We're Comin' Ta Get Ya!


"Will everything you've worked so hard to accomplish be lost to the San Francisco values of would-be Speaker Nancy Pelosi?"
-- Newt Gingrich

"Do we really want Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco values leading the culture war?"
-- Dennis Hastert

"San Francisco values" huh? Cool! Look deep into my eyes, children, and you will see your future. BUWAHAhahahahahahahaha!

Personally, I think this whole "culture war" slogan thingy is both asinine and laughably silly. It's the sort of thing only an uneducated and clueless goober would come up with. Or maybe a cynical plutocrat hoping to exploit uneducated and clueless goobers.

But what the hell: let's play Culture War. I love playing Culture War with conservatives since they're inevitably doomed to lose. That's what comes of staking out the "changes are bad" position
: it's worse than taking Asia in Risk. This does not mean that we are destined to win, of course. There may be no winners. We at least have a chance, however.


So, just what are "San Francisco values" and what is wrong with them, anyway?
San Francisco values great restaurants...

could you imagine how much nicer a few dozen really great restaurants would make some of those cities in red states?
Comfortable shoes. We're really into comfortable shoes. New York City? Fugeddaboutit! There it's all about where you bought your shoes and when.
Does this signal a resurrection or rejuvenation or return of the Ornot I once knew and loved???
I went somewhere? :confused: Wowza! That explains so much . . . .

Actually, I've just been too busy to really put any thought into my posts here of late.

(And if that's not a barn door wide enough to drive an RV through, the cons here are even more pathetic than I thought.)
"Will everything you've worked so hard to accomplish be lost to the San Francisco values of would-be Speaker Nancy Pelosi?"
-- Newt Gingrich

"Do we really want Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco values leading the culture war?"
-- Dennis Hastert

"San Francisco values" huh? Cool! Look deep into my eyes, children, and you will see your future. BUWAHAhahahahahahahaha!

Personally, I think this whole "culture war" slogan thingy is both asinine and laughably silly. It's the sort of thing only an uneducated and clueless goober would come up with. Or maybe a cynical plutocrat hoping to exploit uneducated and clueless goobers.

But what the hell: let's play Culture War. I love playing Culture War with conservatives since they're inevitably doomed to lose. That's what comes of staking out the "changes are bad" position
: it's worse than taking Asia in Risk. This does not mean that we are destined to win, of course. There may be no winners. We at least have a chance, however.


So, just what are "San Francisco values" and what is wrong with them, anyway?

San Francisco values, is a punch line. It doesn't mean anything.

San Francisco is a great american city. Tolerance is certainly an attribute associated with many of its residents. But so is entreupeneuralship and capitalism. SF and the Bay area is one of the great capitalist strongholds of the western world. Silicon valley and the SF financial district are evidence of that.
I went somewhere? :confused: Wowza! That explains so much . . . .

Actually, I've just been too busy to really put any thought into my posts here of late.

(And if that's not a barn door wide enough to drive an RV through, the cons here are even more pathetic than I thought.)

I wasn't making a moral judgement just voicing an observation. I have thought that you were pre-occupied with something or other for most of the time that I have been here. And I did understand it or thought and hoped I did.

"Will everything you've worked so hard to accomplish be lost to the San Francisco values of would-be Speaker Nancy Pelosi?"
-- Newt Gingrich

"Do we really want Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco values leading the culture war?"
-- Dennis Hastert

"San Francisco values" huh? Cool! Look deep into my eyes, children, and you will see your future. BUWAHAhahahahahahahaha!

Personally, I think this whole "culture war" slogan thingy is both asinine and laughably silly. It's the sort of thing only an uneducated and clueless goober would come up with. Or maybe a cynical plutocrat hoping to exploit uneducated and clueless goobers.

But what the hell: let's play Culture War. I love playing Culture War with conservatives since they're inevitably doomed to lose. That's what comes of staking out the "changes are bad" position
: it's worse than taking Asia in Risk. This does not mean that we are destined to win, of course. There may be no winners. We at least have a chance, however.


So, just what are "San Francisco values" and what is wrong with them, anyway?

Well, all I know is that out here in the hills of NY, we hear tell of San Fransico values, and from what I make out it all has to do with gay sex, sex with the lights on, and wild sex, and sex that ends in climax, rather than grimaces. Someone even told me that San Francisco values means that you say things during sex! but that's too far-fetched and I ain't buying that. You're not going to convince me that people do that, even in San Francisco.

But this is all hearsay. We sure is waitin to find out for sure what it's all about.
Doggone it all you you!!

You're making me homesick.

Knock it off!!


Dagnabit Immie! I was hoping you were going to tell us what San Francisco Values are, why they'll corrupt our children and doom their souls to Akron Ohio.

No one wants to play. :(
Dagnabit Immie! I was hoping you were going to tell us what San Francisco Values are, why they'll corrupt our children and doom their souls to Akron Ohio.

No one wants to play. :(


I thought the values that were going to do that were the psuedo-"Compassionate Conservative" values aka the Neocon Values.


PS I still consider myself the compassionate conservative but that phrase has been destroyed by the person in whom I put my trust over the last two elections.
"San Francisco values" is code for homosexuality & some sort of overblown homosexual agenda that the right thinks exists. It's the politics of fear.
"San Francisco values" is code for homosexuality & some sort of overblown homosexual agenda that the right thinks exists. It's the politics of fear.
Well, yeah. I was really hoping that dano or some other wingnut would step up and try to tell just why this is all a Bad Thing. Fish ain't bittin' though.

Oh well. :cof1:
Hummm...let's see...

"Will everything you've worked so hard to accomplish be lost to the San Francisco values of would-be Speaker Nancy Pelosi?"
-- Newt Gingrich

"Do we really want Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco values leading the culture war?"
-- Dennis Hastert

"San Francisco values" huh? Cool! Look deep into my eyes, children, and you will see your future. BUWAHAhahahahahahahaha!

Personally, I think this whole "culture war" slogan thingy is both asinine and laughably silly. It's the sort of thing only an uneducated and clueless goober would come up with. Or maybe a cynical plutocrat hoping to exploit uneducated and clueless goobers.

But what the hell: let's play Culture War. I love playing Culture War with conservatives since they're inevitably doomed to lose. That's what comes of staking out the "changes are bad" position
: it's worse than taking Asia in Risk. This does not mean that we are destined to win, of course. There may be no winners. We at least have a chance, however.


So, just what are "San Francisco values" and what is wrong with them, anyway?

First and foremost San Francisco has no moral values...'If it feels good do it' mentality..
And since y'all love to bring up examples when bashing conservatives I will give you one..

Not long ago in a land far away called Afghanistan a young bedeviled youth (Taliban)was captuerd by US Special Op's...as it turned out this young man was from non other than the wonderful Bay Area of California...His Papa was a Govt. prosecutor and the young man was raised Catholic... then converted to Islam when Papa left Moma and came out of the Cloest! Both Moma and Papa praised their wonderful son who committed 'Treason' Against the US...end of story!
Then too there was this guy from Texas that thinks the Constitution is just a damned piece of paper....