What College Football needs

This is not a rhetorical question because I don't know the answer. Have any amateur athletes unionized in the past?
Oh yes. They've tried to unionise college football in the past. I also used to belong to a sports union. The United States Cycling Federation is a union and if you're a licensed racer you recieve specific benefits depending on your category (1 through 5 with cat 1 being pros). That include the right to strike and more then one bike race has been halted due to strikes by the athletes, usually over unsafe racing conditions. Cycling teams have also suffered work stopages from strikes due to unsafe or bad working conditions.

The problem with college football is that it's amature status is just one great big sham and that's the major corrupting influence on college football.
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Well no shit you moron. That's the whole point of unionizing. It would force the NCAA to recognize them as employees, compensate them accordingly and appropriately and provide them with the required health and safety benefits, such as, insurance, workers compensation, disability insurance, etc,.
Or.... The NCAA could refuse to ever recognize them as employees, because they AREN'T FUCKIN' EMPLOYEES, AND NEVER WILL BE!! You'd have a better case arguing that the students who work in the libraries, labs, food services, transportation services, security, etc. should unionize, because those students are actually employees who receive pay and possible benefits.
Mott want major change becuase what he will see from Ohio Slow this season won't be football. Shit they were 2nd tier before all the Live by the thug die by the thug shit hits the fan.
Well no shit you moron. That's the whole point of unionizing. It would force the NCAA to recognize them as employees, compensate them accordingly and appropriately and provide them with the required health and safety benefits, such as, insurance, workers compensation, disability insurance, etc,.

And then wouldn't the schools be forced to recognize all athletes as "employees", regardless of the profit margin of their sport? East Tennessee State's football players will be compensated even though they only won two games. Their croquet team won the regionals, so should they be compensated too? And all the women's athletics would have to be paid the same.

Talk about a quick way to close a university or end a football program...
Here's what Mott seems to not get... The Athletic Department at any school, is controlled by the Board of Directors, Regents, whatever.. and the Dean, Chancellor, President, of the institution. These people are not about to give away the cash cow because they like Mott's idea. What would possibly be the reason a school would embrace such a notion? Let's say Mott campaigns for this idiocy and convinces all the football programs to adopt a union and do this... what is to prevent the school from saying, hey.. ya knowwhat? We don't think we need a football program anymore, thanks...bu-bye! The way I see it, there is nothing... the public doesn't own college football teams, they aren't even owned by entities other than the institutions with whom they are associated. This is why you currently have academic standards and stuff.
And then wouldn't the schools be forced to recognize all athletes as "employees", regardless of the profit margin of their sport? East Tennessee State's football players will be compensated even though they only won two games. Their croquet team won the regionals, so should they be compensated too? And all the women's athletics would have to be paid the same.

Talk about a quick way to close a university or end a football program...

Oh, fuck yeah, I want to be on a college croquet team. I bet there are hella hotties I could hook up with on the ladies end. ROFL
You don't know what you're talking about. I have to many family members who have been union members. Unions built not only a big chunk of this country but they also built the middle class. I'm reasonably sure some southern rednecks have no use for a union....that's why ya'll give up your rights when you walk into your employers door.

Unions are nothing more than a cancer to a free people.

The true slave owner is the union.

How much more will the union take from me?

Why can't unions take care of their own without taking from people like me?
I would like to modify my post. Unions in the private sector have their function, however, there are no advantages to having a public sector union. If you get your pay from taxpayers you have no right to a union that negotiates your pay, benefits and retirement.