explained, defended, or anything else.
I also believe that each person who feels this, probably feels it for reasons different from others and may not even be understood by others.
Just my take on it.
I'm Green and I may not vote for the Green candidate. Unless she comes clean on her connections to AIPAC, I won't be voting for Stein .. and I told her so.

Greens need to build the party from the ground up. That's my emphasis.

That's the same with the LIbertarians.

To me it seems that they want to go to the top end of the political pile and ignore the majority of the base; ie: how many of them are serving as Mayor's, Goveners, hell even city council members.
They need to build a political base that the majority of the people can see and identify with.
I totally believe in "spirituality".
I stopped "attending" Church a long time ago, for my own reasons; but I still feel a strong connection to God. (Let the anti-christian mud-slinging begin)
I don't try to "force" others to believe as I do; nor do I use it as an excuse to condemn those who believe different then I do.
I believe that spirituality is a personal understanding. It doesn't need to be explained, defended, or anything else.
I also believe that each person who feels this, probably feels it for reasons different from others and may not even be understood by others.
Just my take on it.
IMHO. I wouldn't speak for others, nor would I let others dissuade you. It's your life, it's even in the Constitution!
I'm all ears, since NORMALization 'has worked so well.'., tell me your formula for access without buying from the black market.
Black market, especially in Cal. is as easy as asking anyone you meet.

The bigger the operation, the bigger the scam. The actual dispensary may be on the up and up. BUT, the doctors are running a scam, and the kids that are sharing their 'medical' weed are breaking the law.

I think that many perceived Obama's 'hands off' promise as open season on legalization.

As usual, a relatively small group ruined it for those who need the product.

If the dispensaries had a system in place to weed out the 'cheaters', it would be in their best interest.

Instead, they're happy to rake in the bucks.