What country in the world has the most guns?

I will not let your ignorance pass.
It is indeed ILA that is attempting to re-write history.

The facts are the facts. The ACLU filed lawsuits claiming that the gobblement could not keep mentally ill people off the street unless they were a danger to themselves or others. Why are you so ignorant of history? Is it because it doesn't fit with your narrative so you are forced to lie? Or were you just not taught properly?
The facts are the facts. The ACLU filed lawsuits claiming that the gobblement could not keep mentally ill people off the street unless they were a danger to themselves or others. Why are you so ignorant of history? Is it because it doesn't fit with your narrative so you are forced to lie? Or were you just not taught properly?

My wife has a master's degree in Social Work from Simmons College followed by ten years in a Harvard teaching hospital. I am well aware of the truth of the GOP budget cuts. Go fuck yourself.
It is the role of the armed citizen to protect us from government tyranny.

Isn't it?
I am proposing more than a $500 yearly limit on mental health treatment for insurance policies, like maybe no limit.
I am proposing enough hospital beds available that when someone needs help there is somewhere to send them.
I am proposing training for police so at least sometimes they might recognize a mental health issue instead of opening fire.
I am proposing Judges be better educated in mental health issues.
I am proposing society accept someone with mental health problems the same way they accept someone with a broken leg, to de-stigmatize the condition.
I am proposing single payer insurance so anyone who needs help can get it.
I am proposing that school "psychologists" actually be psychologists.
I am proposing that society advances to the point where going to a therapist is a good idea, not something to be hidden and not talked about.
I am proposing that psychiatrists have some type of supervision so that when one dies, their patients are not left alone in the world with no one to turn to, and no idea what to do about it.
I am proposing that practitioners of western medicine be trained to treat or least be aware of the entire patient, and not meet every symptom with a chemical treatment.
I am proposing that social workers and child care providers be paid as if they are responsible for our most precious resources since they are.
I am proposing that children be asigned some value in society, despite that fact that they can't vote and seldom have much disposable money.
I am proposing that more woman be authority figures, since that is the only correlation I can make to the slight drop in violence we have finally achieved.
I am proposing that the ERA be passed, since it's failure was an act of violence itself. How could we as a country possibly judge women as less deserving than men?
I am proposing that the causes of despair and hopelessness be decreased by voting down the GOP in the next election.

I am not proposing anything like you assumed I was proposing.

It is your rewriting history you dumb cunt


It was liberals like you that dismantled the mental health protections that used to be in place. Bleeding fucking heart liberals like you. So these innocent deaths you claim to care so much about are on your head


"When Ronald Reagan arrived in Washington, he inherited the Mental Health Systems Act of 1980. One of the last achievements of Pres. Jimmy Carter, this was passed by the House 277 to 15, in the Senate, 93 to 3. With as many critics as there were special interests, it was far from perfect. Yet it expanded the federal government's commitment to services, to research, to training professionals, and to patient rights. It identified stigma as an impediment to seeking and receiving services. It established parity in Medicaid and Medicare. It recognized the link between physical health and mental health. And it dedicated $800 million over 4 years to redress the gross neglect of the commitment to mental health in earlier administrations. In short, it moved an agenda that minimized homelessness, the reliance on expensive nursing homes, jails and prisons, and one that to more hopeful choices for those who needed help.

The Mental Health Systems Act was a milestone. It came on the heels of four years of hearings and a presidential task force benefiting from First Lady Rosalynn Carter's active involvement. Philosophically it affirmed Pres. John F. Kennedy's Community Mental Health Centers, an attempt to thwart hospitalizations. It fit into the safety-net values championed by Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson with the passage of Medicaid and Medicare.

Still, by 1980 the nation needed more for those with a chronic illness. Many failures accompanied the attempts to close the miserable hospitals, often little more than warehouses, to help patients succeed in the community. The neglect of government support conspired to form a patchwork system with notable gaping holes. A 1977 GAO report said, "Government needs to do more." Congressional hearings in 1979 re-affirmed the need to strengthen impoverished services and the failed policies. Although not perfect, the Mental Health Systems Act responded to these problems. For the first time since the National Institute of Mental Health became part of NIH in 1949, mental health was front and center in federal policy.

Then came Ronald Reagan. Within a month, the Office of Management Budget announced it would curtail the budget of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), phase out training of clinicians, interrupt research, and eliminate services. Cutbacks to staff followed; chaos ensued. Experienced people left, others remained in government service but were forced into menial jobs. Trained professionals were reassigned to labs to dissect dead rats; science writers were reassigned to typing pools. The Mental Health Systems Act would be disappear. Instead, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (1982) would merge money for mental health programs into block grants, and with fewer dollars going to the states. They had the discretion to use them however they saw fit, often to perpetuate programs already deemed problematic. The pretense for all this was the president's concept of a "new federalism."

This could have been enough, but it was not. Pres. Reagan attempted to restrict criteria for determining eligibility for SSI, thought to be a safety-net. Nearly 2.6 million people were receiving insurance because their disability prevented them from working. New evaluations for eligibility led to widespread terminations. Of those who were terminated, about half appealed, and in two-thirds of the cases, administrative law judges reversed the decision. The process took nearly a year, during which time they, and their families, were deprived of promised help. About 340,000 people would lose their insurance before public outcry and courts halted the process. Sen. John Heinz, a liberal Republican from Pennsylvania, told the New York Times the policy was a "meat grinder." Sen. Carl Levin, Michigan Democrat, said the reviews caused "unconscionable suffering." In June 1983 HHS Secretary Margaret Heckler announced she would halt suspending about 135,000 people until the government could improve standards for "functional psychotic disorders." By then, however, the nation was doubting the president's kindness. A1982 Louis Harris survey found nearly three-quarters of the respondents said the president was hard-hearted toward the poor.

These are the facts. And they add up to a roll-back of opportunities for people already struggling with a psychiatric illness. Whatever spin accompanies the birthday celebrations for Ronald Reagan, we should not create yet another mythic figure, larger than life, more pure than Ivory soap, or with qualities he did not have. He may have portrayed himself as everybody's lifeguard, but he seemed willing to let people with a psychiatric illness sink."

And what tragic irony that Reagan's own mental state deteriorated prior to death, yet he received the very finest of care, protection and preservation of his dignity.

Good riddance, scumbag.
And what tragic irony that Reagan's own mental state deteriorated prior to death, yet he received the very finest of care, protection and preservation of his dignity.

Good riddance, scumbag.

I'm so sick of the saintliness righties ascribe to reagan. From his positions on AIDS and mental health to his Iran-Contra treason, he was worthless. His act as a US president deserved an Oscar, though. He certainly managed to fool way too many on the right.
I'm so sick of the saintliness righties ascribe to reagan. From his positions on AIDS and mental health to his Iran-Contra treason, he was worthless. His act as a US president deserved an Oscar, though. He certainly managed to fool way too many on the right.

He's dead now, and that's good. One less lying scumbag. :)
I'm so sick of the saintliness righties ascribe to reagan. From his positions on AIDS and mental health to his Iran-Contra treason, he was worthless. His act as a US president deserved an Oscar, though. He certainly managed to fool way too many on the right.
Yes, things would have been much better if Carter were re-elected.