Well? Why aren't the problems solved yet?

Demos won the elections, and took control of Congress, now where is their plan? Why are we still dying in Iraq? Why are illegals still streaming across our borders? Why do most Americans lack health care insurance? And when are the taxes going up again? The rich people and I, want to know why our taxes are so low under this new Democrat leadership?

You do realize, with complete control of Congress, the Democrats will actually have to implement a plan they don't have, or haven't shared with the American people? It's not likely that America is going to suddenly forget what Democrats ran on, and even though Democrats will try to forget, it is going to be unavoidable. You are now the party in power, and people are going to expect you to fix these problems you have been clamoring about, and if you don't fix them to America's satisfaction, you will go down in flames in '08.

From what I have seen, there is this arrogant liberal attitude from the Democrats, that seems to ignore the voices of opposition, and insist on being defiantly partisan. It's as if you think, because you won this election, the opposition views no longer count, and those who disagree with you are just supposed to sit down and shut up. Well, guess what? That isn't going to happen. I plan to be here everyday for the next two years, bashing you over the head with the same hammer you've used on Republicans, demanding that the problems be solved and resolved in bipartisan manner.

What is the current death toll in Iraq? Because, now, it's a Democrat problem! FIX IT!
Well? Why aren't the problems solved yet?

Demos won the elections, and took control of Congress, now where is their plan? Why are we still dying in Iraq? Why are illegals still streaming across our borders? Why do most Americans lack health care insurance? And when are the taxes going up again? The rich people and I, want to know why our taxes are so low under this new Democrat leadership?

Remedial American Civics Lesson:

Dems don't take power until January 2007.
Actually dixies question was the one the republicans were asking their reps before the election. That is why so many of them are gone now.
"I plan to be here everyday for the next two years, bashing you over the head with the same hammer you've used on Republicans"

I think I lost count of all of the threads that Dixie started on FP blasting the Democrats for doing nothing but bashing Bush & the GOP. I absolutely knew, without any doubt whatsoever, that the above would be his response if the Democrats regained the majority. It was almost too predictable.
Well? Why aren't the problems solved yet?

Demos won the elections, and took control of Congress, now where is their plan? Why are we still dying in Iraq? Why are illegals still streaming across our borders? Why do most Americans lack health care insurance? And when are the taxes going up again? The rich people and I, want to know why our taxes are so low under this new Democrat leadership?

Remedial American Civics Lesson:

Dems don't take power until January 2007.

Quoted for truth. Go back to school Dixie retard.
What is the current death toll in Iraq? Because, now, it's a Democrat problem! FIX IT!

I have the impression that you are quite cowardly, Dixie, and are incapable of accepting responsibility for the negative effects of your actions.

The Republicans have caused the problem in Iraq, to say that now the US has rejected the Repo party it is a Dem problem... when the cause is still occupying the executive, is certainly shirking responsibility....
Demos won the elections, and took control of Congress, now where is their plan? Why are we still dying in Iraq? Why are illegals still streaming across our borders? Why do most Americans lack health care insurance? And when are the taxes going up again? The rich people and I, want to know why our taxes are so low under this new Democrat leadership?

You do realize, with complete control of Congress, the Democrats will actually have to implement a plan they don't have, or haven't shared with the American people? It's not likely that America is going to suddenly forget what Democrats ran on, and even though Democrats will try to forget, it is going to be unavoidable. You are now the party in power, and people are going to expect you to fix these problems you have been clamoring about, and if you don't fix them to America's satisfaction, you will go down in flames in '08.

From what I have seen, there is this arrogant liberal attitude from the Democrats, that seems to ignore the voices of opposition, and insist on being defiantly partisan. It's as if you think, because you won this election, the opposition views no longer count, and those who disagree with you are just supposed to sit down and shut up. Well, guess what? That isn't going to happen. I plan to be here everyday for the next two years, bashing you over the head with the same hammer you've used on Republicans, demanding that the problems be solved and resolved in bipartisan manner.

What is the current death toll in Iraq? Because, now, it's a Democrat problem! FIX IT!

It took 12 years to bring us to this situation and the losers are now screaming for an instant fix. They couldn't do it controlling everything and they want us to do it the day after the election. I think this attitude of flag boy's is a good example, in fact an excellent example of why his party, the party he voted for in protest, is no longer in power in the House and Senate.

There are winners and losers. Too bad he can't see how the system relegates him to the loser position and seek an answer to his own dilemma instead of lashing out as a wounded dog would do. One would think given the severity of the trouncing that BILLO would at least have gotten a little humility but it is not to be. He can always go back to his drug-addled hero Rush and continue to plagiarize his name sake BILLO. And apparently that is the direction that he has chosen.

And somebody tell the poor deluded man that Bush is still the Commander-in-Chief!!!!!

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Well? Why aren't the problems solved yet?

Demos won the elections, and took control of Congress, now where is their plan? Why are we still dying in Iraq? Why are illegals still streaming across our borders? Why do most Americans lack health care insurance? And when are the taxes going up again? The rich people and I, want to know why our taxes are so low under this new Democrat leadership?

Remedial American Civics Lesson:

Dems don't take power until January 2007.

Oh, I fully understand this, I was being somewhat sarcastic with my thread. I'll give the Dummycrats time to put up the new drapes, but then I am going to expect solutions to the problems. I'm not going to be content with uscitizen's bullshit about it taking time, the people want change, the dems promised it, let's have it!

Every day someone dies in Iraq, I plan to blame the Democrats!
Every day more illegals stream across the border, I plan to blame Democrats!
Every day Michael J. Fox still has Parkinson's, I plan to blame Democrats!

All of this hyped-up concocted and contrived bullshit you manufactured to run on, is going to be thrown back in your face daily, for the next two years. San Fran Nan has no intentions of being bipartisan, and this will be exploited daily as well. We'll see how well a bunch of liberals with no real support, can survive in an environment of being held completely responsible, yet unable to produce any real change.
If I didn't know any better, I would guess that Dixie actually WANTS the situation in Iraq & other problems to get worse, just for political gain.

Please tell me that ain't so, Dix...
The Republicans have caused the problem in Iraq, to say that now the US has rejected the Repo party it is a Dem problem... when the cause is still occupying the executive, is certainly shirking responsibility

Not at all shirking anything. America doesn't care who is responsible now, that matter has been settled. America does expect change, because that is what Democrats ran on, and the rhetorical blustering about this being "Bush's War" is over, it's now the Democrats problem to handle, they are in charge, and they will be expected to lead. The president doesn't control the legislative branch, and he can't be blamed for these problems any longer. If the Democrats fail to do as promised, or if they try to continue hiding behind rhetoric of the past, they will go down in flames in '08.
If I didn't know any better, I would guess that Dixie actually WANTS the situation in Iraq & other problems to get worse, just for political gain.

Please tell me that ain't so, Dix...

Not at all! Are you kidding me? With Nancy, Harry, and Kerry in charge, I am confident that all the problems of the middle east are about to just evaporate before our eyes! I expect the leaders of Congress to solve these problems as they said they could do, and I plan to hold them accountable. If one more US soldier dies in Iraq, it's the Democrats fault, as far as I'm concerned.
And No Dixie the war is still Bush's war, he is still the president.
Dixie reminds me of a little poopy pants child that made the mess and now expects someone else to clean it up.
You do realize, with complete control of Congress, the Democrats will actually have to implement a plan they don't have, or haven't shared with the American people? It's not likely that America is going to suddenly forget what Democrats ran on, and even though Democrats will try to forget, it is going to be unavoidable. You are now the party in power, and people are going to expect you to fix these problems you have been clamoring about, and if you don't fix them to America's satisfaction, you will go down in flames in '08.

BILLO (impersonator?), please do something about the internal contradictions that plague nearly every one of your posts. This post is no different. Here you simultaneously claim that the Democrats had no "plan" in this election, yet you claim that "America is [not] going to suddenly forget what Democrats ran on." Indicating by the second statement that the Democrats indeed did put forward something that resembled a plan or a program that they will be responsible to the American people for implementing. Obviously you are a confused writer. Now that you have become a spelling expert, and monitor, you might try working on your thinking, it needs serious attention.

What is the current death toll in Iraq? Because, now, it's a Democrat problem! FIX IT!

I have the impression that you are quite cowardly, Dixie, and are incapable of accepting responsibility for the negative effects of your actions.

The Republicans have caused the problem in Iraq, to say that now the US has rejected the Repo party it is a Dem problem... when the cause is still occupying the executive, is certainly shirking responsibility....
Of course Dixie is a coward, as are the vast majority of the bush supporters. Fear made them invade Iraq, Fear makes them talk about invading Iran and North Korea. they are a sky is falling fear driven bunch.
Remember the islamofascists have a 20 yr plan to take over the world :)
Not at all! Are you kidding me? With Nancy, Harry, and Kerry in charge, I am confident that all the problems of the middle east are about to just evaporate before our eyes! I expect the leaders of Congress to solve these problems as they said they could do, and I plan to hold them accountable. If one more US soldier dies in Iraq, it's the Democrats fault, as far as I'm concerned.

Well, that's somewhat irrational. The current policy was orchestrated by Bush and Rumsfeld (who is history, btw), and the results of it will be felt until a new policy can be implemented (and there will be a new policy, btw).

Tough to be you this morning. You staked everything on the ol' Iraq War, and it likely created what could be another decades-long run for the Democrats. You could be an old man before the GOP even gets near the House again.

I can't imagine how that feels...
The president doesn't control the legislative branch, and he can't be blamed for these problems any longer.

Ha! Ha! Ha!.... He is fully to blame for the problems.. He is the cause...