Welfare Chauvinism: Yes, Please!

The truth is immigrants come here for financial opportunities that they cannot get in their homeland. They seek jobs. They work and pay taxes. The last thing they want to do is commit a crime and get thrown out. That defeats the whole reason they migrated.
They also do not qualify for welfare or assistance. They came here for the same reason our ancestors did. They do not walk a thousand miles to commit crimes.
Rightys are taught to hate people who are trying to better themselves, even though they help our economy.

they most certainly do.

we have the cartels and even Chinese and arab terrorists avalanching through the border to become the sleeper cell terrorists of next year.

this is an invasion, and yes, also a war on the citizen stadard of living.

borders have economic functions as well, and Americans died for those.
The truth is immigrants come here for financial opportunities that they cannot get in their homeland. They seek jobs. They work and pay taxes. The last thing they want to do is commit a crime and get thrown out. That defeats the whole reason they migrated.
They also do not qualify for welfare or assistance. They came here for the same reason our ancestors did. They do not walk a thousand miles to commit crimes.
Rightys are taught to hate people who are trying to better themselves, even though they help our economy.

You aren't differentiating between legal and illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants, by definition are 100% all criminals. They often cannot work legally so they find various illegal means to work instead (using a false or stolen social security number, working for cash, etc.)

Their motivation for coming here is irrelevant to those facts. Illegal immigrants don't help our economy. Since the average illegal immigrant has less than an 8th grade education, doesn't speak English, is not literate, and cannot do more than the simplest math, they have only limited utility in our economy. Because many end up arrested, convicted and in prison, they cost our law enforcement system considerable tax money. They clog emergency rooms with healthcare issues and bring with them communicable diseases like tuberculosis, or recently a measles outbreak. These too cost the US a serious amount of money to deal with.
Then there's civil and criminal issues. If an illegal is involved in an automobile accident, they are likely to flee the scene leaving the other party on the hook for covering their loss, as but one example.