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Obama Aide Calls Clinton a ‘Monster’ in Interview With Scottish Paper

by FOXNews.com
Thursday, March 6, 2008

An adviser to Barack Obama called Hillary Clinton a “monster” during an interview with the Scottish newspaper The Scotsman.

In what the newspaper described as an “unguarded moment,” Obama foreign policy adviser Samantha Power said Clinton was stopping at nothing to catch up to Obama in the Democratic race.

“She is a monster, too — that is off the record — she is stooping to anything,” Power, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, told the newspaper.

In saying it was “off the record,” Power tried to withdraw her remark, but the newspaper explained at the bottom of its story that the interview with Power, who was promoting her book, was established as “on the record” in advance. The newspaper wrote that it was “too late” for her to retract her comment.

More at link...
The Clintons are destroying their reputations with the democratic party members.

They risk crushing any ground swell of the newly found youth excitement in politics with their desperate measures and scorched earht policy.

There is a palpable hate growing for them in all the liberal sites and blogs I cruise throughout the day.

Like I said long ago she is part of the problem we face in this country.
I really do think she is a sociopath. I was reading a lot about sociopaths recently and I was amazed that they are very common in this country (1%)...which is a pretty high number when you think about it. There is also a larger concentration of sociopaths in politics, law and business which are naturally competetive and where sociopaths can thrive.

I truly believe that she is a ruthless bitch that will do anything to get elected.

The Clintons are destroying their reputations with the democratic party members.
Among conservatives, she is not destroying her reputation, but merely confirming it.

They risk crushing any ground swell of the newly found youth excitement in politics with their desperate measures and scorched earht policy.
We all discover sooner or later that Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy don't exist. Liberal politicians try to take on the characteristics of both at times. But when they start to lose power, they have to drop the disguise and act according to their true natures... which have nothing to do with compassion or "hope".

There is a palpable hate growing for them in all the liberal sites and blogs I cruise throughout the day.
Welcome to the party. You've arrived much later than most people, but that's better than never.

But why do I get the feeling that, after the campaign is over and a few months have gone by, you'll start regarding Hillary as somebody nice again? :confused:

Like I said long ago she is part of the problem we face in this country.
I have a hunch you won't be linking to the post where you said THAT, any time soon. :lolup:
The Clintons are destroying their reputations with the democratic party members.

They risk crushing any ground swell of the newly found youth excitement in politics with their desperate measures and scorched earht policy.

There is a palpable hate growing for them in all the liberal sites and blogs I cruise throughout the day.

Like I said long ago she is part of the problem we face in this country.

That first sentence should read as follows....

"Democrats are finally waking up to realize just how badly they misjudged the Clintons. They finally are realizing just how right the right was".

As for this....."There is a palpable hate growing for them in all the liberal sites and blogs I cruise throughout the day."

My response.... Welcome to the party. :)
"That first sentence should read as follows....

"Democrats are finally waking up to realize just how badly they misjudged the Clintons. They finally are realizing just how right the right was"."

Hey....I WOULD have voted Republican, if you guys had just done better than nominating losers like Bush Sr. & Dole....HONEST, I would have, because I'm such an independent voice, and only vote for the best person, and my independent urges WANTED to vote against Clinton, but I just couldn't, because you guys messed up so bad and nominated terrible candidates.

Why, oh why...how I WISH I could have voted Republican....really, I would have....
"That first sentence should read as follows....

"Democrats are finally waking up to realize just how badly they misjudged the Clintons. They finally are realizing just how right the right was"."

Hey....I WOULD have voted Republican, if you guys had just done better than nominating losers like Bush Sr. & Dole....HONEST, I would have, because I'm such an independent voice, and only vote for the best person, and my independent urges WANTED to vote against Clinton, but I just couldn't, because you guys messed up so bad and nominated terrible candidates.

Why, oh why...how I WISH I could have voted Republican....really, I would have....

"That first sentence should read as follows....

"Democrats are finally waking up to realize just how badly they misjudged the Clintons. They finally are realizing just how right the right was"."

Hey....I WOULD have voted Republican, if you guys had just done better than nominating losers like Bush Sr. & Dole....HONEST, I would have, because I'm such an independent voice, and only vote for the best person, and my independent urges WANTED to vote against Clinton, but I just couldn't, because you guys messed up so bad and nominated terrible candidates.

Why, oh why...how I WISH I could have voted Republican....really, I would have....
So you are saying that we should proudly vote for a party over the individual? Wow.
Hey, SF - can you give Damo your little scolding on the meaning of "humor"?

Or don't you ruggedly independent guys do that with each other? Here on the outer edges of hackery, I'm not sure what the protocol is...
Hey, SF - can you give Damo your little scolding on the meaning of "humor"?

Or don't you ruggedly independent guys do that with each other? Here on the outer edges of hackery, I'm not sure what the protocol is...
Sure, SF. Tell me all about it, see if you can describe sarcasm and dry humor so that I'll understand them.
Hey, SF - can you give Damo your little scolding on the meaning of "humor"?

Or don't you ruggedly independent guys do that with each other? Here on the outer edges of hackery, I'm not sure what the protocol is...

Um ok....

Damo... the following is sarcasm...

"So you are saying that we should proudly vote for a party over the individual? Wow."

That help ya out Lorax?
Sure, SF. Tell me all about it, see if you can describe sarcasm and dry humor so that I'll understand them.

He is imitating you and SF.

And everyone on the board knew it except for you and SF.

Do you know why that is?

Because how we perceive ourselves is often different from how others perceive us.

You and SF perceive yourselves as two independent-minded guys. Most others perceive you as reliable Republican votes even if Ghengis Kahn should be on the ticket.
He is imitating you and SF.

And everyone on the board knew it except for you and SF.

Do you know why that is?

Because how we perceive ourselves is often different from how others perceive us.

You and SF perceive yourselves as two independent-minded guys. Most others perceive you as reliable Republican votes even if Ghengis Kahn should be on the ticket.
I was being sarcastic in the face of obvious and foolish "imitation" that missed its mark.

Hence my sarcastic answer, then later SF's pointing out the sarcasm in my answer. Either you didn't read them, or have been taking classes at the CK University of Reading Incomprehension.

This shows how the left believes they have some elite ability to see things that others don't, but it is so clearly demonstrated that it is merely obvious and humorless.

Why do you assume you have some insight into me? Even when it is stuck in your face you still can't see it?

You and the lefties think you have some lock on it, but then fail to see it in other's posts.

(This is imitative sarcasm, for Darla, BAC, and Onceler. I had to include her SF after that last one.)
Hence my sarcastic answer. Why do you assume you have some insight into me?

Well, we're on a political message board. My being aware that you are a Republican who likes to act like he's independent is hardly some big "insight".

It's not as if I claimed to know what you would do if you got pregnant.
Well, we're on a political message board. My being aware that you are a Republican who likes to act like he's independent is hardly some big "insight".

It's not as if I claimed to know what you would do if you got pregnant.

I will just release this last post again...

I was being sarcastic in the face of obvious and foolish "imitation" that missed its mark.

Hence my sarcastic answer, then later SF's pointing out the sarcasm in my answer. Either you didn't read them, or have been taking classes at the CK University of Reading Incomprehension.

This shows how the left believes they have some elite ability to see things that others don't, but it is so clearly demonstrated that it is merely obvious and humorless.

Why do you assume you have some insight into me? Even when it is stuck in your face you still can't see it?

You and the lefties think you have some lock on it, but then fail to see it in other's posts.

(This is imitative sarcasm, for Darla, BAC, and Onceler. I had to include her SF after that last one.)

BTW - It takes no "insight" to remember the joking posts between yourself and LadyT about how many abortions per day you get and make a later allusion to the same.

Again, when I have to explain your own jokes to you it just gets sad. Very, very sad.
I was being sarcastic in the face of obvious and foolish "imitation" that missed its mark.

Hence my sarcastic answer, then later SF's pointing out the sarcasm in my answer. Either you didn't read them, or have been taking classes at the CK University of Reading Incomprehension.

This shows how the left believes they have some elite ability to see things that others don't, but it is so clearly demonstrated that it is merely obvious and humorless.

Why do you assume you have some insight into me? Even when it is stuck in your face you still can't see it?

You and the lefties think you have some lock on it, but then fail to see it in other's posts.

(This is imitative sarcasm, for Darla, BAC, and Onceler. I had to include her SF after that last one.)

Now let me see....

I smarted off.... Lorax responded in kind.... I said "touche".... yet somehow I didn't get that he was smarting off?

Darla obviously lives in a little fantasy world where we only think what she thinks we think and we only do what she presumes we will do. You see, she KNOWS us so much better than we know ourselves. I can't understand why you haven't figured that out yet Damo.
"I was being sarcastic in the face of obvious and foolish "imitation" that missed its mark."

Says you. Here in the inner circle of left-wing hackery, that was a spot on take of SF.

We're all still yucking it up, here....
"I was being sarcastic in the face of obvious and foolish "imitation" that missed its mark."

Says you. Here in the inner circle of left-wing hackery, that was a spot on take of SF.

We're all still yucking it up, here....
That's because you think you are funny. Like four year olds repeating that one successful knock-knock joke over and over again.

Of course the only ones yucking it up are the ones who need it pointed out to them when sarcasm is used so they can know somebody told an "adult" joke.

;) <- Note to Onceler, Darla, BAC. This smilie shows that this is a sarcastic post.
"I was being sarcastic in the face of obvious and foolish "imitation" that missed its mark."

Says you. Here in the inner circle of left-wing hackery, that was a spot on take of SF.

We're all still yucking it up, here....

I wouldn't say spot on, it was certainly done with the general flavor... though a tad exaggerated.... but yes, I did understand where you were going with it... hence the


But Damo was obviously smarting off to you as well.... you seem to only understand sarcasm when you are using it. You should work on that.
Now let me see....

I smarted off.... Lorax responded in kind.... I said "touche".... yet somehow I didn't get that he was smarting off?

Darla obviously lives in a little fantasy world where we only think what she thinks we think and we only do what she presumes we will do. You see, she KNOWS us so much better than we know ourselves. I can't understand why you haven't figured that out yet Damo.
Yeah, the amazing amount of insight it takes to make assumptions like that is just, well, amazing...