What Bush Inherited, and What He Left Behind


New member
[Victor Davis Hanson]

George W. Bush inherited a recession. He also inherited the Iraq no-fly zones, a Middle East boiling after the failed last-minute Clintonian rush for an imposed peace, an intelligence community wedded to the notion of Saddam's WMD proliferation, a Congress on record supporting "regime change" in Iraq, a WMD program in Libya, a Syrian occupation of Lebanon, Osama bin Laden enjoying free rein in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, a renegade Pakistan that had gone nuclear on Clinton's watch with Dr. Khan in full export mode, and a pattern of appeasing radical Islam after its serial attacks (on the World Trade Center, the Khobar Towers, U.S. embassies, and the U.S.S. Cole).

In other words, Bush inherited the regular "stuff" that confronts most presidents when they take office. What is strange is that Obama has established a narrative that he, supposedly unlike any other president, inherited a mess.

At some point, Team Obama might have at least acknowledged that, by January 2009, Iraq was largely quiet; Libya was free of WMD; Syria was out of Lebanon; most of the al-Qaeda leadership had been attrited or was in hiding; a homeland-security protocol was in place to deal with domestic terror plots; European governments were mostly friendly to the U.S. (unlike during the Chirac-Schröder years); and the U.S. enjoyed good relations with one-third of the planet in China and India.

The fact that in the Bush years we were increasingly disliked by Ahmadinejad, Assad, Castro, Chávez, Kim Jong Il, Morales, Ortega, and Putin, may in retrospect seem logical, just as their current warming to the U.S. may prove to be cause for alarm, given the repugnant nature of these strongmen.

Bottom line: Obama's second year as president is coming up, and it is long past time to move on and let historians judge the Bush years.

Bush inhereted a slight downturn, with a budget surplus & relative peace.

Obama inherited the worst downturn in decades, a huge deficit and 2 wars.

Yeah; that's apples to apples...
Bush inhereted a slight downturn, with a budget surplus & relative peace.

Obama inherited the worst downturn in decades, a huge deficit and 2 wars.

Yeah; that's apples to apples...

lol, missed the jest of the post and go right into making excuses for your Messiah..
so how long does he get to keep whining about it is all we'd like to know..
it's becoming embarrassing for you all don't ya think..
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lol, missed the jest of the post and go right into making excuses for your Messiah..
so how long does he get to keep whining about it is all we'd like to know..
it's becoming embarrassing for you all don't ya think..

You kiddin'?

He took office less than a year ago, and we're already in recovery.

You kiddin'?

He took office less than a year ago, and we're already in recovery.


the Hugo and his magic wand..ain't he sumting..
now back to the question, how much longer is the whining about what he inherited from Bush going to continue?
the Hugo and his magic wand..ain't he sumting..
now back to the question, how much longer is the whining about what he inherited from Bush going to continue?

When we're no longer a superpower, people will correctly point to the Bush years as the beginning of the end of that period of American history.

So, expect to hear about his incompetence for awhile...
When we're no longer a superpower, people will correctly point to the Bush years as the beginning of the end of that period of American history.

So, expect to hear about his incompetence for awhile...

so you are celebrating the fact we will no longer be a superpower?
is that the Hugo Obama's goal?
the Hugo and his magic wand..ain't he sumting..
now back to the question, how much longer is the whining about what he inherited from Bush going to continue?

Let's see, how long did the right whine about Clinton during the bush administration? I'm figuring it was six years, until the 2006 mid-term election, when they got their clocks cleaned by the Dems.

So in answer to your question, let's settle on 2014. :)
so you are celebrating the fact we will no longer be a superpower?
is that the Hugo Obama's goal?

You have every chance of regaining your former position. Providing, of course, that idiots like you, permit it instead of harbouring this stupid childish notion that you must fight everything the democrats do, think and stand for.
It is you (pl) who have ruined your country. It is you (pl) who have caused the death and destruction which has made your country despised the world over.
The fact is that you will never accept that, so the likelihood of America regaining its former standing is reduced.
Let's see, how long did the right whine about Clinton during the bush administration? I'm figuring it was six years, until the 2006 mid-term election, when they got their clocks cleaned by the Dems.

So in answer to your question, let's settle on 2014. :)

You are going to get your clocks cleaned in 2010. :D
When we're no longer a superpower, people will correctly point to the Bush years as the beginning of the end of that period of American history.

So, expect to hear about his incompetence for awhile...

bullshit and you know it

obama just drooled about china's power this week and about sharing power and about how the US as the sole superpower is not necessary....the US does not need to be afraid of china's rise in power....

nice try

bullshit and you know it

obama just drooled about china's power this week and about sharing power and about how the US as the sole superpower is not necessary....the US does not need to be afraid of china's rise in power....

nice try


What utter hypocrisy.
Meme, Tutu Blabba, Yurtle.......poor folk that just don't understand what a surplus is, and how a surplus is used when there is an economic downturn.

The Shrub & company blew our surplus on an unnecessary and unwarranted invasion/occupation of Iraq.

Like Onceler said:

Bush inhereted a slight downturn, with a budget surplus & relative peace.

Obama inherited the worst downturn in decades, a huge deficit and 2 wars.

LOL, like normal the lefties all ride in to save their hero and not answer the BIG QUESTION..

HOW much friggen longer is the man-boy in chief going to keep whining about what he inherited from the Bush administration..It's becoming embarrassing for you all and your party..

LOL, like normal the lefties all ride in to save their hero and not answer the BIG QUESTION..

HOW much friggen longer is the man-boy in chief going to keep whining about what he inherited from the Bush administration..It's becoming embarrassing for you all and your party..


Hey, calm down stupid. No need to keep on and on. No need to keep trying to prove what we all know: that you are stupid.