What does "conservative" and "liberal" really mean nowadays?


Unfortunately, the parties have hijacked the words "liberal" and "conservative".

Conservative to me so does not mean republican and same with liberal/democrat.

Conservatism is best personified by Pat Buchanan.

Liberalism is best personified by Stalin/Mao/Pot.

Liberalism is best personified by JFK/Thomas Jefferson.

Conservatism is best personified by Hitler.

Pat Buchanan is a better representative for his category than Jefferson, whom I despise. In his time, Adams would be my choice for conservative, although Jefferson was basically a populist, and American liberalism evolved out of it via Jackson, Bryant, Wilson, FDR, JFK, LBJ and McGovern. Populism (neoconservatism) evolved the same until McGovern. Then it gave Carter a try, rallied behind Reagan and ultimately recanted on political developments since JFK.
Pat Buchanan is a better representative for his category than Jefferson, whom I despise. In his time, Adams would be my choice for conservative, although Jefferson was basically a populist, and American liberalism evolved out of it via Jackson, Bryant, Wilson, FDR, JFK, LBJ and McGovern. Populism (neoconservatism) evolved the same until McGovern. Then it gave Carter a try, rallied behind Reagan and ultimately recanted on political developments since JFK.

How can someone despise Jefferson?

But I despise that fascist idiot Pat Buchanan.

There really aren't many liberals like JFK anymore, though. Too bad.
His hypocracy and lousy character are big reasons (i.e. his association with smearmongers like Philip Freneu and Benjamin Franklin Bache, who wrote crap about his "friends" behind their backs). Also, his support of failed economic policies and southern power, which prevented the important issues from being addressed and meaningful compromises from being made. He hated debate, so the gag rule is a very Jeffersonian measure. Also, he was a populist.