What can be done to prevent Islamic Jihadism in America


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I remember after 9/11 the government asking people for ideas on how to fight the islamic terrorists....perhaps they need some more ideas now.

First of all there was suspicion regarding the home where the jihadists in San Bernadino were staying..............but it was not reported because...ya know as this was kalifornicate....the peeps did not want to be accused of waycism ya know...cant have dat.................http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2015...ch-redlands-home-tied-to-suspect-syed-farook/
Start with not giving them the tools they need, make it as hard as possible for them to get the tools.

Then education, education, education. The best weapon against hate is education.
Additionally we need to be careful not to fall into their trap, they are trying to provoke us into a bad decision that will give them more power. Xenophobic behavior and action against the non-violent Muslims will give them credence to the argument that the West hates all Muslims and that it is All of Us against All of Them.
Additionally we need to be careful not to fall into their trap, they are trying to provoke us into a bad decision that will give them more power. Xenophobic behavior and action against the non-violent Muslims will give them credence to the argument that the West hates all Muslims and that it is All of Us against All of Them.

Translation: I am very disappointed this last attack wasn't a Christian so I am going to go back to putting my head in the sand
Outlaw "Gun Free Zones." Outlaw California. Never fear being called a racist, issue "Open Carry" permits to all non-Muslims.
Outlaw "Gun Free Zones." Outlaw California. Never fear being called a racist, issue "Open Carry" permits to all non-Muslims.

And you claim to be an advocate of smaller government, now we know you are just another big government supporter when it fits your agenda.
Translation: I am very disappointed this last attack wasn't a Christian so I am going to go back to putting my head in the sand

This was an anomaly compared to those attacks by Christians.

"Today a shooter opened fire at a community college in Oregon. Early media reports indicate numerous fatalities and a number of additional people wounded. That brings the total of mass shootings this year -- incidents where four or more people are killed or injured by gunfire -- to 294.

There have been only 274 days this year. The shootings are captured in this calendar, drawn from the the Mass Shooting Tracker. The tracker draws some criticism because its definition is broader than the FBI's definition, which requires three or more people to be killed by gunfire. But the broader definition is nonetheless a useful one, because it captures many high-profile instances of violence — like the Lafayette theater shootings — that don't meet the FBI's criteria.

Charleston. Lafayette. Virginia. Now, Roseburg, Ore. But beneath the steady drumbeat of these high-profile cases lie the hundreds of daily mass shootings that most of us never hear about. Eleven wounded in a Georgia barroom. Six shot outside a Tulsa nightclub. A pregnant mom and grandmother killed, an infant wounded in Chicago.

We've gone no more than eight days without one of these incidents this year. On six days in September, there were three mass shootings or more. If the initial casualty figures in Oregon hold up, that would bring the total of deaths by mass shooting this year to 380 so far, with well over 1,000 injured.

And of course, there's the broader universe of nearly 10,000 people killed and 20,000 wounded in nearly 40,000 gun violence incidents so far this year."


Start with not giving them the tools they need, make it as hard as possible for them to get the tools.

Then education, education, education. The best weapon against hate is education.
do you honestly think you can educate them out of their faith ?
This was an anomaly compared to those attacks by Christians.

"Today a shooter opened fire at a community college in Oregon. Early media reports indicate numerous fatalities and a number of additional people wounded. That brings the total of mass shootings this year -- incidents where four or more people are killed or injured by gunfire -- to 294.

There have been only 274 days this year. The shootings are captured in this calendar, drawn from the the Mass Shooting Tracker. The tracker draws some criticism because its definition is broader than the FBI's definition, which requires three or more people to be killed by gunfire. But the broader definition is nonetheless a useful one, because it captures many high-profile instances of violence — like the Lafayette theater shootings — that don't meet the FBI's criteria.

Charleston. Lafayette. Virginia. Now, Roseburg, Ore. But beneath the steady drumbeat of these high-profile cases lie the hundreds of daily mass shootings that most of us never hear about. Eleven wounded in a Georgia barroom. Six shot outside a Tulsa nightclub. A pregnant mom and grandmother killed, an infant wounded in Chicago.

We've gone no more than eight days without one of these incidents this year. On six days in September, there were three mass shootings or more. If the initial casualty figures in Oregon hold up, that would bring the total of deaths by mass shooting this year to 380 so far, with well over 1,000 injured.

And of course, there's the broader universe of nearly 10,000 people killed and 20,000 wounded in nearly 40,000 gun violence incidents so far this year."


How do you know they were Christians killing in the name of Christianity?

I understand if you can't answer.
Additionally we need to be careful not to fall into their trap, they are trying to provoke us into a bad decision that will give them more power. Xenophobic behavior and action against the non-violent Muslims will give them credence to the argument that the West hates all Muslims and that it is All of Us against All of Them.

It is all of us against all of them. Always has been, at that...
Start with not giving them the tools they need, make it as hard as possible for them to get the tools.

Then education, education, education. The best weapon against hate is education.

Education. Yes, we fear the unknown. So I agree with you there, 100% and it may be good for those who are weary of Muslims in general.
But why would we educate ourselves about radical hatred. Or lets look at this from the other side? How can we possibly educate fanatics? Pick them out, one by one, brainwash and retrain them? How?
We have to find a way to come together, perhaps through education, uniting our citizenry, so that we can say, together, "we are not your enemy". You can go home now?
But how to we unite? Who leads us to unity? On what common ground?
I have never seen a people so divided, so hopeless, so scared. We are fighting each other more than any "outsider" ever could.
Everyone wants to be right, wants to be heard, wants satisfaction for a perceived wrong. All while "the wolf" is at our door, really wanting to give us something to cry about.
Start at home. Check the ego. Embrace your neighbors. Go from there.