What did Gays lose with Prop 8 Passing


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I am ignorant on california law, and haven't really bothered to google search.

It is my understanding that they still have civil unions there, correct?

So I would like to know what they lost with prop 8 passing, what rights did they have before that they do not have now.

I am not being facetious.

Thank you.
There are some 177 privileges marriage affords that civil unions do not typically. I can't presently find the list, but a little effort of your own would turn this up.
I am ignorant on california law, and haven't really bothered to google search.

It is my understanding that they still have civil unions there, correct?

So I would like to know what they lost with prop 8 passing, what rights did they have before that they do not have now.

I am not being facetious.

Thank you.

They have all rights as married couples do without the right to be viewed by the state as 'married'. So technically they didn't lose anything but obviously to them its all about equality and the right to be married.
ok ib1 and cawacko have contradicting opinions. which is it

I'm right. Marriage and civil unions are not the same legally. They do not afford the same privileges.

Washington reworked its civil union laws recently to give more marriage privileges to civil union couples, but they don't have all of them. I don't know how many they have in CA, but I guarantee it's not the same as marriage.
For instance, the ability to visit a loved on in a hospital was not recognized as a privilege of civil unions in Washington until recently.
And what did Black children lose in not being able to go to schools with white kids? I am not trying to be a smart ass here. Seperate but equal is not equal. All the additional hoops that same sex couples have to jump through to make Civil Unions the equivilent of marriage prove that they are not equal. It is still pretty clear that Civil Unions lack portability, Connecticut and Georgia's courts have ruled in the past that their states did not have to acknowledge them because their state did not have civil union law at the time. I am not sure about Conn but I am pretty sure GA is still unfriendly to civil unions. Civil Unions are not terminated in the same way as marriage and in many states there were be no way to ensure that both parties left their union with equal property. This would then require the hiring of an attorney at the BEGINNING of the Union to establish contractual obligations and rights at much greater cost to the couple.

Civil Unions are not recognized by the federal government, you cannot, for instance sponsor a partner for immigration into the US under federal law if you are merely in a civil union. A right given to those that are able to marry. Also partners are not covered under the federal family leave act.

This is just a few ways in which people are denied MORE than just the title Married.
So, if you get a same sex marriage in one state, it has to be recognized in another state even if they don't have laws for same sex marriage?
They lost nothing. California gives them the same rights as a married couple, in California they call it a domestic partnership. What is different is at the federal level, no federal tax benefits, social security, etc. If they move to another state other than Vermont, Connecticut, and New Jersey, it would not be recognized. The reason they are pissed, is because California was going to be the launching pad to have the The Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA overturned. Passage of Prop 8 threw a monkey wrench in their plan.
And what did Black children lose in not being able to go to schools with white kids?


That is exactly what I said when Grind peppered me with this inanity. We can't have a separate but equal legal system, and like it or not Grind, most people do have emotions, and the word "marriage" simply has an entire emotional connotation to it. If straights can get "marriages", gays should be able to also, or neither should get them.
So, if you get a same sex marriage in one state, it has to be recognized in another state even if they don't have laws for same sex marriage?

The full faith and credit clause in the constitution would indicate that, but due to jurisdiction stripping in the DOMA states are allowed to ignore that part of the constitution without judicial review.

That is exactly what I said when Grind peppered me with this inanity. We can't have a separate but equal legal system, and like it or not Grind, most people do have emotions, and the word "marriage" simply has an entire emotional connotation to it. If straights can get "marriages", gays should be able to also, or neither should get them.

shut the fuck up you idiot. My question was not a facetious one. You were just too STUPID to give me an actual answer when I talked to you.