Well? Why aren't the problems solved yet?

and is Dixie suggesting that Bush will not veto any of the plans put forth by the new democratic majority in congress? If he wants us to solve all the messes his party made, he's gotta get the word to Dubya to not stand in our way and to keep the veto pen in the desk drawer.
Dixie has predicted so much "future" backlash for Democrats that he has been woefully wrong about...Schiavo, Bolton, overplaying the Abramoff hand, the Iraq War (that was a doozy), Howard Dean as head of the DNC; all of these were supposed to make the Democrats a permanent fringe party, as I recall.

Is it even possible to ascertain what Dixie is suggesting?

I think he is mostly just blithering, sputtering and whining.
Wow, it's worse than I thought. Apparently you guys don't realize you won. Your case was made to the people, and the people put you in charge! I would suggest you stop wasting time bashing me and Bush, and get busy governing, because the people expect change... let's have it!

You can no longer sit on your ass and lob shit bombs at Bush, while you whine and moan about not having power. You've got Congress now, you are in charge. There is no one left for you to blame and criticize, and continuing to do this now, is going to fall on unsympathetic and deaf ears.

How much longer are we going to be in Iraq? Why aren't we home yet? Can't your Congress do something? Oh, I realize they aren't in session yet, and it will be January, but I hope you get the message here, your days of sitting on your ass complaining about Bush are over. From here on out, you are going to be expected to change whatever the fuck you think we need to change, and if Iraq doesn't get better fast, you are going to share the blame. In other words, America agrees... it's Bush's Mess... You Win! Now, FIX IT!
He's become so disconsolate he is blatantly repeating himself. Poor BILLO it must really suck to be you right now!!!!
"Wow, it's worse than I thought. Apparently you guys don't realize you won. Your case was made to the people, and the people put you in charge! I would suggest you stop wasting time bashing me and Bush, and get busy governing, because the people expect change... let's have it! "

Actually, I'm not in Congress. I can continue to bash the hell out of both Bush & you, and rest assured, I will.

And don't worry about the change thing - you'll get it. Rummy? Gone. Evangelicals? Marginalized politically, probably for our lifetime. Minimum wage? Up. Environment? Back in the forefront. Troops? Probably coming home sooner than it looked like they were about a day ago.

You'll get plenty of change...
Actually, I'm not in Congress. I can continue to bash the hell out of both Bush & you, and rest assured, I will.

Which will be like a gentle pat on the back compared to the bashing the Bush regime will get from history...
Like I said anyold, this is just beginning, and we must see it thru to ensure Bush gets the place he deserves in history.
I for one do not relish living long enough to see Bush's place in history. I am more concerned with the location of where he sleeps each night. I would really love to see him relegated to a tent and sleeping bag along some stream in Texas.
I for one do not relish living long enough to see Bush's place in history. I am more concerned with the location of where he sleeps each night. I would really love to see him relegated to a tent and sleeping bag along some stream in Texas.
I would prefer under an overpass in Dallas, with no tent or sleeping bag or tent. Let him experience the homeless lifestyle for a year or so. He might even meet a couple of true Vietnam VETS !

BILLO (impersonator?), please do something about the internal contradictions that plague nearly every one of your posts. This post is no different. Here you simultaneously claim that the Democrats had no "plan" in this election, yet you claim that "America is [not] going to suddenly forget what Democrats ran on." Indicating by the second statement that the Democrats indeed did put forward something that resembled a plan or a program that they will be responsible to the American people for implementing. Obviously you are a confused writer. Now that you have become a spelling expert, and monitor, you might try working on your thinking, it needs serious attention.


Hey I like Dixie..ya must be a University proffessor...never got your hands dirty... but have all the answers...:rolleyes:

Hey I like Dixie...you must be a University Professor...never got your hands dirty...but have all the answers!:pke:
Say What...?

I would prefer under an overpass in Dallas, with no tent or sleeping bag or tent. Let him experience the homeless lifestyle for a year or so. He might even meet a couple of true Vietnam VETS !

I am a VN era vet..and did quite well...and excuse me Mr.Vet ... who claims to have been a Sgt E-6 and was assigned to Air America in 'Laos' during the VN era...not to mention being a E-6 when ya were drafted for two years of service( I realize the Army promotes fast...but not that fast!)...not nice for those who live in a glass house to throw stones...dont'cha think...and by the way try 'Air America'..in Cambodia...more realistic...me thinks ya watch way too many movies...imho!:pke:
Demos won the elections, and took control of Congress, now where is their plan? Why are we still dying in Iraq? Why are illegals still streaming across our borders? Why do most Americans lack health care insurance? And when are the taxes going up again? The rich people and I, want to know why our taxes are so low under this new Democrat leadership?

You do realize, with complete control of Congress, the Democrats will actually have to implement a plan they don't have, or haven't shared with the American people? It's not likely that America is going to suddenly forget what Democrats ran on, and even though Democrats will try to forget, it is going to be unavoidable. You are now the party in power, and people are going to expect you to fix these problems you have been clamoring about, and if you don't fix them to America's satisfaction, you will go down in flames in '08.

From what I have seen, there is this arrogant liberal attitude from the Democrats, that seems to ignore the voices of opposition, and insist on being defiantly partisan. It's as if you think, because you won this election, the opposition views no longer count, and those who disagree with you are just supposed to sit down and shut up. Well, guess what? That isn't going to happen. I plan to be here everyday for the next two years, bashing you over the head with the same hammer you've used on Republicans, demanding that the problems be solved and resolved in bipartisan manner.

What is the current death toll in Iraq? Because, now, it's a Democrat problem! FIX IT!

thats like getting into a car to go somewhere and asking "why were arnt there yet" before the keys are even in the ignition..... i sense a lil dissapoitment
I am a VN era vet..and did quite well...and excuse me Mr.Vet ... who claims to have been a Sgt E-6 and was assigned to Air America in 'Laos' during the VN era...not to mention being a E-6 when ya were drafted for two years of service( I realize the Army promotes fast...but not that fast!)...not nice for those who live in a glass house to throw stones...dont'cha think...and by the way try 'Air America'..in Cambodia...more realistic...me thinks ya watch way too many movies...imho!:pke:

The new Dano personna ?