Welcome to the Board Folks!

I started posting actually at the age of 18 in 2003. But point taken.

I have known of:


and many others for such a long time. Totally weird.

(i dont remember billy on politics.com but i guess he was there... i remember him on fp though)

Do you remember when we first met on FP we fought? LOL You were a snot nose! But we made up pretty fast and got along remarkably well after that, all things considered.
i said mean things to you in the past darla O_O

You don't remember? You were bragging, you know what, I'm not going to go into details of something that as you say is almost ten years old. I don't even know why I still remember it - I remember very little about that board. Yeah when I first posted there we got into a fight, but we made up and it didn't happen again.
not really, you break the rules here, I didn't break any of sr's rules. If you weren't around for it, he was reading peoples private messages secretly, I found out about it and posted proof with screenshots showing him logged in on the private message pages with logs saying stuff like "Reading x's messages." I then posted this info, SR freaked out, decided to mass spam a bunch of pm's, then banned me.

Also I kinda cringe talking about something that happend almost a decade ago at this point. It's kinda lame.

If you believe differently, start a poll and see how many people agree with you, or accept that you are in a very tiny minority of crybabies.

My-my-my; you sure appear to be awful defensive, about something you did so long ago.
Oh-well :)
Nice gravedig Tom!

I started posting on Politics.Com in the Fall of 2002 during my junior year of HS, when I was 16. Grind has argued that it was Fall of 2003, in which case I was 17, and a senior.

This fall, those of us who are hitting a solid decade of posting on the P/FP/JPP circuit should do something to commemorate this milestone anniversary.
SR was reading people's private u2u messages. Then, when Grind revealed the fact that he had the administrator capability to do so, SR tactlessly argued he did not have the ability rather then stating that he could but chose not to do so in good faith. This error proved he was lying, and Brent and Dixie both went on an all-out crusade against SR. He banned them, along with Grind, but as it had already been a bad year with the New Years shutdown, the BB code changes, and the FPSC circus, everyone started leaving the site to come here. SR actually lifted Grind's ban in desperation.
I started posting actually at the age of 18 in 2003. But point taken.

I have known of:


and many others for such a long time. Totally weird.

(i dont remember billy on politics.com but i guess he was there... i remember him on fp though)

I don't even remember my name from politics.com, but yeah I was there. More or less as Libertarian as I am now.
I prefer to think of you as a fishwife, it has two meanings but I doubt that you've ever sold fish for a living.

n. pl. fish·wives (-w

1. A woman who sells fish.
2. A woman regarded as coarse and shrewishly abusive.
I didn't realize we were talking about your mother Tom.

So, does she sell fish or is she course and shrewishly abusive.
I didn't realize we were talking about your mother Tom.

So, does she sell fish or is she course and shrewishly abusive.

Why are you such a fucking dick? If that is an example of your 'sense of humour' then you have a monumental cheek criticising me!!
You may remember him as Beefy. Pretty cool dude, and, like you, now living in paradise. Hawaii, in his case.

No... IH8 was different than Beefy. Beefy was M12147 or something like that before he changed his moniker to Beefy here. He comes back every once in a while.
Funny, was given the impression he was iH8. The guy who created the Beefy account on FP supposedly gave it up, and IH8 was said to have nabbed it and carried the name onto this site.

There weren't that many committed libertarians. IH8, Stringy, Ironhead, and a few others such as Grind.