Welfare Chauvinism: Yes, Please!

Kamala Trump

Verified User
The term welfare chauvinism was coined to explain the structural changes and new cleavages in 1990s Europe. Radical right-wing populist parties began to support the idea that the welfare state should exist primarily for the native population. The immigrants who live in a welfare state, they argued, should be excluded from receiving state benefits and services. This idea combined more left-wing economic positions with right-wing values and cultural ideology.

contiued from source

A person in a country with a flourishing economy can still be welfare chauvinistic if they believe that their economy is struggling
Surprisingly, our recent research finds that this seems to be of little relevance. Rather, it is how people perceive economic conditions which seems to explain welfare chauvinistic attitudes across Europe. A person in a country with a flourishing economy can still be more welfare chauvinistic if they believe that the economy is struggling.
The term welfare chauvinism was coined to explain the structural changes and new cleavages in 1990s Europe. Radical right-wing populist parties began to support the idea that the welfare state should exist primarily for the native population. The immigrants who live in a welfare state, they argued, should be excluded from receiving state benefits and services. This idea combined more left-wing economic positions with right-wing values and cultural ideology.


Do you claim to be a Christian? Do you follow Jesus?

Because if you do, your thoughts are totally Sacreligious!

So, do I need to quote the scriptures of the Holy Bible to you, or do you catch my drift?
^^ Not a credible link.

Do you think it makes a difference to him?

It is not the credibility nor dependability of the link, rather what the link says, as long as he, and others like him, agree with the content, regardless of validity, it is a fact

It is no wonder prior AM Top 40 Disc Jockeys have turned themselves into millionaires by just telling the wingers what they want to hear

Undocumented immigrants should get welfare and other government aid
if for no better reason
than to piss trumpanzees off.

It's worth the tax money to me.

its worth it so you can feel inclusive and economically forward thinking at the same time?

not clinging to your guns and your border and your quaint yet regressive "nation-state"?
Do you claim to be a Christian? Do you follow Jesus?

Because if you do, your thoughts are totally Sacreligious!

So, do I need to quote the scriptures of the Holy Bible to you, or do you catch my drift?

charity is voluntary and directed where each individual wants.

you giving away other peoples money at the point of the gun is not charity.
The term welfare chauvinism was coined to explain the structural changes and new cleavages in 1990s Europe. Radical right-wing populist parties began to support the idea that the welfare state should exist primarily for the native population. The immigrants who live in a welfare state, they argued, should be excluded from receiving state benefits and services. This idea combined more left-wing economic positions with right-wing values and cultural ideology.


What a crap article...

It never addresses the underlying issue of immigration. Why would any nation offer legal immigration to persons who are un- or non-productive, and would be a burden on the state and taxpaying citizens of that nation? It doesn't differentiate between legal and illegal immigration either.

What it does do is argue that welfare for all should be the norm because the restriction of welfare to just citizens is tarred with a pejorative. The whole is a veiled argument for open borders and a right to welfare. It is just another failed, radical Leftist argument for a Socialist one-world government.

Undocumented immigrants should get welfare and other government aid
if for no better reason
than to piss trumpanzees off.

It's worth the tax money to me.

What a crap article...

It never addresses the underlying issue of immigration. Why would any nation offer legal immigration to persons who are un- or non-productive, and would be a burden on the state and taxpaying citizens of that nation? It doesn't differentiate between legal and illegal immigration either.

What it does do is argue that welfare for all should be the norm because the restriction of welfare to just citizens is tarred with a pejorative. The whole is a veiled argument for open borders and a right to welfare. It is just another failed, radical Leftist argument for a Socialist one-world government.

but I do actually believe in a small social safety net.

but moreso, market interventions like tariffs to keep working for money at least a possibility for americans in a globalized environment that permits de facto slave labor on the international markets.
Your hate and ignorance are making you crazy. You are always so wrong and so certain.

Your hate and ignorance are on full display. You obviously didn't bother to peruse the article you linked.

For example:

MYTH #11: “Illegal immigration or expanding legal immigration will destroy American national sovereignty.”

FACT: Different immigration policies do not reduce the U.S. government’s ability to defend American sovereignty.

If the US government won't or can't control movement across the nation's borders, then the nation is no longer truly sovereign. Anyone can come or go as they please with no checks on their doing so. That also means that goods can cross uncontrolled, notably illegal drugs.
So, this "myth" is truth and the response here is a lie.

MYTH #1: “Immigrants will take American jobs, lower wages, and especially hurt the poor.”

FACT: Immigrants don’t take American jobs, lower wages, or push the poor out of the labor market.

In construction occupations requiring lower skill levels than others, undocumented immigrants arguably depress wages. This makes construction more affordable, but leads to pay disparities between US- and foreign-born workers. Undocumented construction workers often face wage theft and occupational safety violations throughout the country.
https://www.urban.org/urban-wire/bu...al safety violations throughout the country.

Ybarra, born in Los Angeles, has built a solidly middle-class lifestyle on more than two decades in the carpenters’ union, earning $40 an hour on top of a pension, healthcare and unlimited vacation days.

Martinez, born in Guadalajara, Mexico, works for a nonunion contractor, installing metal panels and other parts for $27.50 an hour. He doesn’t have retirement savings, his insurance doesn’t cover his family and he gets five vacation days per year.


I construction trades, illegal immigrants do depress wages. Illegal and recent immigrants also often are less skilled in trades and do shoddy work. I've seen that a lot, first hand. For example, if I see electrical tape on wiring and around wire nuts, I know a semi-skilled or unskilled recent immigrant or illegal immigrant did the work. I've caught that in progress enough to know who's doing what.

MYTH #4: “Immigrants increase the budget deficit and government debt.”

FACT: Immigrants in the United States have about a net zero effect on government budgets — they pay about as much in taxes as they consume in benefits.

This is answer is an outright lie. The need for greater border enforcement, more controls, environmental destruction caused by illegal immigration, etc., are all things that increase the cost of government and in turn government spending. It may not have a great impact overall, but it has an impact. Immigrants of all types also send massive amounts of cash out of the country.

In 2018, over 200 million migrant workers sent $689 billion back home to remittance reliant countries, of which $529 billion went to developing countries.
https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/0...$529%2 0billion went to developing countries.

In the United States alone, the total amount of remittance payments is estimated to have been more than $148 billion in 2017.

That's money drained out of the US economy and sent elsewhere. That doesn't help build the US economy at all. Mass immigration and illegal immigration in particular, are a net drain on the economy.

MYTH #6: “Today’s immigrants don’t assimilate as immigrants from previous eras did.”

FACT: Immigrants to the United States — including Mexicans — are assimilating as well as or better than immigrant groups from Europe over a hundred years ago.

Also not true. Immigrants today have a much easier time not assimilating into US society. It is entirely possible for someone to retain their language and culture without assimilation due to states and federal laws that put all documents, forms, and processes into multiple languages for example. Why bother to learn English when you can do everything in say, Spanish?

100, 150, years ago you were pretty much forced to learn English or you had to eek out a living in a relatively isolated immigrant community because without speaking English you couldn't participate in larger society. That's just one example.

MYTH #7: “Immigrants are a major source of crime.”

FACT: Immigrants, including illegal immigrants, are less likely to be incarcerated in prisons, convicted of crimes, or arrested than native-born Americans.

This is a disingenuous conflation of legal and illegal immigration. 100% of immigrants in the US here illegally are criminals. That holds by the very fact they are illegal immigrants. Illegals also go to jail or prison at about triple the rate of legal immigrants and US citizens. Even if that incarceration is only for immigration violations, it is a criminal act, and they were convicted of it.

Of course, many states don't track between legal immigrants and citizens and illegal ones, but even on its face, this is true: Illegals commit crimes at much higher rates than legal immigrants or citizens.

MYTH #14: “The brain drain of smart immigrants to the United States impoverishes other countries.”

FACT: The flow of skilled workers to rich nations increases the incomes of people in the destination country, enriches the immigrants, and helps (or at least does not hurt) those left behind.

Well, the answer here is another lie.
Your hate and ignorance are on full display. You obviously didn't bother to peruse the article you linked.

For example:

If the US government won't or can't control movement across the nation's borders, then the nation is no longer truly sovereign. Anyone can come or go as they please with no checks on their doing so. That also means that goods can cross uncontrolled, notably illegal drugs.
So, this "myth" is truth and the response here is a lie.

In construction occupations requiring lower skill levels than others, undocumented immigrants arguably depress wages. This makes construction more affordable, but leads to pay disparities between US- and foreign-born workers. Undocumented construction workers often face wage theft and occupational safety violations throughout the country.
https://www.urban.org/urban-wire/bu...al safety violations throughout the country.

Ybarra, born in Los Angeles, has built a solidly middle-class lifestyle on more than two decades in the carpenters’ union, earning $40 an hour on top of a pension, healthcare and unlimited vacation days.

Martinez, born in Guadalajara, Mexico, works for a nonunion contractor, installing metal panels and other parts for $27.50 an hour. He doesn’t have retirement savings, his insurance doesn’t cover his family and he gets five vacation days per year.


I construction trades, illegal immigrants do depress wages. Illegal and recent immigrants also often are less skilled in trades and do shoddy work. I've seen that a lot, first hand. For example, if I see electrical tape on wiring and around wire nuts, I know a semi-skilled or unskilled recent immigrant or illegal immigrant did the work. I've caught that in progress enough to know who's doing what.

This is answer is an outright lie. The need for greater border enforcement, more controls, environmental destruction caused by illegal immigration, etc., are all things that increase the cost of government and in turn government spending. It may not have a great impact overall, but it has an impact. Immigrants of all types also send massive amounts of cash out of the country.

In 2018, over 200 million migrant workers sent $689 billion back home to remittance reliant countries, of which $529 billion went to developing countries.
https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/0...$529%2 0billion went to developing countries.

In the United States alone, the total amount of remittance payments is estimated to have been more than $148 billion in 2017.

That's money drained out of the US economy and sent elsewhere. That doesn't help build the US economy at all. Mass immigration and illegal immigration in particular, are a net drain on the economy.

Also not true. Immigrants today have a much easier time not assimilating into US society. It is entirely possible for someone to retain their language and culture without assimilation due to states and federal laws that put all documents, forms, and processes into multiple languages for example. Why bother to learn English when you can do everything in say, Spanish?

100, 150, years ago you were pretty much forced to learn English or you had to eek out a living in a relatively isolated immigrant community because without speaking English you couldn't participate in larger society. That's just one example.

This is a disingenuous conflation of legal and illegal immigration. 100% of immigrants in the US here illegally are criminals. That holds by the very fact they are illegal immigrants. Illegals also go to jail or prison at about triple the rate of legal immigrants and US citizens. Even if that incarceration is only for immigration violations, it is a criminal act, and they were convicted of it.

Of course, many states don't track between legal immigrants and citizens and illegal ones, but even on its face, this is true: Illegals commit crimes at much higher rates than legal immigrants or citizens.

Well, the answer here is another lie.

The truth is immigrants come here for financial opportunities that they cannot get in their homeland. They seek jobs. They work and pay taxes. The last thing they want to do is commit a crime and get thrown out. That defeats the whole reason they migrated.
They also do not qualify for welfare or assistance. They came here for the same reason our ancestors did. They do not walk a thousand miles to commit crimes.
Rightys are taught to hate people who are trying to better themselves, even though they help our economy.