We're Comin' Ta Get Ya!

And then there was the woman in TX that killed her children because god told her to. So What is your point Battle ?
Texas just recently surpassed NY. Hmm, it's amazing how you forget 9-11 when it doesn't suit you. oh, wait, I forget, 9-11 can only be invoked as an excuse for a hit on an economy run by Republicans. For the state which was DIRECTLY impacted by the attack...it doesn't matter.
Texas just recently surpassed NY. Hmm, it's amazing how you forget 9-11 when it doesn't suit you. oh, wait, I forget, 9-11 can only be invoked as an excuse for a hit on an economy run by Republicans. For the state which was DIRECTLY impacted by the attack...it doesn't matter.
If Texas were a Nation, its economy would rank it eighth largest in the world. Of course, that wasn't what was asked, it was "name one red state", and I was able to easily and without very much difficult research...

I'd like to see your, "recently passed New York" evidence...
"Will everything you've worked so hard to accomplish be lost to the San Francisco values of would-be Speaker Nancy Pelosi?"
-- Newt Gingrich

"Do we really want Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco values leading the culture war?"
-- Dennis Hastert

"San Francisco values" huh? Cool! Look deep into my eyes, children, and you will see your future. BUWAHAhahahahahahahaha!

Personally, I think this whole "culture war" slogan thingy is both asinine and laughably silly. It's the sort of thing only an uneducated and clueless goober would come up with. Or maybe a cynical plutocrat hoping to exploit uneducated and clueless goobers.

But what the hell: let's play Culture War. I love playing Culture War with conservatives since they're inevitably doomed to lose. That's what comes of staking out the "changes are bad" position
: it's worse than taking Asia in Risk. This does not mean that we are destined to win, of course. There may be no winners. We at least have a chance, however.


So, just what are "San Francisco values" and what is wrong with them, anyway?

Since Bill O'Liely is so obssesed with bashing san francico values, I been wondering why he hasn't called for a boycot yet.

Some of the things O'Reilly would have to forgo, if he boycotted San Francisco:

Since O'Reilly boycotts everything he hates, I look forward to his boycott of all Bay Area-origin products. Same with every conservative who bashes San Francisco and the Bay Area.

So no iPods or anything Apple.
No HP computers. No Google. No Yahoo. No eBay. Those conservative bloggers using Blogspot, MovableType, or TypePad? Sorry. Those products are Bay Area-based.

Also no Adobe or Macromedia products.
No computers, either, since most run on AMD or Intel. No tax preparation using Intuit products.
Cancel your Netflix subscription.
Cancel your TiVo subscription.
Remove your Network Associates or Symantec virus protection software from your computer.
Unplug your Netgear wifi router.

Don't wear Levis (or any kind of jeans), Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy, or buy your kids Gymboree.
Avoid LeapFrog learning toys.
Boycott Pixar movies.
Boycott any movie using George Lucas' ILM special effects shop. Stay away from Treos and other Palm devices.
Don't let Charles Schwab manage your portfolio.
Don't bank at Wells Fargo.

Yeah, those "San Francisco values" sure are dragging the region down. Making it weak as it falls behind the rest of the country -- the parts that don't share "San Francisco values" -- economically and socially. -- Markos, at Dailykos

Or, maybe -- just maybe -- it's made the region a magnet for the world's smartest, most innovative, most entrepreneurial individuals and an incubator of the world's most dramatic technological advances.
First and foremost San Francisco has no moral values...'If it feels good do it' mentality..
And since y'all love to bring up examples when bashing conservatives I will give you one..

Not long ago in a land far away called Afghanistan a young bedeviled youth (Taliban)was captuerd by US Special Op's...as it turned out this young man was from non other than the wonderful Bay Area of California...His Papa was a Govt. prosecutor and the young man was raised Catholic... then converted to Islam when Papa left Moma and came out of the Cloest! Both Moma and Papa praised their wonderful son who committed 'Treason' Against the US...end of story!
Ah! Speak of the clueless goober and he shall appear.

See, goob, here's your problem: you don't understand what "moral values" are. "Moral values" don't necessarily have anything at all to do with religion or who has sex with who (using what) or anything of that nature. Yours may but not everyone's do.

What are San Francisco values? Well, that's kind of silly, since there are a lot of different San Franciscans. Still, generalization isn't always totally meaningless. Let's have a go, shall we?

Our moral values are more about how people treat one another than how they treat themselves. How they treat themselves is pretty much their own business -- and that's a moral judgment too. Want to smoke pot? Go for it. Got a thing for latex and implements of punishment? Fine, just don't wake the neighbors.

Sell shoes made by slave labor in Saipan? Bailiff, whack his pee-pee!