What are Harris' political positions

it will be interesting to hear her positions on issues such as trade and tariffs.
she can win if she just becomes actually pro worker and stops sending all the jobs away with globalist fanaticism dum dum sauce.

Tariffs are good.

she can win with tariffs.
From what I have seen, Harris' political positions tend all to begin with "Trump" and go into an "exaggeration" (lie)...

"Trump wants to take away your abortions" or "<insert state name here> has just passed a "Trump" abortion ban"... (Trump does not, he wants the states to make their own laws, Trump had nothing to do with a law passed in <insert state name here>).
"Trump wants to deport all immigrants"... (Trump does not, he wants to deport folks that are here illegally).

Things like that.

While I won't be voting for Trump I also won't be voting for Kamala, each of them have little respect for the constitution and I grow weary of voting against rather than for someone and thereby getting the "least of two evils". I just have no interest in that anymore.
So, you're good if she:

Raises your taxes?
Causes inflation and consumer prices to rise significantly?
Uses government to restrict your freedom?
Train wrecks US foreign policy?
Allows another 10+ million illegals into the US?
Destroys the US energy sector of the economy with a greentard agenda?

But for you that's all good because she isn't a felon...
You type nonsense. The Dems are talking about raising taxes on the super wealthy and corporations that escape taxes. I know that pisses off the Repubs.
There is nothing more restrictive to yourfeedoms than the Repubs abortion policies. They will remove the patient/doctor privacy if they suspect that you may be seeking an abortion. To prosecute girls they will have to have access to their health records. Girls have no freedom and no privacy.
The Dems are far better in foreign policy, Biden has strengthened NATO and returned relationships with our historical allies.
Clean and alternative energy is the future. It is stupid to eschew clean energy and be on the outside watching other nations thrive. Yeah Trump is a 34 time felon, out on bail awaiting sentencing. That matters. But for the Repubs, breaking laws is a sport.
If republicans are smart they will have ads with Kamala debating with herself and then ending in her cackling laughter... "this ad was paid for by Freedom For Americans PAC" or something like that.

Just sayin'... If you are going to say the opposite of what you said when you were running for President less than 4 years ago, you can expect things like that to happen.
Same deal with trump but no laughing.