What about freedom FROM religion?

Nothing in the Pledge of Allegiance places anything above God, liar.
It is the Church of No God that objects, which tends to be Democrats.

Those who object for religious reasons believe it is worshipping the nation. It doesn't matter if the pledge places anything above God, it violates their religious beliefs which the 1st amendment gives them freedom to believe.

You don't get to speak for their religious beliefs.
Paradox. Irrational. You can't speak for nobody and for 'the rest of us' at the same time.
You are now locked in two recent paradoxes.

You claimed to speak for Democrats when you said they had no God and no loyalty to country.

It is not irrational to say tolerant people tend to be tolerant. It is part of the description. You are not speaking for others when you describe a characteristic they have already identified with.
That was nothing remotely connected to interesting. It was inane and absurd. Who is forcing anyone to pray? NO ONE. Who is demanding that you go to church? NO ONE. There is no "separation clause" in the Constitution. It's the "ESTABLISHMENT CLAUSE".

What makes God hating leftists so afraid of someone who has religious beliefs?
Mostly because their religious beliefs are not the same as yours.
Is it because the Democratic ideology is built upon lies, fear and dependency?
Yes. This is why Democrats believe in the Church of Karl Marx and all of it's subsidiary religions such as the Church of the Ozone Hole, the Church of Green, the Church of Global Warming, the Church of Covid, and the Church of Perversion. Many are also believers in the Church of No God.
A better question would be "why is the left so intolerant of anything they do not agree with?"
Each of these religions I've named are inherently fundamentalist. Anyone that disagrees with them are labeled 'Evil', as if you were Satan himself.
Kate Cohen is a moron.
Why? Because her beliefs differ from yours?
Those who object for religious reasons believe it is worshipping the nation.
Neither a flag nor a nation is a religion.
It doesn't matter if the pledge places anything above God,
Paradox. Irrational. You contradicted yourself again. Which is it, dude? You have three unresolved paradoxes just in this thread.
it violates their religious beliefs which the 1st amendment gives them freedom to believe.
What religion? They deny the 1st amendment. They have openly refused to support the Constitution and the authority by which that constitution comes about.
You don't get to speak for their religious beliefs.
But you do? Are you of this mystery religion?
You claimed to speak for Democrats when you said they had no God and no loyalty to country.

It is not irrational to say tolerant people tend to be tolerant. It is part of the description. You are not speaking for others when you describe a characteristic they have already identified with.

Paradox. Irrational. That makes a fourth one in as many posts. You just keep contradicting yourself.
Nothing in the Pledge of Allegiance places anything above God, liar.
It is the Church of No God that objects, which tends to be Democrats.

Blatant lie.

Obviously omission of this Christian Nation national religion of "man is God" not so master race which places themselves above "one nation under God" as their suicidal super egos schizoid interpretation for sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming in survival of the fittest fascists Christiananality - Mohammed pedophilia more perfect union freedom.
Obviously omission of this Christian Nation national religion of "man is God" not so master race which places themselves above "one nation under God" as their suicidal super egos schizoid interpretation for sociopsychopathilogical homicidal human farming in survival of the fittest fascists Christiananality - Mohammed pedophilia more perfect union freedom.

Random incoherent phrases. Try to learn English. You're really just wasting your time here until you do.
Random incoherent phrases. Try to learn English. You're really just wasting your time here until you do.

That suicidal super ego condescending arrogance of Christiananality - Mohammed pedophilia "man is God" national religion cross conditioning of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" where SCOTUS Rehnquist Bicentennial malfeasance for repeated National Archives purchased thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights & absentee voting ballots arsonists certainly makes voting a waste of time; but as those crooks on Capital Hill & Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement malfeasance in prosecuting SCOTUS Rehnquist for that diatribe Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam certainly has their Islamidiotocracy more perfect union "serve the Pope or die" with Islam "death to the infidels" incoherent rationalizations as no freedom from their religion......
Random incoherent phrases. Try to learn English. You're really just wasting your time here until you do.

Must be a cross conditioned Klues Klucks duh Klans suicidal super ego Freudian slip third part sermon of their not so Holy Trinity where this Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 Christiananality - Mohammed pedophilia diatribe of Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam for that "serve the Pope or die" more perfect union with Islam "death to the infidels" more than random repetitious thieving National Archives US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists national religion of their not so master race of "man is God" Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement...Must be a cross conditioned Klues Klucks duh Klans suicidal super ego Freudian slip third part sermon of their not so Holy Trinity where this Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 Christiananality - Mohammed pedophilia diatribe of Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam for that "serve the Pope or die" more perfect union with Islam "death to the infidels" more than random repetitious thieving National Archives US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists national religion of their not so master race of "man is God" Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement...in that Mengele "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations SCOTUS Rehnquist baptize thine Washington, D.C. born Islam national religion
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