What about all the folks who did RIGHT?

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When a market failure occurs people stop spending and start hording their cash. The government can get things started again by borrowing and putting the money in areas where the money will be spent straight back into the economy and not horded or saved. That's why McCain's tax cuts to the rich were such an awful idea.
There has been an insanity in the governments management of the economy over the past 30 years. We've been raising our debt during boom times to finance massive deficit tax cuts to the rich. It makes no sense to raise the debt during boom time, especially for such an ignoble purpose. And when we finally enter a recession and deficit spending is called for, all of the sudden the right sees the light and decides they need to cut spending and hoard cash just like every other entity in the market is irrationally doing, thereby ensuring the wheels of the economy ground to the halt. And we need even more tax cuts for the rich while we're at that, too!

It's truly incredible. It's like the bunch from 1928 has been transported through time to run our current government.
When a market failure occurs people stop spending and start hording their cash. The government can get things started again by borrowing and putting the money in areas where the money will be spent straight back into the economy and not horded or saved.
you have no clue just how insanely circular that makes things, do you?
why should people be encouraged to spend money anyway? granted, we are a consumer based society, but damn people. If you have to get a 20k loan for a brand new car that you might have to surrender after you lose your job, maybe you should think about just buying a 3k average car until you can save up a bit more money. It's not that damned difficult. If people refuse to live beyond their means, companies will not provide an insane amount of product based on loans from banks, and banks wouldn't have to worry about having to reclaim a lot of property that they'd have to sell at a loss.

It's really not that difficult to deal with.
why should people be encouraged to spend money anyway? granted, we are a consumer based society, but damn people. If you have to get a 20k loan for a brand new car that you might have to surrender after you lose your job, maybe you should think about just buying a 3k average car until you can save up a bit more money. It's not that damned difficult. If people refuse to live beyond their means, companies will not provide an insane amount of product based on loans from banks, and banks wouldn't have to worry about having to reclaim a lot of property that they'd have to sell at a loss.

It's really not that difficult to deal with.

We should deal with that after the economy is moving again.

You know, Canada has a very small amount of debt today. They decided to cut spending and cover their government spending with a sane tax policy during the 90's and early 2000's. We, on the other hand, just barely managed to make an imaginary balanced budget, and as soon as the Republicans were back in office we made massive humongous deficit tax cuts to the rich again. That's why our economy is in so much worse shape than their's.

Of course, this year, the Canadian government is probably going to run a deficit, because that just makes sense. Fortunately they are in a much better position to do so, because they haven't been following conservative insanity for the last 30 years. But a recession isn't the time to fix our mistakes.
It is not crap to try to get the economy flowing again and stop a market failure. A market failure is not something that is necessary. You propose going straight and crashing into the wall and I"m telling us to swerve - you apparently believe that crashing into the wall will prevent a future, worse wall crash.
What is crap is the "sneaky" way they are openly nationalizing private companies and banks. It doesn't take that to get loan dollars flowing.
Who on this site, other than Watermark and SF, were actually for the bailout? You act as if we were all against you or something, telling you that you were "crazy" to be cynical.

You have learned from the Christians and their "persecution syndrome" well. If you can get people to believe you are constantly "persecuted" even when you aren't, then you have an easier time of pushing things onto them.

Umm this goes a bit prior to the bailout.
Umm this goes a bit prior to the bailout.
Yes, the persecution syndrome started before the bailout. However, everything you posted here was all about how great you were for being cynical about the bailout.

Also, your faulty memory doesn't allow you to understand that we mocked you for stating the obvious when talking about the housing bubble, we didn't tell you that you were wrong only that it was no miracle to predict a downturn. You use that to build the framework of a "I am so persecuted" platform that you now attempt to extend beyond its useful life.

Nobody mocked you for being cynical about the bailout, they mock you because you think you are unique being cynical and "persecuted" therefore.
Yes, the persecution syndrome started before the bailout. However, everything you posted here was all about how great you were for being cynical about the bailout.

Also, your faulty memory doesn't allow you to understand that we mocked you for stating the obvious when talking about the housing bubble, we didn't tell you that you were wrong only that it was no miracle to predict a downturn. You use that to build the framework of a "I am so persecuted" platform that you now attempt to extend beyond its useful life.

Nobody mocked you for being cynical about the bailout, they mock you because you think you are unique being cynical and "persecuted" therefore.

I would expect a republican to be on high beam projecting the persecution complex right about now :clink:
I would expect a republican to be on high beam projecting the persecution complex right about now :clink:
I am sorry I didn't live up to your expectations, but I remain unpersecuted. As it stands, I will continue to mock you every time you pretend you are somehow unique in cynicism, I find it entertaining.
Yepper I am so persecuted. Nice an comfortable. Lost not one dime so far from the crash. ZERO debts. 4 more days to work.

I wish everyone could be so persecuted.