What about all the folks who did RIGHT?

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After Citi makes the purchase, look for them to ask for more later when they are strapped for cash. Of course, if they fail, think of all the important teller and accounting jobs that we are going to lose, so we gotta give it to them, right?
but didn't watermarxist say this was necessary for everyone to survive or keep their homes or jobs, or something?


yeah, I knew it was going to happen also. government does not bail out people because we just are not that fucking important, at least not as important as their bank stock portfolios.
but didn't watermarxist say this was necessary for everyone to survive or keep their homes or jobs, or something?


yeah, I knew it was going to happen also. government does not bail out people because we just are not that fucking important, at least not as important as their bank stock portfolios.

Oh they fucked the stock portfolio's too. Basically, if there was any chance that a regular joe could have benefited, they did this :321:

Now, if you listen to the people who supported the 'bailout' in the MSM, they are minimizing the purpose of it. They are saying 'Oh this was just to keep it from totally collapsing'. Fuck you MSM! You know damn well you were selling this bailout as a way to recover. It was going to get banks lending again and force a turnaround. Well, banks still aren't lending! Guess we just didn't throw enough money at it. Let's see if throwing money at Auto companies will save jobs now.

I will guarantee this, if GM gets bailed out, they will still lay-off a ton of workers, basically because a negative income doesn't get erased by an infusion of cash. It only stacks money on top of a unprofitable business ready to collapse. Workers will still have to get canned in order to slow down the loss of capital.
but didn't watermarxist say this was necessary for everyone to survive or keep their homes or jobs, or something?

It was. If they would have gone with Gordon Brown and placed the common sense limit on things that it had to be used to start loaning again it would have placed money directly back into the economy.

As it is, they are just hoarding it. Which is exactly what Keynes could have told you they'd do without limit - classic market irrationality. This is the pro-business rights fault, because they feel telling them they can't go willy-nilly with our money would scare businesses away.
It was. If they would have gone with Gordon Brown and placed the common sense limit on things that it had to be used to start loaning again it would have placed money directly back into the economy.

As it is, they are just hoarding it. Which is exactly what Keynes could have told you they'd do without limit - classic market irrationality. This is the pro-business rights fault, because they feel telling them they can't go willy-nilly with our money would scare businesses away.

How the hell is it it 'pro-business rights fault'. Our government has the money, we let them take it from us to use for public good, and they don't have the balls to stand up to them and say 'You want this money, you're gonna have to do X'? If a Business refuses to take the money, well then they must be doing fine enough not to have to plead for help, and don't need free money. The fault lies with those just willy-nilly handing out our tax dollars for this debacle. We, as US citizens, don't really have much choice but to give the government our money. Obviously, we don't have much choice either on how they spend it.
How the hell is it it 'pro-business rights fault'. Our government has the money, we let them take it from us to use for public good, and they don't have the balls to stand up to them and say 'You want this money, you're gonna have to do X'? If a Business refuses to take the money, well then they must be doing fine enough not to have to plead for help, and don't need free money. The fault lies with those just willy-nilly handing out our tax dollars for this debacle. We, as US citizens, don't really have much choice but to give the government our money. Obviously, we don't have much choice either on how they spend it.

Hopefully Obama will do something about it. As it is, the legislature is taking way too long and Bush is giving Paulson a leash however big he wants.
I told you suckers. If you do not live on Main St. or Wall St. you are up the creek.

btw I don't think I have lost any money yet.
There are some things they could do that would've helped us out of this recession, like starting lending again. Then there are other things they could've done that wouldn't have helped anyone but their fatasses, like hoard the money.

But Paulson doesn't wanna be mean to them! Ohnoez! Let them do what they want with our money!
I told you suckers. If you do not live on Main St. or Wall St. you are up the creek.

btw I don't think I have lost any money yet.

Who on this site, other than Watermark and SF, were actually for the bailout? You act as if we were all against you or something, telling you that you were "crazy" to be cynical.

You have learned from the Christians and their "persecution syndrome" well. If you can get people to believe you are constantly "persecuted" even when you aren't, then you have an easier time of pushing things onto them.
Who on this site, other than Watermark and SF, were actually for the bailout? You act as if we were all against you or something.

The bailout wasn't the problem, it's the way Paulson is executing it. He should follow Gordon Browns lead, because what Brown is doing is actually working.
The bailout wasn't the problem, it's the way Paulson is executing it. He should follow Gordon Browns lead, because what Brown is doing is actually working.
And there are signs that what Paulson is doing is "working" as well. It doesn't change that it is crap anyway.
And there are signs that what Paulson is doing is "working" as well. It doesn't change that it is crap anyway.

It is not crap to try to get the economy flowing again and stop a market failure. A market failure is not something that is necessary. You propose going straight and crashing into the wall and I"m telling us to swerve - you apparently believe that crashing into the wall will prevent a future, worse wall crash.
It is not crap to try to get the economy flowing again and stop a market failure. A market failure is not something that is necessary. You propose going straight and crashing into the wall and I"m telling us to swerve - you apparently believe that crashing into the wall will prevent a future, worse wall crash.

when your 'market' is based on money that people dont have, but promise to pay back, your 'market' is already failing and waiting to crash.