What Bush has done to our American youth fighting in Iraq


Bleed for my pain
Revenge on treacherous snakes
They will pay

Slicing the flesh
Sculptured wounds my catharsis
I will stain

Into the heart
Needle injects gasoline

The one that they betrayed
Has made them this way

Plagued by the bastards
I will kill you
Killed by my rage

Scream at my face
The grisly scars went unavenged
Until now

Deep in the hole
You are not gagged and scream aloud
But unheard

Choke on your vomit
You watch your hands cut off
Then your legs

The one that you betrayed
Will kill you this way

Scarred by the bastards
I will kill you
Killed by my rage
I must kill you

Into the throat
The scalpel slices
Warm blood sprays out
The gushing entices

Pull out your heart
And let you watch
Shove in your mouth
Then stab your crotch

I watch your agony

I am released
From years of pain
Your death averted
My becoming insane
You are dead

I have killed you

Cannibal Corpse - I Will Kill You

Take a look at that picture, pause ,and think. That is a small Iraqi boy. Think about what could have happened to him, had not that U.S. Marine picked him up and carried him out of combat. What do you think was going through that marines head? Do you think he wanted to go home right then, or do you think he wanted to help the defenseless child? Do you think he would have rather sat at home, going about his evevryday routine, or be sent to fight for the lives of helpess people. Would he feel honored to eliminate the source of tortue, mutilation, rape, and death for many innocent people? He could be a hero to the many people he helped save. I think it is safe to say, that the very thought going through that marines head was "This is why I am here."

To all those who were involved in any way of the destruction of the World Trade Center, and to all those who have enflicted unthinkable physical and mental scars to the Iraqi people, wrap many towels around your head to soak up your blood after the 7.62X 51mm NATO round goes though it.
We are out there, and we will not stop until you are all DEAD.


Is this the mumblings of some psychotic murderer?

No, this is a friend of mine I used to know, from his myspace blog. War has completely drained the humanity out of him. It's amazing how dehumanized and irrational America has become.
If we pulled all the troops home tomorrow.

For some the tomorrow would be sorrow, they will not be able to be what they have become at home.

For some their tomorrow would be joy tempered with sadness and madness.

For may it would be a partial life, never to be whole again.

Our contry is changed for generations by the fear, anger and madness and loss brought back by our children sent on a mission by fools.

How will we fit the pieces back together ? Too many pieces are lost to make them whole again,

Welcoming them home will be a sorrowful joy.
Bleed for my pain
Revenge on treacherous snakes
They will pay

Slicing the flesh
Sculptured wounds my catharsis
I will stain

Into the heart
Needle injects gasoline

The one that they betrayed
Has made them this way

Plagued by the bastards
I will kill you
Killed by my rage

Scream at my face
The grisly scars went unavenged
Until now

Deep in the hole
You are not gagged and scream aloud
But unheard

Choke on your vomit
You watch your hands cut off
Then your legs

The one that you betrayed
Will kill you this way

Scarred by the bastards
I will kill you
Killed by my rage
I must kill you

Into the throat
The scalpel slices
Warm blood sprays out
The gushing entices

Pull out your heart
And let you watch
Shove in your mouth
Then stab your crotch

I watch your agony

I am released
From years of pain
Your death averted
My becoming insane
You are dead

I have killed you

Cannibal Corpse - I Will Kill You

Take a look at that picture, pause ,and think. That is a small Iraqi boy. Think about what could have happened to him, had not that U.S. Marine picked him up and carried him out of combat. What do you think was going through that marines head? Do you think he wanted to go home right then, or do you think he wanted to help the defenseless child? Do you think he would have rather sat at home, going about his evevryday routine, or be sent to fight for the lives of helpess people. Would he feel honored to eliminate the source of tortue, mutilation, rape, and death for many innocent people? He could be a hero to the many people he helped save. I think it is safe to say, that the very thought going through that marines head was "This is why I am here."

To all those who were involved in any way of the destruction of the World Trade Center, and to all those who have enflicted unthinkable physical and mental scars to the Iraqi people, wrap many towels around your head to soak up your blood after the 7.62X 51mm NATO round goes though it.
We are out there, and we will not stop until you are all DEAD.


Is this the mumblings of some psychotic murderer?

No, this is a friend of mine I used to know, from his myspace blog. War has completely drained the humanity out of him. It's amazing how dehumanized and irrational America has become.

I am hope with time some of it will return.

Have you heard any of the raps from Iraq. It is one way the guys let off steam after a firefight, they rap about it.
If we pulled all the troops home tomorrow.

For some the tomorrow would be sorrow, they will not be able to be what they have become at home.

For some their tomorrow would be joy tempered with sadness and madness.

For may it would be a partial life, never to be whole again.

Our contry is changed for generations by the fear, anger and madness and loss brought back by our children sent on a mission by fools.

How will we fit the pieces back together ? Too many pieces are lost to make them whole again,

Welcoming them home will be a sorrowful joy.

beautifully stated, a little bit of a poet yourself.
I seem to remember as a youngster being told that at the conclusion of the Hundred Years War(s) that England had a major problem with returned soldiers (not professional soldiers of course because back then I don't think the concept existed) who had no work and who had suffered some terrible traumas due to their experiences in battle.

Le plus ca change.
War is hell and should NEVER be waged unless there is no other choice.

We have a certain segment of people in the US who think it is romantic and just a tool to use to get what you want.

I will forever hold responsible for this mess the people who refused to hear the truth about a spoiled rich kid full of lies.
I seem to remember as a youngster being told that at the conclusion of the Hundred Years War(s) that England had a major problem with returned soldiers (not professional soldiers of course because back then I don't think the concept existed) who had no work and who had suffered some terrible traumas due to their experiences in battle.

Le plus ca change.

Bloody hell, mate. Just how old are you?
Maybe War wasn't the best option for dealing with Saddam's Iraq, but I'll let others indulge in that fruitless discussion. We are in Iraq. We defeated Saddam. Now we should only leave when a Stable Iraq can stand on its own.

After WWI, we left a less than stable Europe. We paid for our early departure with more American blood in WWII. While our reasons have changed, we are still in Europe today. We are still in Korea. Pick a spot on the Globe and I can bet that American troops are either there or close by.

I served in Iraq before I retired. My oldest son and daughter now serve in the Army. If harm would find them, I would rather they be remembered as part of a long Victory verses anything swifter and short of victory. We owe it to America and Iraq to stay until Iraq is stable.

Did we owe Germany anything after WWII? No, but it was in our best interest to give them the assitance they needed. Look at Germany today. Iraq has that same potential if only given the time and assistance. I don't know if we should have gone to war, but I truly believe that we should stay as long as needed to finish wth Victory.
Maybe War wasn't the best option for dealing with Saddam's Iraq, but I'll let others indulge in that fruitless discussion. We are in Iraq. We defeated Saddam. Now we should only leave when a Stable Iraq can stand on its own.

After WWI, we left a less than stable Europe. We paid for our early departure with more American blood in WWII. While our reasons have changed, we are still in Europe today. We are still in Korea. Pick a spot on the Globe and I can bet that American troops are either there or close by.

I served in Iraq before I retired. My oldest son and daughter now serve in the Army. If harm would find them, I would rather they be remembered as part of a long Victory verses anything swifter and short of victory. We owe it to America and Iraq to stay until Iraq is stable.

Did we owe Germany anything after WWII? No, but it was in our best interest to give them the assitance they needed. Look at Germany today. Iraq has that same potential if only given the time and assistance. I don't know if we should have gone to war, but I truly believe that we should stay as long as needed to finish wth Victory.

The assistance germany needed? I think they would have appreciated us not entering the war against them. That's probably what they really wanted.
We defeated Germany and destroyed much of it. We then rebuilt Germany with "The Marshall Plan". In the early years Germans probably resented our occupation, but look at Germany today.
Well considering the largest portion of white US immigrants were German....
Akinda different place comparing Nazi germany against the middle east.

Unless you are comparing Bush to Hitler ?
Well considering the largest portion of white US immigrants were German....
Akinda different place comparing Nazi germany against the middle east.

Unless you are comparing Bush to Hitler ?

Really I think it's quite hilarious that justRegularoldjoe considers being targeted by the US military as a form of assistance to anyone.

"Wow. Thanks for including us in the zionist rush to Olam Ha Ba."

Like the Middle East, Europe's long history is stained with conflict after conflict. Peace, Freedom and Prosperity after WWII has been lasting. Iraq is different, but the concept is the same. As far as comparing leaders, that would just be silly. I'll leave that to others.
Like the Middle East, Europe's long history is stained with conflict after conflict. Peace, Freedom and Prosperity after WWII has been lasting. Iraq is different, but the concept is the same. As far as comparing leaders, that would just be silly. I'll leave that to others.

Yes. It's amazing how an oppressive force unites it's victims.
I don't expect everyone or anyone to agree with my opinion. I am open to debate the facts and view points. Isn't that what this website is about? If it is just about making fun of politics and joking about the issues, then it is meaningless.

I've been to Panama, Honduras, Cuba, Bosnia, Kosovo, Germany and Iraq (among other places) while in the military. I've seen the bad and good up close.

We all have different experiences that influence our viewpoints. We can disagree on War, Law Enforcement, Abortion, Gay Marriage, or any number of topics. We can discuss our differences. We can learn from it, or just make noise.
I don't expect everyone or anyone to agree with my opinion. I am open to debate the facts and view points. Isn't that what this website is about? If it is just about making fun of politics and joking about the issues, then it is meaningless.

I've been to Panama, Honduras, Cuba, Bosnia, Kosovo, Germany and Iraq (among other places) while in the military. I've seen the bad and good up close.

We all have different experiences that influence our viewpoints. We can disagree on War, Law Enforcement, Abortion, Gay Marriage, or any number of topics. We can discuss our differences. We can learn from it, or just make noise.

Do you find it humorous that you consider being targeted by the american military a form of assistance? Since you're all open to discussion, let's get funny.
Unless you have experience being targeted by the military, or targeting others while in the military, there wouldn't be much to talk about. But if you do, go ahead and share it. If you throw something out worth talking about, I'll respond. If not, I'll just let this discussion end or allow others to go on with it.

I'm sure you would agree that most of what we see on TV is trash (from left to right and right to left). It is sad that so many only know the world via a TV set and internet. The real world is a lot more vivid when you are up close. Those are the experiences I am most interested in discussing. They are real and not recycled.
Thanks for your service and the service of your children. I admire military families. My sister's family is one and I don't know how they do it. It would make me crazy. Her oldest, a West Point grad just got back from Iraq, her next son is a merchant marine in school right now, her 2nd daughter is going to WP this fall. The youngest is still in high school, the oldest daughter a hospital administrator in Florida. Her husband is a West Point graduate and Hispanic. He was an Army Golden Boy until he decided to place family over his career, advice given to him by a general he really took a liking to him. He was also able to get my brother's son into WP and he broke the sacking record while playing football there. He then was drafted by the Colts, but they found a weakness in his spine and turned him loose. My niece is currently in the Navy serving in Kuwait. My father is a WWII veteran who was with the forces that first entered France and the liberation! He can't drink champagne to this day. My husband is a Vietnam vet, 173rd, 1967-68, Dak To.

why all this long goobledigook? I support the military and I want people to know some are my family and I also have several friends who have served and now both are being treated for PTSD.

We can't stay in Iraq until it is stable or not in the way we are doing now. Germany had the support of the international community. The US did not go it alone. The surrounding Arab nations need to "step up" as does the Iraqi government and negotiate peace in Iraq. Then they may work towards a stable nation, or like the USA in our young history, they may have to go through a civil war. Guns alone can not bring victory to Iraq. There has to be negotiations, even with Al Queda. It will not happen with Bush.
It may happen with Clinton. I even think that McCain is just playing the "bomb, bomb, Iran" and the "stay in Iraq" for a long time card to get elected. He flops around so much lately it is hard to tell.

I don't think the USA can afford Iraq for much longer. We may have to close some of the other 765 bases in order to stay there. You know what is ironic, the bases they usually close are in the USA!