What Bush has done to our American youth fighting in Iraq

Unless you have experience being targeted by the military, or targeting others while in the military, there wouldn't be much to talk about. But if you do, go ahead and share it. If you throw something out worth talking about, I'll respond. If not, I'll just let this discussion end or allow others to go on with it.

I'm sure you would agree that most of what we see on TV is trash (from left to right and right to left). It is sad that so many only know the world via a TV set and internet. The real world is a lot more vivid when you are up close. Those are the experiences I am most interested in discussing. They are real and not recycled.

Sorry, I really don't want to experience war up close and personal. I am a peacenic, an old hippee, a Vietnam war protester.

You have to trade little barbs and jokes, these discussions can get pretty tense and people need a release. A little job at another poster is sometimes necessary. It is life.

I can tell you a real life experience, having sons and daughter and after carrying them for nine months, giving them birth, and protecting them from injury, sickness and harm, the last thing that I want for them is to be in Iraq.
My whole family will join forces and fight if we are ever confronted on our soil.
Another war on foreign soil without a direct threat to the US, I will protect my family from the draft. My family is the family of diplomats. I also told my sons that they were lovers, not fighters. They did step up and defend their friends when needed, but they never went looking for a fight, and neither have my girls, but when two girls ganged up on my oldest daughter at a dance club, my youngest daughter went "buck", tore the girl's weave out!

We will defend ourselves, but we don't go looking for fight, and we are not bullies. The Bush Bullies invaded Iraq on pretenses and for all the wrong reasons. No more faux wars for democracy. We have been sucked in too many times as a nation by our government. My children are going to be in for some heavy duty taxes and my grandchildren worse if our spending trend continues on this war!
Well considering the largest portion of white US immigrants were German....
Akinda different place comparing Nazi germany against the middle east.

Unless you are comparing Bush to Hitler ?
The reality is, they were there at the end of WWI and they didn't get us to rebuild them and in fact made the defeated Germans pay devastating reparations to other nations. We found out that plan didn't work.
The oil revenues will pay for the rebuilding of Iraq. Or was that another lie ?
Leaving now will ensure they never can. Getting rid of their Army ensured that they wouldn't for a long time and was probably the stupidest move ever made during an occupation.
Leaving now will ensure they never can. Getting rid of their Army ensured that they wouldn't for a long time and was probably the stupidest move ever made during an occupation.

Yep just another 6 mos and those oil revenues will roll in.

maybe by the time they get basic electricity, water and such back to pre war levels.
Yep just another 6 mos and those oil revenues will roll in.

maybe by the time they get basic electricity, water and such back to pre war levels.
Sure. Whatever.

When their government is not funding their military, many of their soldiers have to buy their own ammunition. Seriously, one of my Marine friends who just came back talked of this.

We should never have disbanded their military. Anything after that was just adding to the mess.
I am not disagreeing with you on the disbanding of the military issue.
But the fact remains we should not have invaded in the first place.

boy was I a ridiculed loner when I spoke of that in the pre invasion days...
I am not disagreeing with you on the disbanding of the military issue.
But the fact remains we should not have invaded in the first place.

boy was I a ridiculed loner when I spoke of that in the pre invasion days...
I don't disagree with not invading either, I constantly spoke against it because we weren't declaring war and were using that weak crappy legislation of the "War Powers Act" to give weasely Senators an "excuse" for their vote if it didn't go their way.

However if we hadn't disbanded the Army I think there would likely be a far different Iraq as we typed right now.

If we are going to invade a nation, pointing out stupid mistakes we make along the way is definitely something we should do. Just in case we do something that inane again. It doesn't mean I think we should have invaded, just that this was one of the dumbest strategic moves ever.
One of the many stupid moves.
One was smart in a military and poaganda sense. Not keeping a body count of dead Iraqi.

that an putting th press in imbedded positions for control of infotmation release
One of the many stupid moves.
One was smart in a military and poaganda sense. Not keeping a body count of dead Iraqi.

that an putting th press in imbedded positions for control of infotmation release
That was how Geraldo got in trouble... Giving out the wrong information at the wrong time.