We're at war & in a recession

lorax, why are you watching fox (to keep an eye on the enemey).
They are an entertainment network for the rightwing. I only tune in occasionally if Obama or Hillary are flying high and hannity is blowing a gasket, it's funny.
Who specifically are the WE you speak of. It did not include me. I called and wrote my elected representatives.
I was ridiculed for my opposition to the invasion. I did all I could under legal and moral methods available to me.
And I did not vote for the administration that got us in this mess.Actually I did not vote for one person in govt that voted to allow bush to goto war.
this may be my countries war but it is not my war.
No matter how we voted WE are the same people who wrote WE the People. We are the people, and this is our mess whether we voted for the guy in the office or not.
Obama is giving his big "Race" speech tomorrow in Pennsylvania. Just for those people who tried to tell me that this wasn't hurting him. In one poll he lost 7 points to McCain over three days, in another he lost 5 approval points and showed a 50% disapproval rating. It isn't doing him good and he will need to make one fantastic excuse.

Shoot, about a year ago I remember the good Rev himself saying that Obama would have to distance himself from him if he got the nomination. That in itself tells me that Obama had a clue about this and pretending that he just recently heard one of them and then was told about the others seems to be a bit disingenuous.

I do not need my intelligence insulted by somebody pretending that somebody that they knew intimately for 20 years somehow slipped it by them that they made what he called "shocking" statements. He'll have to do better than the "I didn't know" defense if he is going to shut the door on this, if it doesn't work the legs will get even larger and hairier and won't walk away.

And yes, all this will happen while we are at war and headed for recession.

He has already said, he does not agree with the guy. What else are you looking for?>
Who specifically are the WE you speak of. It did not include me. I called and wrote my elected representatives.
I was ridiculed for my opposition to the invasion. I did all I could under legal and moral methods available to me.
And I did not vote for the administration that got us in this mess.Actually I did not vote for one person in govt that voted to allow bush to goto war.
this may be my countries war but it is not my war.

You and me and thats about it!
He has already said, he does not agree with the guy. What else are you looking for?>
I'm personally not looking for anything, it isn't my vote he seems to have lost.

I am saying what he'll have to do. This is huge, like Kennedy with the Catholic speech.

Whether or not you think the perception should be there, it is and he'll have to make one danged good speech to convince people who are not desperately seeking excuses for him already. The "I didn't know" crap isn't flying.
I'm personally not looking for anything, it isn't my vote he seems to have lost.

I am saying what he'll have to do. This is huge, like Kennedy with the Catholic speech.

Whether or not you think the perception should be there, it is and he'll have to make one danged good speech to convince people who are not desperately seeking excuses for him already. The "I didn't know" crap isn't flying.

Crazy how that "perception" just pops its head up out of nowhere, innit?
Crazy how that "perception" just pops its head up out of nowhere, innit?
Yeah, curious that it happens right when his opponent is close to losing and a huge scandal might make the difference. Very "curious".

The only thing curious about it is the timing. I thought that this wouldn't come out until an October surprise was needed for McCain, it seems that somebody else needed an April Surprise.
Yeah, curious that it happens right when his opponent is close to losing and a huge scandal might make the difference. Very "curious".

The only thing curious about it is the timing. I thought that this wouldn't come out until an October surprise was needed for McCain, it seems that somebody else needed an April Surprise.

yeah... funny how that seemed to happen right about the time a certain someone was trying to pry the supers to her side.... yet, what do we hear from the left.... bitching about the Reps "making" this an issue.
yeah... funny how that seemed to happen right about the time a certain someone was trying to pry the supers to her side.... yet, what do we hear from the left.... bitching about the Reps "making" this an issue.

Do you actually have any indication that this stuff came from Clinton? From all appearances this stuff is flowing straight from NewsMax to the mainstream media folks. No?
If it's from Clinton, she's not as smart as I thought. You don't spring this with a month to go before PA. You spring it the weekend before the primary.
Do you actually have any indication that this stuff came from Clinton? From all appearances this stuff is flowing straight from NewsMax to the mainstream media folks. No?

Any indication? Yeah.... she is getting her ass kicked and is flailing away with everything they can come up with... Every "mistake" Obama has ever made is about to get tossed out there in an attempt to sway the supers. It would be damn near impossible for her to win any other way. That said, no, I do not have proof that it is her camp doing it.

Yes, the Reps are going to pile on everytime a story like this is released.... you see, the Dems are their OPPONENTS. They enjoy seeing two Dems swinging at each other.... so the longer they can keep the fight going, the happier they will be.

Having said that, I leave open the possibility that the Reps are starting some of these "fights" between the two. Because perception can lead people to think it is Hillary doing it and thus they can get away with little hatchet jobs on Obama.
I'm personally not looking for anything, it isn't my vote he seems to have lost.

I am saying what he'll have to do. This is huge, like Kennedy with the Catholic speech.

Whether or not you think the perception should be there, it is and he'll have to make one danged good speech to convince people who are not desperately seeking excuses for him already. The "I didn't know" crap isn't flying.

I'm not seeking excuses for him. I clearly know that I have experienced America very differently than a black guy experienced it. I have no problem with anything said. But most importantly...I never for one second got fooled into believing that white people weren't going to be looking for some excuse to let their racism rip. You were the one who tried, and I think actually did, convince bac that "white people would have no problem voting for a black guy". Not me.

And what's funny is you still believe that's true. You remain clueless that a black guy isn't a white guy and you believe that white people will vote for a black person as long as he's really a white person.

And yeah, I know you don't understand what I just said. But see, I've always known this stuff. It came down to this...the Clintons acted so badly that I realized I'd rather go down with Obama fighting a fight I know is a good one, than take the white house with them.
Any indication? Yeah.... she is getting her ass kicked and is flailing away with everything they can come up with... Every "mistake" Obama has ever made is about to get tossed out there in an attempt to sway the supers. It would be damn near impossible for her to win any other way. That said, no, I do not have proof that it is her camp doing it.

Yes, the Reps are going to pile on everytime a story like this is released.... you see, the Dems are their OPPONENTS. They enjoy seeing two Dems swinging at each other.... so the longer they can keep the fight going, the happier they will be.

Having said that, I leave open the possibility that the Reps are starting some of these "fights" between the two. Because perception can lead people to think it is Hillary doing it and thus they can get away with little hatchet jobs on Obama.

There it is again, perception just popping up out of nowhere.

It's not like your opening paragraph, and others like it, feed into your "perception."
There it is again, perception just popping up out of nowhere.

It's not like your opening paragraph, and others like it, feed into your "perception."

Yes, perception does indeed play into politics... hence all the.... "I'd like to have a beer with him" type BS. Politicians attempting to paint the perception of their opponent is nothing new.

Yes, my perception is that this is the Hillary camp. I have not seen anything to substantiate that... it is simply my opinion based on what is happening in the political arena at this time. The timing of this suggests it is her camp in a vain attempt to win supers.

That said, if you notice my last paragraph above.... what did I say there?

It could be the Reps taking a shot at Obama with the expectation that most people would think just as I did.... that it was Hillary attacking Obama and not them. Thus a double win for them if that is the case.

Bottom line... I do not know who is behind it. I, like most people, am simply guessing based on my perception. If you have evidence that my perception is wrong, please provide it.
I'm not seeking excuses for him. I clearly know that I have experienced America very differently than a black guy experienced it. I have no problem with anything said. But most importantly...I never for one second got fooled into believing that white people weren't going to be looking for some excuse to let their racism rip. You were the one who tried, and I think actually did, convince bac that "white people would have no problem voting for a black guy". Not me.

And what's funny is you still believe that's true. You remain clueless that a black guy isn't a white guy and you believe that white people will vote for a black person as long as he's really a white person.

And yeah, I know you don't understand what I just said. But see, I've always known this stuff. It came down to this...the Clintons acted so badly that I realized I'd rather go down with Obama fighting a fight I know is a good one, than take the white house with them.

I agree with this, and I’ve never been on the bandwagon that Obama was automatically going to be an incredibly strong general election candidate, one who is heralded in as a shining example of post-partisan and post-racial politics. This nation is not that noble.

I pretty much knew that his race would be played up, in a cynical and toxic way. Few white Americans have any understanding of the disenfranchised communities of people of color. I can’t pretend I’m an expert on it. But, I know that the white mainstream has been trained to accept certain standards for “patriotism” and for what constitutes acceptable narratives of civil discourse. And the white boundaries and parameters for that discourse are set in stone. Anyone, and certainly anybody for a disenfranchised demographic, who strays from those parameters, is going to reap anger and fear from the mainstream.

Of course, the same standards don’t apply to the bashing of gays, Muslims, and women, by the evangelical religious community. They are operating within accepted parameters and frameworks.
It is part of the "kitchen sink" that they were talking about.

Do you have any evidence that NewsMax can't read stuff because it comes from somebody in the Clinton camp?

It's a good way to distance yourself from them if you are in that camp too.

You can point and say, "Look over there!"
Listening to Obama.........

Speak...or rather a good diatribe...as I am writing...he is a good orator,however his message is akin to a preacher who got caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar!...He is toast...no doubt about it!