Well lookie at Gwen Ifill!


Well---lookie here. It turns out that Gwen Ifill is a extreem lef wing progressive marxist, and has actually writen a twisted flattering book about obama (can't remember the name of the book--sorry) that is due to come out around Nov 4th. She has direct interest in seeing obama win this presidential race, and therefore is a biased so called journalist.

I told you commies that you don't know who you are dealing with when it comes to Palin and the American public and your usual slimy tactics. You fell right into the truth trap. The media thinks they can handle Palin like all others they destroy, but it is not going to happen---because Palin is clean with a 80% approval rating.

Here is what is going to happen. Saracuda is going to explain to the American people who Gwen is, and her ties and interest in seeing obama become president, and she will allow Gwen to --unhum---react. She will simply ask the American people to take that into consideration as they access the debate.

If you are not satisifed with the choice of Gwen Ifill to run this debate, because of her ties fairly direct ties with obama--you can call the committee that choose her and let them know how you feel, and how ashamed they should feel for decieiving the American public. I forgot the exact name of the "committee of debates", but the number is legit--but busy right now. lol

Be nice---but let them know your on to them, and don't appreciate it.

The group that choose Gwen Ifill. Make them feel some accoutability.
(202) 872-1020
Oh too bad you dont like her, boo hoo!

I seem to remember you didnt mind Fox reporters doing debates.
I would like to see Limbaugh and Frankin hosting the next presidential debate.
Our govt is a joke anyway, might as well have 2 clowns running the debate.
I thought the pink letters would attract you gays. Like (demacrats) mice in a trap.

Take my word for it. Your screwed. Saracuda thrives on BS like this---and the American people hate it. 80% for a reason---don't forget that.

Bring some tissue with you when you watch the debte. Your commie dreams in the USA are ending.

You will thank Saracuda later---she is stopping the next American civil war, and saving many of your lives.
I would like to see Limbaugh and Frankin hosting the next presidential debate.
Our govt is a joke anyway, might as well have 2 clowns running the debate.

well----one from each side would be a pretty good idea. But---the Palin win would be to hard for the dems to swallow, so there is no way it could be that fair.

Not to worry. I am not bitching about it. I have the same attitude Palin has. It is motavation. biden better not make one mistake because Saracuda is not messing around and has done her homework well. Can he do that? lol What are the chances biden wopn't say something stupid--like "Hillery might have been a better choice"---or "obama is not ready to be president yet" (both biden quotes during this race)

Palin will bring those up I am sure--but biden may add a few more in his confusion and disorientation of a Saracuda kicking his ass. Hell--the guy might even have a heart attack--and drop out of the race like planned.
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I thought the pink letters would attract you gays. Like (demacrats) mice in a trap.

Take my word for it. Your screwed. Saracuda thrives on BS like this---and the American people hate it. 80% for a reason---don't forget that.

Bring some tissue with you when you watch the debte. Your commie dreams in the USA are ending.

You will thank Saracuda later---she is stopping the next American civil war, and saving many of your lives.

didn't you pretty much say the same things about Bush ?
Remember USC, Maj wants a hippy hunting season so he can borrow a rifle (he said he had a gun, but he said he had 3 degrees too) and shoot some of them.

Pity he lives so far up north. I would invite him down south to hunt an old hippy. lol

But Maj, I do shoot back. I didn't think you could handle that.

Maj, you talk about the Obama fanatics, but you discuss Palin like she is a superhero and a personal friend. You do know she hasn't a clue that you exist?
On Major minors hippie hunting, to qoute his hero.

Bring em on!

I have hunted animals. I have also hunted and been hunted by people. I am still here.
Palin knows very well that real American s exist in the USA. I bet she figures about 80% of the population is real Americans. May be a bit less.

Naw--I would have to borrow the hippy rifle. I just have a short range hippy hand gun for home defense only. But if a hippy like you invaded my home, it will blow a hole big enough for you to find another sex partner in your liberal hippy gay orgy.
Palin knows very well that real American s exist in the USA. I bet she figures about 80% of the population is real Americans. May be a bit less.

Naw--I would have to borrow the hippy rifle. I just have a short range hippy hand gun for home defense only. But if a hippy like you invaded my home, it will blow a hole big enough for you to find another sex partner in your liberal hippy gay orgy.

Borrow a rifle AND bring your handgun. It wouldn't help you.

I doubt you would have anything in your house that would interest me. I cannot see wasting time on invading a double wide.

Please let me know if you are ever interested in living up to your boasts. I would very much enjoy your attempts.
that dude sounds like he is about 13 yrs old.

Yeah, its funny that he has talked about hunting hippies, but when I invite him he tries to talk about shooting me when I invade HIS hovel.

I love it when a kid tries to pretend to be a badass. Never fails to show.
Yeah, its funny that he has talked about hunting hippies, but when I invite him he tries to talk about shooting me when I invade HIS hovel.

I love it when a kid tries to pretend to be a badass. Never fails to show.

open hippy season has not been established yet. When it is--I would be happy to come to your sanctuary. I won't need any ammo---you gave me all I need.
Borrow a rifle AND bring your handgun. It wouldn't help you.

I doubt you would have anything in your house that would interest me. I cannot see wasting time on invading a double wide.

Please let me know if you are ever interested in living up to your boasts. I would very much enjoy your attempts.

What are your terms? I am not coming in the back door.
Palin knows very well that real American s exist in the USA. I bet she figures about 80% of the population is real Americans. May be a bit less.

Naw--I would have to borrow the hippy rifle. I just have a short range hippy hand gun for home defense only. But if a hippy like you invaded my home, it will blow a hole big enough for you to find another sex partner in your liberal hippy gay orgy.

How comes clueless rednecks like you who only know what it means to be a redneck and not an American often confuse being a redneck with being an American? Have ever read a book other than Mein Kampf and the Sears Robuck Catalog?

Ever read the Federalist papers? John Adams? Tom Jefferson?
Yeah, its funny that he has talked about hunting hippies, but when I invite him he tries to talk about shooting me when I invade HIS hovel.

I love it when a kid tries to pretend to be a badass. Never fails to show.

Sol. Don't start a battle of wits with a defenseless individual! :clink: