What Good is McCain's Experience


He doesn't seem to understand the basics of the situation in Iraq:

AMMAN, Jordan -- Sen. John McCain, traveling in the Middle East to promote his foreign policy expertise, misidentified in remarks Tuesday which broad category of Iraqi extremists are allegedly receiving support from Iran.

He said several times that Iran, a predominately Shiite country, was supplying the mostly Sunni militant group, al-Qaeda. In fact, officials have said they believe Iran is helping Shiite extremists in Iraq.

Speaking to reporters in Amman, the Jordanian capital, McCain said he and two Senate colleagues traveling with him continue to be concerned about Iranian operatives "taking al-Qaeda into Iran, training them and sending them back."

Pressed to elaborate, McCain said it was "common knowledge and has been reported in the media that al-Qaeda is going back into Iran and receiving training and are coming back into Iraq from Iran, that's well known. And it's unfortunate." A few moments later, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, standing just behind McCain, stepped forward and whispered in the presidential candidate's ear. McCain then said: "I'm sorry, the Iranians are training extremists, not al-Qaeda."

But Obama's pastor said nasty things.

McCain carrying on the tradition of stupidity in Iraq for Bush.
and those who vote for him are just re-endorsing the Bush machine.
What Good is McCain's Experience

He keeps silly little leftist ankle-biters busy, tilting at windmills and staying out of the adults' way. :lolup:
Yup McCain hit this one out of the park to. Unfortunately it was backwards over the backstop, and out in the rear parking lot. FOUL BALL! But who cares if he knows anything about Iran and Iraq. He's got Reverand Hagee's endorsement! Yahoo the Right Wing Christian seal of approval! He'll hate liberals!, he'll hate queers! this is all we needs to hears! Vote GOP!
I think he misspoke, like all of us do from time to time. Somebody corrected him, and realizing he had made a mistake, he corrected it. I think this is far better than somebody who would refuse to correct such an error because they don't want to admit they are wrong. Somebody who has an initial of W somewhere in his name comes to mind.
Obama is a man of the world, he is a scholar, well spoken, and a uniter. He believes in hope, whereas John mccain does not believe in hope. He's just a crusty old man that wants to be against hope and change because he thinks it's his time to be president. In november, the people will refuse to be lied to any longer and light will shine in america once again.
Obama is a man of the world, he is a scholar, well spoken, and a uniter. He believes in hope, whereas John mccain does not believe in hope. He's just a crusty old man that wants to be against hope and change because he thinks it's his time to be president. In november, the people will refuse to be lied to any longer and light will shine in america once again.

You are a terrible troll. There are several good and funny ones on this board. Please take notes.
It's not a momentary flub or faux paus. McCain is lying. He knows exactly what he's doing.

He said Iran is training Al Qaeda, AGAIN, on Hugh Hewitts wingnut radio show monday night.


McCain can't keep his stories straight, but I think that's intentional. I think, in front of the mainstream media he had to correct himself likely because Lieberman was smart enough to know the mainstream media might call him on that little false factoid.

But, in rightwing media and greater wingnuttotopia, I think McCain is quite happy to keep dishing out the lie of Iran-Al Qaeda ties. Because that's what the right wing does: it conflates muslims groups and nations together, into one big nebulous universal threat. I can't tell you how many rightwingers have told me that Iran and Al Qaeda are allies.
So even after being reminded by tailgunner Joe that it was extremists and NOT Al Qaeda he "misspeaks" again? If that is true someone needs to question either his mental faculties or his ability to tell the truth.
So even after being reminded by tailgunner Joe that it was extremists and NOT Al Qaeda he "misspeaks" again? If that is true someone needs to question either his mental faculties or his ability to tell the truth.

He either doesn't know the difference between shia theocrats, and sunni extremists - who happen to be blood enemies - or, he's lying to his wingnut base who like to conflate and believe that all muslims are allied in some unholy caliphate who desire to invade the united states.
It's not a momentary flub or faux paus. McCain is lying. He knows exactly what he's doing.

He said Iran is training Al Qaeda, AGAIN, on Hugh Hewitts wingnut radio show monday night.


McCain can't keep his stories straight, but I think that's intentional. I think, in front of the mainstream media he had to correct himself likely because Lieberman was smart enough to know the mainstream media might call him on that little false factoid.

But, in rightwing media and greater wingnuttotopia, I think McCain is quite happy to keep dishing out the lie of Iran-Al Qaeda ties. Because that's what the right wing does: it conflates muslims groups and nations together, into one big nebulous universal threat. I can't tell you how many rightwingers have told me that Iran and Al Qaeda are allies.
Yeah, I was going to post that if he continued to repeat it afterward then it would point to his attempt to associate another nation with Al Qaeda. Making a "mistake" like that once, not a big deal, it is probably a mistake. Making it repeatedly after being corrected is different.