What did Obama mean by saying We're going to Transform America?

Guno צְבִי;5915243 said:
Arby the simple minded rube thinks people of color will come after his kind. He is too stupid to see nature and the demographic shift is doing the job on his kind. Nevertheless, Arby the rube will be at the ready, armed, the defender of white xtian "kuture" :rolleyes:

Nope, not people of color. How about you come to destroy my culture, maggot. Will you lead the charge, or will you hide with the cowards? And yeah, you bet I'm armed...

“The Obamas are RUNNING the Country,” says military historian Victor Davis Hanson.

Barack Obama said he wanted to serve a third term “in my basement in my sweats.” And he’s “living his dream” using Joe Biden as a “cardboard person they cut out,” declared

“Obama never moved the country as left as he wanted to. He was too timid, and he felt that he wasn’t yet ready. He would hurt his legacy if he didn’t get reelected. It was too dangerous. So now, with Joe Biden, he’s living his dream.”

In November 2020, Barack Obama said to Stephen Colbert:

“And I used to say, ‘You know what, if I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front man or a front woman, and they had an earpiece in, and I was just in my basement with my sweats looking through the stuff, and I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, I would be fine with that.’”

“That’s what he’s doing right now,” remarked Hanson.

“The Obamas are running the country. When my point is – they want Joe Biden the way he is because he’s a construct. He’s just a cardboard person they cut out and they plopped him down in the basement, and they make him move once in a while, and then they run all of the agency. Obama’s responsible for the border. He’s responsible for the whole crime epidemic. This is what he wanted. And Biden was very useful.”

Poor Magats.

For decades we were told it was the Kennedy's running the country.

Then the Clintons were running it.

Now Obama.

Magats are just so stupid that even when they win every office and should be running the country it is really Dems that do, simply because they are not stupid and you are.

See sig.
Poor Magats.

For decades we were told it was the Kennedy's running the country.

Then the Clintons were running it.

Now Obama.

Magats are just so stupid that even when they win every office and should be running the country it is really Dems that do, simply because they are not stupid and you are.

See sig.
Trumpublicans are easily duped.
Yes, Jews will replace him!!!!


"So why did the demonstrators chant anti-Semitic lines like “Jews will not replace us”?

The demonstration was suffused with anti-black racism, but also with anti-Semitism. Marchers displayed swastikas on banners and shouted slogans like “blood and soil,” a phrase drawn from Nazi ideology. “This city is run by Jewish communists and criminal niggers,” one demonstrator told Vice News’"

Charming, huh? This is who trump called, "very fine people".

The Atlantic lied - as they always do.

The chant was "YOU" will not replace us. The claims you Stalinists make are fucking stupid - how would "Jews" replace anyone with the open border? It's utterly dumb. But as I said, the Atlantic are shameless fucking liars..

There was ONE - and only ONE Swastika at Charlottesville that was brought by OWS activist Jason Kessler - a leftist. Kessler was denounced by all those around him. Of course the Stalinist press took pictures of the same flag from dozens of angles to create the fiction that there were many.

democrats are liars - the DNC press are liars.
The Atlantic lied - as they always do.

The chant was "YOU" will not replace us. The claims you Stalinists make are fucking stupid - how would "Jews" replace anyone with the open border? It's utterly dumb. But as I said, the Atlantic are shameless fucking liars..

There was ONE - and only ONE Swastika at Charlottesville that was brought by OWS activist Jason Kessler - a leftist. Kessler was denounced by all those around him. Of course the Stalinist press took pictures of the same flag from dozens of angles to create the fiction that there were many.

democrats are liars - the DNC press are liars.

LOL, I saw you quoted me and thought to myself, "oh, no. Not this guy again". Dude, everything you post is propaganda. I think you're hoping to either convince me your bullshit is factual or trigger me. I just pity you, friend.

Surprise me sometime and post an opinion we can debate. Otherwise, you're just like HE10, a naked mental case on a street corner screaming total horseshit.

Hope all is well.
LOL, I saw you quoted me and thought to myself, "oh, no. Not this guy again". Dude, everything you post is propaganda. I think you're hoping to either convince me your bullshit is factual or trigger me. I just pity you, friend.

Surprise me sometime and post an opinion we can debate. Otherwise, you're just like HE10, a naked mental case on a street corner screaming total horseshit.

Hope all is well.

Ah yes, your usual response of;


You've got nothing - as always.
We are the only industrial nation without universal healthcare. Obama was going to fix that but the power of medical lobbyists and the incredible money they make stopped him. When Americans spend time in Europe, they do not miss our healthcare system. They are so pleased to live without the cost burden and the constant worry that they are one illness or accident away from financial disaster.