What Are/Were Your Sweet Rides?

had one of these too


That's exactly what it was like when I rode with my friend's brother's muscle car like that second picture when he almost barfed!!!

The best I did was a 81 BMW when we were in Munich.....that thing was delicious racing down the Autobahn.
Your friend had good taste even though the '80 was seriously under powered.

he was lucky.....my friend had a 64 Rambler American.......for some reason though, it had a 327 Chevy engine in it......people always had this surprised look on their faces when he left them behind.....

I had a sweet ride with my friend in this when I was a teenager. Over 100 mph on a highway. Naturally my mom wasn't happy about it.


I also had another sweet ride with my friend whose brother owned and drove that muscle car. Cannot remember the name of it. Sufficient to say that it was enough to spin, sending smokes out. My friend got so sick in the back while I had one of the greatest of times in the back, while laughing at him.

I had my '81 well over that. For $20k you can relive your childhood.


I bought this in '86 for $1. It had no brakes, and a ton of rust. I got it running to avoid towing costs then stored it for nearly 30 years before I had the money/ time to restore it. Here it is before the restoration.



I am not big into cars, but I had a guy I worked with in the '90s that had a red Ferrari, and I recall it went faster than I was comfortable with :). This guy also had an old Czech fighter, we'd go out once a month or so and he'd try to make me sick. He never got there, but flying in that thing was a rush. I also had a chance to be driven around Texas Motor Speedway in a NASCAR vehicle. Scary as hell, even though we were alone on the track and didn't even get to 200 MPH. That wall comes up fast.